Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1543: Destroy the Southern Corpse first, then slaughter the Fei Chief

When Wei Xiao looked at the escaped corpse emperors, they were no longer visible in his sight.


When the surrounding zombies were cleaned up, at this time, Wei Xiao, who seemed to be unable to hold on, stabbed him into the ground with a knife. Holding the handle of the knife in both hands, he barely stabilized his figure, and a mouthful of blood came out from his mouth.

he is hurt.

And the injury is not light.

Wei Xiao's entire face was white like a piece of white paper, with no blood on his face.

The dark in the distance.

Two pairs of eyes have been stunned by the previous scene.

Even though the battle is basically over now, they still can't recover from the shocking scene before.

for a long time.

"He seems to be injured?" someone said.

"I know!"

"Then how do you think we can make a profit for a fisherman now?"


Another sound was silent.


Just when the two hesitated.

Another sudden change occurred on the battlefield.

The seven corpse emperors who had already escaped, at this time actually had a ninth-level corpse emperor turned back.

Empress Tianxuan.

She kept an eye on her escape.

Bringing consciousness to a zombie in the battlefield that has not yet died.

When she accidentally discovered Wei Xiao's current situation, she immediately gave up her plan to escape and returned directly to prepare for the result of Wei Xiao.

Wei Xiao also saw her.

Stabilize your figure and draw the Emperor Sword from the ground.

"Wei Xiao, the emperor wants your life--"

The Empress Tianxuan roared, and her body flashed with nine different colors of abilities. While releasing these abilities to attack Wei Xiao, her huge body directly rushed towards Wei Xiao.

Wei Xiao stared at the Empress Tianxuan who was rushing.

Violet-white electric current surged on his body, forming a protective cover to envelop him.

Ignoring the influence of the Empress Tianxuan's abilities, the emperor sword in her hand gathers strength.

Just when the Empress Tianxuan was less than two hundred meters away from Wei Xiao, Wei Xiao suddenly moved, waving the emperor biting knife in his hand into a stream of light, and flew towards Empress Tianxuan's head.



Empress Tianxuan expected Wei Xiao to fight back.

The first time Wei Xiao threw the Emperor Sword, he set up several defenses directly in front of him, and at the same time, a layer of energy armor was condensed on the surface of his body.

But she obviously underestimated Wei Xiao's strength.

The ability to obstruct the Emperor Sword in front cannot stop the power of the sword.

Layers of defense were breached by the bitter sword.

In the end, the Empress Tianxuan and the energy armor on her body could not stop Wei Xiao's blow.

The emperor biting knife carrying a purple-white electric current pierced the last layer of defense of Queen Tianxuan and penetrated her brain. After it flew out of Queen Tianxuan’s brain, the purple-white electric light remained in Queen Tianxuan’s brain directly, and her Crushed head.

Empress Tianxuan fell to the ground.

The huge headless body constantly rubbed forward with the help of inertia, and finally stopped just one meter in front of Wei Xiao's body.


The two people in the distance saw this scene, and the corners of their mouths twitched.

"Do you think it will give us a chance to make a profit?"

The person who wanted to profit from the fisherman before is not good at this time.

The ninth-level corpse emperor, that is the ninth-level corpse emperor!

So he was shot and killed by the opponent.

If he took the initiative to jump out just now, what would be the result?

"Wei Xiao is really shameless. I now seriously suspect that his injury was deliberately pretended to be shameless."

The companion beside him shook his head.

"This person, we'd better not have any hope of gaining advantage. If you don't have the certainty to kill him, you can easily provoke him, and you don't know how to die. This seat can now understand someone's attitude toward Wei Xiao. If he hadn't used too much affection, the way he got along with Wei Xiao was the most correct."

"In what way?"

"Being alone."


The other person obviously didn't understand what his companion said.

Divert attention.

Looking far away on the battlefield, Wei Xiao, who looked very weak, changed the subject and said, "Since we don't plan to make a move, do we still have to implement our previous plan?"

