Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1550: How terrible is Wei Xiao, whose potential has exploded?

In the battle circle.

The holy referee forcibly endured the pain on his body, staring solemnly at Wei Xiao: "Your strength has become stronger again?"

"It's not that I have become stronger, but that I don't have time to continue to live with you. If you don't let your body come out, I'm afraid that you will not be able to keep the last few clones."

Wei Xiao's words fell, and a lot of blood gathered in front of him.

Face the holy referee with a punch.

The holy judge dodged hurriedly.


One face, although the holy judge avoided the blow, in the area where his figure was before, a huge ditch with a diameter of several tens of meters appeared on the ground, stretching for hundreds of meters.


At this moment, the other two supreme envoys attacked Wei Xiao.

One person summoned six huge blood purple vortexes to surround Wei Xiao. From within the vortex, blood purple chains tried to imprison Wei Xiao.

And the other one put his hands on the ground.

Wei Xiao's feet suddenly became a **** quagmire.

From among them, ghost hands grabbed Wei Xiao's lower limbs, pulling Wei Xiao's body to fall.

Wei Xiao smiled contemptuously.

Purple-white electric light covers the blade in his hand.

The Emperor Devouring Knife turned around in his hand and was pierced into the pool of blood by him. Suddenly, the purple-white electric light spread to all directions, crushing everything.

The terrifying purple-white light field annihilated everything around him.


The two supreme envoys were affected by this force and flew out screaming.


With the restraint of the two clones, the sacred judge who was relieved of breath saw this and used the spear in his hand to induce the abilities in the body to converge.

The figure revolved and flicked the spear in his hand.

Just listen to a dragon chant.

A blood-gold dragon-shaped thing with a large number of supernatural powers swallowed it head-on towards Wei Xiao.

Wei Xiao drew a distance from the power of the dragon shape, and a large amount of **** airflow condensed the sky of sword light in the beckoning.

The blood knife landed like rain.

The blade that swept the entire battle circle not only forced the referee and the other two supreme envoys to set up defenses to resist Wei Xiao's attack.

At the same time, the blood golden dragon roaring towards Wei Xiao also gradually disappeared invisible under the consumption of the blood knife.


Wei Xiao didn't stop like this.

On the side of the horizontal knife, a large amount of purple and white electric light merges into the blade.

As Wei Xiao swept out, the purple and white electric light was mixed with **** air currents, forming an arc of light and pilgrimage to them and swept away.

"Boom boom boom—"

The explosion sounded.

The sanctuary and their defenses have been cut open.

At the moment of the crisis, they resisted Wei Xiao's attack with all their strength, and their figures were knocked down again.


Wei Xiao gained power and didn't spare the corpse.

With a wave of the Emperor Sword in his hand, thousands of blades formed umbrella-like objects in front of him.

I saw that Wei Xiao sent the Emperor Sword in his hand forward, with a volley of blades and ten thousand blades.

The saint and the two clones have mobilized their abilities to form a blockade against the dense blades.

The Supreme Envoy with the main consciousness is constantly consuming the blade that shoots at him by relying on all the strength of the body itself, but the other two clones are obviously not strong enough to compete with Wei Xiao.

The defenses set up in the front were constantly shattered by the blood-colored blade lights, and finally swept their shadows.

In the blink of an eye, their bodies were almost disassembled by Wei Xiao.

At the moment of the crisis, they did their best to protect the vital points and not suffer fatal injuries, otherwise, at this time, the sacred judge will reduce two clones.

The Supreme Envoy possessed by the saint was not injured, but he now has a new understanding of Wei Xiao's strength.

Wei Xiao's strength turned out to be so terrifying?


In the face of Wei Xiao, who was trying his best, the holy judge did not have much power to fight back.

Only relying on clones, even if one of them has all of his own strength, it is not Wei Xiao's opponent.

Seeing that they were about to be destroyed under the power of Wei Xiao, at this time, they went back to dispatch the corpse emperor of the deity, and their support appeared on the battlefield.

