Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1546: The madness of Chu Tianhe and others

One day after the southern corpse clan was destroyed.

A news shocked the entire southern continent.

"Have you heard?"

"It's up to you. It's too powerful. Wei Xiao actually wiped out the zombies on the southern continent with his own power. Is it really possible for humans to do this?"

"What's this? According to the gossip, two days ago, Wei Xiao was alone against the high-end combat power of the entire southern corpse clan headed by the sage. As a result, the sacred fell and the 14th corpse king died and six wounded. The real horror."

"Which one is stronger, Chu Tianhe or Wei Xiao?"

"It should be Wei Xiao."

"I think so."

"Should we not discuss the unowned corpses in the southern corpse clan territory now?"


Nine Sky City.

"After the news spread, it's so lively outside now. Heavenly Emperor, aren't you interested in the corpses of zombies in the Southern Continent?"

Chu Tianhe had a cold face.

"With Wei Xiao here, do you think the good resources will be ours? Compared to this, I don't understand what use is for you to spread the news of the Southern Polar Region? Let them compete with Wei Xiao for the resources of the Southern Polar Region? Do they have this tolerant of melon split dates?"

Ye: "To spread the news, I have never thought about it in this regard."

"Then your purpose?"

"I have said that to deal with Wei Xiao, we have to join hands with as many'like-minded' helpers as possible. Do you think that to spread the news of Wei Xiao's destruction of the southern polar regions, those who hate Wei Xiao against Wei Xiao People, can they still feel at ease?"


Hearing Ye's explanation, Chu Tianhe's eyes flickered.

"High, really high."

"Don't be busy boasting this seat. After this time, this seat feels that our plan needs to be changed."

"How are you going to change?"

"Holy corpse emperor!"

"Why mention him?"

"We may be able to win him over."

"Are you crazy?" Chu Tianhe was shocked when he heard Ye's plan.

How can the other party dare to fight Wei Xiao together with the sage referee?

Not to mention that the Holy Referee did not agree, even if they did, would they dare to accept it?

There is no doubt that the human race and the corpse race are natural enemies.

Now they actually want to unite with the sage referee to deal with humans themselves. If this matter is spread out, what will other members of the human race think?

Do they still want fame, do they want to become the people at the pinnacle of human power?

Ye didn't take it seriously.

"This seat is just telling the truth. The southern polar corpse clan was swept by Wei Xiao, and the corpses of the eight big corpse emperors fell into the hands of Fengwu Tiancheng. Do you know how many emperor-level powerhouses this batch of resources will create for Wei Xiao? To put it bluntly, on the premise that Wei Xiao can threaten the sacred judge, once a large number of emperor-level powerhouses appear under his command, there will be no place for me to stand in this world."

"Of course, if you are willing to surrender to him, you will assume that this seat has never said this. If you are not reconciled, we must win the sacred judge."

Surrender to Wei Xiao?

How can this be?

Anyone in the entire world can work under Wei Xiao, but Chu Tianhe can't.

This is not a matter of dignity, but the monstrous blood and deep hatred that no one can let go of.

Chu Tianhe hesitated, frowning at the same time.

After a long time, he seemed to want to understand something, he asked seriously: "How sure is it to convince the holy judge?"

"It depends on Wei Xiao's follow-up actions. What he defeated was only a clone of the sage referee. We don't know the strength of the sage referee. Only by thoroughly understanding the gap between Wei Xiao and the sacred referee can this seat be determined. Whether the solicitation of the holy judge is successful."

"Will Wei Xiao go to trouble with the Holy Judgment body next?"

"If Mu Wuqing and the others are really dead, this possibility is 70%."

"What do you mean?" Chu Tianhe was puzzled.

Ye: "Mu Wuqing and the others have found them, and they are all alive."

"What? Did you find Mu Wuqing and the others?"

Night nodded.

"It’s nearly two thousand miles away from Fengwu Tiancheng. In an underground cave in a snow-capped mountain, there are a small number of survivors living there. Mu Wuqing and the others are in it. It can be confirmed that Mu Wuqing and Jiang Xiyu are seriously injured every day. Suspended by low-level potions. Ni Qingcheng has been guarding them all the time."