"Can you win the final victory under the siege of the fourteen high-level corpse emperors and the clones of the sage?" asked the companion.

"can not."

"That's not the case. With him, we jump out to destroy ourselves. To deal with him, we have to think about it long-term."

"I'm not reconciled. Why do you think he is so strong?"

"Who knows? Let's go, try our best to pay attention to Wei Xiao's movements during this time. To find a way to defeat him, we can only join forces with more'like-minded' people."

As he said, the mysterious man covered in purple and gold robes flashed away and left.

The other person looked at Wei Xiao unwillingly.

But the end of the Empress Tianxuan was right in front of her eyes. The peeper who could not judge Wei Xiao's current strength really had to give up in the end, and her figure disappeared in the dark.

On the battlefield.


When the battle was over, Xiao Jiu galloped from a distance.


Xiao Jiu landed, looking at Wei Xiao with a slight concern in his eyes.

"Master, are you okay?"

Wei Xiao glanced up at it.

"I'm fine. Go back and inform You Wei and them, and bring someone over to clean the battlefield. I will stay here for one day, and after one day, whether you come or not, I will leave."

Xiao Jiu was shocked when he heard the words.

"Master, are you still going to trouble with zombies?"

"Destroy the Southern Corpse first, then slaughter the Fei Chief. You will always pay a price if you do something wrong."

Xiao Jiu is impatient.

"Well, isn't this too crazy? Forget it on the Southern Continent, but the non-chief has the body of the sacred judge, master, are you sure?"

"I have to try, right?"


"Follow my instructions."

Wei Xiao gave a cold cry.

Feeling the endless killing intent in Wei Xiao's words, Xiao Jiu didn't dare to hesitate anymore.

Zhenyu returned to the air again, turned around and flew directly towards Fengwu Tiancheng.

Watching the direction where Xiao Jiu left, Wei Xiao's cold appearance clearly revealed a little bit of loss and pain.

Mu Wuqing and the others are dead?

Are they really dead?

Wei Xiao, who didn't doubt the words of the sage referee, at this moment, there was an unspeakable sadness in his heart.

Wei Xiao has always spared no room for the protection of his own women, but this kind of thing still happens when he provides the most resources to his women.

For a time, something called "fear" emerged in Wei Xiao's heart.

"Never let this happen again, never!"

There was an urgent Wei Xiao in his eyes. It seemed that he had made some decision. His eyes became firm, and his left hand holding the handle of the knife became tighter than ever.

Time passed by one minute and one second.

In the evening.

"Da da da--"

In the distant sky, there was the roar of helicopters.

Seeing that hundreds of helicopters lined up in a straight line were flying towards him, he raised his head and glanced at the distant plane and Xiao Jiu who led him, Wei Xiao didn't wait for them to approach, and got up.

The breeze was blowing, and the figure disappeared.

Wei Xiao's figure directly disappeared in place.

"Master, here we are."

Xiao Jiu carried Yan Yi, Li Xiangfeng and others to the place where Wei Xiao was before.

But looking around, except for the corpses on the ground, there was no visible figure of Wei Xiao.

No one responded to several calls, and Xiao Jiu's heart trembled.

"The master won't really look for the holy judge to go desperately, right?"

"Xiao Jiu, where's my Ernie sauce?" Yan Yi asked.

Xiao Jiu glanced into the distance and sighed.

"The master only asked me to take you to collect the corpses, and nothing else. But don’t worry, Master Yan Yi, the master of my Xiao Jiu is invincible. Previously, the sage judge and the 14th corpse emperor were not his opponents, no matter what the master did. What, there is nothing to stop in this world."

Xiao Jiu didn't tell the truth.

It was afraid that Yan Yi and the others would be scared to death by speaking out.

In his heart, Xiao Jiu silently prayed that Wei Xiao would return safely.

Yan Yi was suspicious.

But she didn't think much about Xiao Jiu's words, "My Xiao Jiu's master is invincible", and she immediately ordered the people accompanying her to start cleaning the battlefield.

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