Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 151: Medical school

After Wei Xiao finished the third sign language, the helicopter flew in other directions.

"He, how did they go? Didn't they come to rescue us?" Someone panicked.

"Don't make a noise!" Mu Feng snorted coldly, and then asked the man with glasses: "What did he say?"

"He seems to be saying, let us stay here and wait for rescue. The time is nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Are there any other than these?"

The man with glasses shook his head: "He reminded so much."

"Tomorrow? Why not today?"

"Are they perfunct us?"

Without real relief, no one in the supermarket will be at ease.

Mu Feng didn't know how to explain to these people. After all, Wei Xiao and the others did not take any action.

Wait for tomorrow?

Don’t you know that the most painful thing now is tomorrow?

"Mu Feng, do you think it is credible?" Teacher Wang asked.

Mu Feng thought for a while, and said unconfidently: "They shouldn't have to tease us. If it were just a farce, they wouldn't have taken Shuwang them away a month ago."

"I also think it's possible. Anyway, they told me the time. At nine o'clock tomorrow morning, we only need to pay attention to the outside situation at around nine o'clock tomorrow. Even if it's just a farce, it will not affect us much. At most, we will leave here. The plan is renegotiated."

Mu Feng thinks so too.

"Okay, now we can wait for the rescue with peace of mind. On the last day, the supplies in the supermarket are left for three days. The rest, everyone enjoys today." As Mu Feng looked at Xu Tinghong and others, he smiled evilly. : "You haven't cleaned it well for many days. The mineral water in the supermarket is given priority to you. Wash it well."

Seeing the smile on Mu Feng's face, Xu Tinghong and the others didn't know what he was thinking.

Xu Tinghong and the others did not resist either.

There is no difference between that kind of thing once and N times. Once there is a precedent, no one will be particularly repulsive.

"Let's clean it and bring half of the mineral water."

"I see, Teacher Xu."

A group of female students with a face value of 80 or more entered the passage between the shelves, and then large and small bottles of mineral water were collected by them and placed in a corner.

When the men in the supermarket saw this scene, all of them were tickled.

"Boss, we are blessed. The whole body smells stinky when we are doing it with them these few days, and I almost forgot the fragrance of women."

"The boss still has an idea, hehe..."

"It's Mu Feng who has ideas, so he is the boss here. It's best to keep it for Mu Feng for a while." Teacher Wang smirked.


"I only need Teacher Xu, and you pick the others yourself." Mu Feng left a sentence, and then turned to go to the shelf to get food.

During this time, because the food is getting less and less, they all eat sparingly.

Now I am determined to either wait for Wei Xiao and the others to rescue or leave here. They can't take the supplies in the supermarket anyway, so I might as well let myself have a big meal.

When other people saw Mu Feng's actions, they all went to get delicious food.

As for the corners where the women are, they are not afraid of being seen by the men. They take off their clothes and pants one by one, and wash their bodies collectively with mineral water.

It's luxurious enough to speak of.

Taking a bath with mineral water, this kind of treatment, before the end of the world, not many people have done it.

Wei Xiao is on their side.

After confirming that there were no survivors at the Film Academy except for the supermarket, they flew towards the Normal University.

Compared with the film school, the number of students in the normal school is a lot less, but there is an advantage in this school that the film school did not have, that is, the historical sites.

The Teachers College was built on the mountain. In ancient times, there were traces of ancient people on many of the mountains here.

Poems, poems, famous sayings and epigrams are all trails, like the retreats of elegant people in ancient times, and the pavilions built by the literati gathered between these peaks.

In order to protect these cultural monuments, people are renovating and maintaining the original things without destroying the original things. This also makes the Teachers College there are many mountains and pavilions.

Where there are mountains, there are defensive locations. As long as the people inside are not stupid, it is okay to build a defensive base on certain terrain in a short time.

After the plane arrived at the Normal University, Wei Xiao and the others found five survivors' strongholds in just one lap.

Two of them are in the mountains, and the remaining three are on the upper floors of the teaching and office buildings. Wei Xiao is not sure about the number of people, but there are more than a hundred people.

Wei Xiao used the same method on the plane to tell them to wait for rescue tomorrow, and then flew to the next location.

Pearl University, as one of the ten most famous institutions of higher learning in Longxia Kingdom, has more students here, and the survivors are not comparable to those of the previous two colleges. Of course, the area of ​​the school is also large enough.

Wei Xiao and the others searched for tens of minutes.

After three laps, they could determine the number of survivors as many as three hundred people. As for whether there were any more, Wei Xiao no longer cared.

The last medical school.

Here Wei Xiao is the focus of attention.

No matter when, doctors are one of the important talent reserves.

No one does not get sick, and no one guarantees that he will be killed by a small cold.

There were only Li Yuyao and Shen Xiaocai in the base, and the medical and nursing power was still too lacking for Wei Xiao.

Therefore, in the last search for the medical school, Wei Xiao found that the survivors did not intend to leave.

"Lord, because of our arrival, there have been a lot of zombies here. Will it be too dangerous for you to stay?"

"You don't need to worry about my safety. Just talk to Shu Wang and the others after you go back. In addition, tomorrow you will bring your team and Leng Chengfeng. Arrive here before seven o'clock. We will give priority to the survivors of the medical school. go."

"Understand! Lord, be careful, you are now the backbone of our base."

Wei Xiao patted Yi Jianfeng on the shoulder, carrying a few grenades, two pistols, a rifle and some bullets on him, and he jumped directly from the plane to the building of a teaching building.

This time Wei Xiao didn't bring the Bone Mo knife out.

Although this will greatly limit his strength, he can deal with only a small number of zombies.

Seeing that Wei Xiao had landed safely, Yi Jianfeng on the plane gave him a thumbs up, and then piloted the helicopter to leave.

Wei Xiao held the rifle in his hand and walked slowly to the edge of the roof.

Located in a place more than ten stories high, the group of corpses below has a full view.

Minghai City is worthy of being a populous city, and the number of zombies attracted by their helicopters alone is no less than hundreds of thousands.

Although some of them were taken away because of Yi Jianfeng's departure, there were still tens of thousands of zombies who had flooded into the medical school and failed to leave in the first time.

This is just a bright spot, in the dark, I don't know how many zombies are still hidden.

Looking at the two giant zombies in the corpse group, Wei Xiao checked, then turned and walked downstairs.

If he read it right, the eleventh floor of this teaching building should be the location of a survivor's stronghold.


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