Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1539: Monitor the world

Mysterious man: "Is the emperor still satisfied?"

The other party didn't seem to be angry because of Chu Tianhe's rudeness, but asked calmly.


A look of surprise flashed across Chu Tianhe's face, and he burst out laughing.

"From the time your Excellency entered this hall, I knew that you were definitely not an ordinary person, and I couldn't help but ask for advice for a while. You really didn't disappoint me."

"Without any strength, how can you help the Emperor of Heaven deal with the person you want to deal with?"

"well said."

As Chu Tianhe said, the gloom between his eyebrows flashed away.

After looking around, Chu Tianhe changed the subject: "Since he is here to help me, he is my friend. Obviously this place is no longer suitable for the next conversation. How about a different place?"

"The guest will do whatever you want."

"Quickly. Let's go! I believe the next conversation will be very interesting."

"I think so too."

Chu Tianhe didn't say anything, and motioned for the two girls behind him.

Then led them out of the hall.

The southern continent is destined to make waves again.


The Eastern Continent, the immortal city.

The dark night was ended with the extinction of Liu Xian'er.

The remnants now dare not continue to stay in the east and west continents. Except for those who were secretly washed out, the rest of the living people have crossed the sea and fled to the southern continent.

With the return of Chen Haojie and others who encircled the dark night, Wei Xiao took a new move after only a few days of rest.

And his action this time directly caused an uproar among the major forces on the east and west continents.

"Wei Xiao simply deceived people too much. He freely intervenes in the management of other people's forces. Who does he think he is? Is the world the master?"

"Hateful, really hateful. Wei Xiao's move is simply dividing the power in our hands, how dare he?"

"Wei Xiao's ambition is already known to everyone. He really wants to be the real co-master of the world!"

"This world is such a reality. A big fist is the last word. Objection? Haha!"

"Boss, what should we do? Do we really want people from the Immortal City to enter our base?"

"Do you have a better way?"


Just a day ago, the Immortal City, Wei Xiao to be precise, issued an order to all forces at the same time.

Because the effects of the dark night are too bad, it has even affected the future of the human race. For the revival of the human race, the immortal city will set up personnel monitoring stations in all the spheres of influence on the east and west continents in the future.

What is a personnel monitoring station?

Simply put, it is a department that can directly authenticate the population of the end times, ensure personal safety of personnel, and supervise itinerary.

A little more complicated, that is, Wei Xiao wants to monitor the world.

Externally, Wei Xiao declared that the purpose of doing so was to prevent the "dark night" from happening again.

The main reason for the rise of Dark Night is that in these last days, many people's information still belongs to the whiteboard, and some people are missing, either ignored or impossible to inquire. At the same time, there are also the high-levels of major forces not paying attention to personnel safety issues.

Since all parties are not prepared in this regard, the immortal city will work harder to set up personnel monitoring stations for the major forces.

This department is mainly divided into two parts.

One is responsible for registering hukou for existing humans and conducting censuses of the population from time to time.

Once a person is found missing or missing for more than three days, immediately file the record and conduct a follow-up investigation.

The other department belongs to the armed department.

The personnel of this department do not need to do anything. The only requirement is that once a person disappears or loses contact, if necessary, he shall directly resort to force to rescue or attack by evil forces.

Well, it's similar to "World Official Badges".

In this department, anyone from any power can join.

But after joining, their mission is to fight for the safety of human life at any time. In addition, they must not participate in other wars launched in any form, including human civil wars and foreign wars.

Knowing what the checkpoints are doing, at first glance you still think it’s not a good thing?

There is a department that specializes in protecting the safety of humans in the world. In the future, "Dark Night" will secretly kidnap survivors. Not to mention that this department can rescue people in the first place, but as long as such things happen, not only can they be quickly controlled. It makes people more vigilant, and at the same time, they can find out and deal with the spots as soon as possible for those animals who want to imitate the dark night, which completely prevents the next "dark night" from appearing.

Regardless of what other people think, but the people living in the middle and low-level of the major forces, they are all in favor of it.

With this regulatory agency, I believe that those who want to make opportunities and take shortcuts for the sake of their strength will not dare to be as arrogant as "Dark Night".

Even if such people still exist, they are not destined to become a climate.

But for those upper-level personnel, this move of Wei Xiao's chess was simply cutting meat on their hearts.


Because of the establishment of a power, the most important resource is population.

When a power loses control over the most basic and important information of the population and the right to identity authentication, what qualifications do they have to say that these people are their citizens?

What's even more frightening is that when everyone walks in this world with an identity certificate issued by the Immortal City, over time, what power do you think they think they are?

Unfortunately, even if the major forces can recognize this, and even think that Wei Xiao will influence all aspects of other forces through this department, they cannot resist Wei Xiao's decision.

Who makes Wei Xiao's fist big?

He just tells you plainly that I will take care of the personnel on your base, and if you still can't intervene, if you refuse to accept it, then you will fight until you are satisfied.

The absolute strength is there, and facing Wei Xiao's hegemonic behavior, the big men of the major forces complained privately.

When the immortal city personnel enter the base, you have to pretend to be welcoming.

The matters of the monitoring station are proceeding in an orderly manner.

When Wei Xiao and the others wanted to further expand the influence of this department, information about Bai Youwei and others from the Southern Continent was sent to Wei Xiao's hands.

"Youwei is injured, Wu Qing and their life and death are unknown, this, this..."

"How could this happen?"

When Shu Wang and the others saw the information sent from the Southern Continent, they were all stunned.

Especially about Mu Wuqing and their information.

Mu Wuqing, Jiang Xiyu and Ni Qingcheng do not know whether they are alive or dead?

Shu Wang and the others knew that the Southern Continent was about to change.

The fact is also true.

Wei Xiao: "I'll go to the southern mainland."

There was nothing cruel, nor did Wei Xiao feel any anger.

Upon hearing the news, he only left a word, took a brand-new Emperor Sword from Villa No. 1, and drove Xiao Jiu towards the southern mainland at three o'clock in the morning that day.

Southern continent.

It has been three days since Mu Wuqing and the others disappeared.

"Have you not found it yet?"

"I'm sorry, my queen."

Li Xiangfeng lowered his head: "We went to investigate the place where the incident occurred, but it was already deserted there. But one thing is certain is that the sage avatar is still there."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

Hearing Li Xiangfeng's words, Bai Youwei's desolate figure staggered and almost fell.

Yan Yi, who was still on the side, quickly supported him with his eyesight.

Her complexion was a little pale, and Bai Youwei's eyes were full of pain.

Li Xiangfeng didn't bring the news she wanted. Instead, the sentence "The sage avatar is still there" was like a sharp blade piercing her heart.

Mu Wuqing and the others are still without a trace, but the holy judge is safe and sound. What does this mean?

Bai Youwei didn't dare to think about it at all.

"Sister You Wei, Sister Wu Qing, are they really..."

"No, no, absolutely not. Keep looking, keep looking for me—"

Looking at Bai Youwei who was emotionally out of control, Li Xiangfeng and the others wanted to persuade something, but they were held back when they reached their lips.

Just as they wanted to retreat, a familiar sound came.

"No need to look for it. Just ask the guy who saw Wu Qing and them last."

"Husband (Oni sauce)..."

"Lord (Brother Xiao)..."

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