Sky thunder, ground fire, strong wind, earth summons, etc.

No less than ten kinds of abilities swept the place where Wei Xiao's figure was.

The saint took advantage of this opportunity to bring two clones into the body and disappear directly on the battlefield.


Wei Xiao could not avoid such a intensive attack.

The whole body was shrouded in purple and white electric light.

The seemingly powerful ability baptism, but when he arrived at Wei Xiao's side, he could not even destroy the protection of his body surface.

The sacred judge was able to escape the battle, and the eight high-level corpse emperors and the pinnacle corpse emperor replaced him, and pushed towards Wei Xiao horizontally.

Every time the huge body moves a certain distance on the ground, the ground will tremble with it.

Wei Xiao walked out of "Purgatory" with the bombardment of supernatural powers.

Seeing the eight corpse emperors rushing, their right hand drew the air from the sky and the earth, forming a giant palm volleyed at them.


When the eight corpse emperors saw this, two of them stepped on the ground.

"Peng Peng" sounded.

A large number of stone pillars and mud pillars skyrocketed.

It directly formed a dense forest trying to block the blood-colored giant palm that Wei Xiao had fallen.

With a loud sound that broke through the sky, the defenses summoned by the two corpse emperors were destroyed by Wei Xiao's blow.

The thick **** smoke shrouded the area where the eight corpse emperors were located, making it hazy.


After a while, the roar came from the thick smoke.

A group of corpse emperors rushed out of the thick smoke.

Wei Xiao swiped the Emperor Sword in his hand and rushed straight up.


During the movement, with the power released by the eight corpse emperors, Wei Xiao's body suddenly surged, and his speed was in the blink of an eye, and even the corpse emperor could not see clearly, and instantly appeared in the team of the eight corpse emperors.

Kaitian fell with a knife, instantly slashing one of the corpse emperors.

The right hand condensed blood and sent it out, followed by countless fist shadows, describing the storm of fist shadows as they impacted two of the corpse kings, smashing their huge bodies directly into the air.

For the remaining five, Wei Xiao's figure fell between them, and the purple and white light on his body was fully released, like a blooming lotus blooming, flying them out one by one.

"Oh oh—"

The wailing sound came from the corpse emperor's mouth.

Just one face to face, the Corpse Sovereign team was hit hard.

But a closer look at Wei Xiao's face now reveals that he is not feeling well at the moment.

Although he can get rid of some of the troubles in the shortest possible time, he can get rid of some troubles in the shortest possible time.

Don't give the corpse king a chance to consume himself too much.

Otherwise, waiting for them to be dealt with before dealing with the corpse emperor's body, Wei Xiao didn't think what he could do with the sacred judge with his life.

Fierce light shot in the eyes.

Wei Xiao's right finger is empty.

The blood rose to the sky.

Before the corpse emperor who was thrown out had not reacted, the air currents within a few kilometers in the sky gathered into eight hundred-meter giant swords volleyed into the sky.


Wei Xiao waved his hand down.

The eight heavenly opening sword qi in the sky fell extremely fast.

"Puff puff--"

"Oh oh—"

The eight big corpse emperors had too much time to dodge because the target was too obvious.

They defended at the crisis, but they couldn't stop Wei Xiao's blow.

Sword Qi penetrated their defenses, nailing them to the ground one by one.


Wei Xiao didn't give the eight big corpse emperors time to break free, and the emperor biting knife in his hand pierced into the ground, and the purple and white electric light merged into it.

Hearing the sound of the sound, beams of soaring beams continued to spread toward the place where the eight corpse emperors were.

Seeing that the eight corpse emperors are about to be affected by Wei Xiao's power, at the very moment...

"Wei Xiao, you are looking for death—"

The roar that resembled Hong Zhong, thunderously transmitted from under the abyss.

The power that shattered the hills and disrupted the space diffused, directly distorting the space where the eight corpse emperors were, and removed Wei Xiao's attack directly from the front of the corpse emperor.

The sanctuary body is here.

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