After listening to what Ye said, Chu Tianhe was a little confused: "So many days have passed, didn't Ni Qingcheng find a way to get in touch with Fengwu Tiancheng?"

"Yes, but there must be someone who can deliver the news to Fengwu Tiancheng."


Chu Tianhe looked at Ye in surprise.

Although her words are not very straightforward, Chu Tianhe clearly knew that Ni Qingcheng and the others had not yet passed the news to Fengwu Tiancheng. It is estimated that the people they sent out to deliver the letter were all caught by Ye, and it should be Ye Ye to be precise. His subordinates robbed and killed halfway.

As for why Ni Qingcheng didn't pass the news on himself?

Do not make jokes.

Can Mu Wuqing and the others leave Ni Qingcheng in that state?

In the last days, human nature is the most untestable, not to mention Mu Wuqing and the others are still outstanding in the world.

"If this is the case, as long as Mu Wuqing and the others do not show up, Wei Xiao, who believes that they died at the hands of the holy judge, is indeed likely to start a decisive battle with the holy judge in advance."

"This is our opportunity to understand the strength gap between the two sides, but we are running out of time. The search team of Fengwu Tiancheng has spread to that area. It is only a matter of time to find Ni Qingcheng and the others. Now we can only pray for Feng Wu. Before the search personnel in Tiancheng found Mu Wuqing and the others, Wei Xiao had already set off for the African Emirates."

Chu Tianhe's eyes were gloomy.

"Is it enough to get rid of all the personnel who went out to find Mu Wuqing and the others in Fengwu Tiancheng?"

Looked at Chu Tianhe at night.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"If the search personnel has an accident, do you think Fengwu Tiancheng will not know? Whether it is investigating the cause of the search personnel's accident or continuing to search for Mu Wuqing and their whereabouts, once we do this, we will only shorten their search range, and the time will be Shorter. Unless you dare to kill Mu Wuqing and the others."

The corners of Chu Tianhe's mouth twitched, ignoring Ye's last words.

"So, we can only put our hope on Wei Xiao now?"

"Almost, but we can artificially delay this time for a period of time."


"I said that I would not do anything to the search personnel of Fengwu Heavenly City. It was before Ni Qingcheng and the others were discovered. If the people of Fengwu Heavenly City were to be found, then, if Wei Xiao hadn't left Fengwu Heavenly City yet, When it's time to make a move, you still have to make a move. This is the last fight."

After listening to Ye's explanation, Chu Tianhe understood now.

"Husband, Wei Xiao has returned to the Phoenix Dance City."

At this moment, Yun Ning brought Ling Ying to the place where they were discussing.

Chu Tianhe: "Wei Xiao didn't leave the southern mainland?"

Yun Ning: "The news that I just got is sure that Wei Xiao has not left the southern continent."

Ye: "The test is here. Wei Xiao's next decision will be related to our next plan against him?"

"Damn it! Why is he coming back for? Shouldn't he pursue the victory and go directly to the non-emirate continent?"

Ling Ying: "Brother Tianhe, what are your plans?"

Chu Tianhe returned to his senses, and said in a deep voice, "You will know from now on. Ning'er..."

"here I am!"

"Next, you let the spies in Fengwu Heavenly City pay close attention to Wei Xiao's actions, and as soon as he shows signs of leaving Fengwu Heavenly City, he will notify me immediately."

Although he didn't know what Chu Tianhe did, Yun Ning nodded.

"Ni Qingcheng and the others, are you okay? Would you like me to send someone to help you?" Chu Tianhe looked at Ye.

Ye: "You can rest assured with them. Unless Ni Qingcheng ventures to send the news personally, otherwise, the people under the snow-capped mountains will never have the opportunity to pass the news. Of course, it does not include people who are found outside, especially those from Fengwu Tiancheng. people."

"That's good. Now I just hope that Wei Xiao can leave soon, otherwise, it will undoubtedly be harder to deal with him."

Who doesn't think so?

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