Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1584: The Crusade Army was established


Everyone nodded.

"Well, I originally wanted you to consolidate your cultivation base and start the battle of Emperor Fa, but now I think about it, the improvement brought by closed-door cultivation is always limited. Only on the battlefield, growth is the fastest. , Now the whetstone suitable for you has appeared."

"Scohue Base City, Light Holy City, Dark Temple, Aegean Base City, Moulton Base City, Olga Base City, Xilingro Base City, and the Alliance of Haters, haha! Except for our immortal peace The ice and snow city that has become a historical city, the world's top-ranked bases have participated, it is really enough to give me face."

"Since they took the initiative to jump out, don't blame me for being rude."

Wei Xiao's tone sank, and monster eyes were full of murderous aura.

"Heroes, Cheng Feng, Lao Lan..."

"Subordinates are here!" the three said in unison.

"After the meeting of the three of you, you will convene a large army to go north to meet with the little photo. The Dark Temple, the Holy City of Light, and the Olga Base City will be handed over to you. You will decide whoever comes first. I don’t need the process, just look at the result. Remember, with These three base leaders are deeply involved, one of them counts as one, and all those who remember, one does not stay. The rest will survive if you go along, and you will die if you go against it."


"Xiyu, Qingcheng."


"You also go north to find You Wei, and the four major foundations in the polar bear territory will be handed over to you. Kill all that should be killed. Just leave the obedient."


Wei Xiao looked at the others: "Now there is only one alliance of haters left. You are responsible for this power. You are responsible for this power. Jiang Xue and others in the southern continent are there, and you don't need to use the immortal army, just go straight. With the strength of Nine Heavens City, it is more than enough to deal with an alliance of haters."

Mu Wu counted and nodded.

"What about me? What about me, O'Neill, what am I doing?"

Yan Yi saw that all of her sisters had tasks, but she didn't, so she hurriedly said.

"You stay in the immortal sky."


Yan Yi didn't expect such a result.

"Ouni sauce, I am also a powerful emperor now, I can share it for you." Yan Yi said weakly.

Wei Xiao: "It's not because you don't let you go out because you are not strong enough, but because you have reached the emperor rank, I let you stay."

Seeing Yan Yi and the others seemingly confused, Wei Xiao spoke.

"If Xiaoying and their guesses are correct, then Xiao Chen and others' ultimate goal is to aim at the immortal sky."

"Since they can think of destroying the ice and snow city and making me fight, can I doubt that they are doing this to disperse our immortal combat power?"

After a moment of contemplation, everyone nodded.

"Okay, then they have succeeded now. At this time, the immortal sky, the internal combat power is very empty, if they are not stupid, they will not let this opportunity pass. Besides, I don’t know how many rats covet us indefinitely. God, once they attack here, you say, what are the consequences?"


The eyes of everyone were shocked.

The consequences can be huge.

Not to mention, just Shu Wang and Yan Chuan Keiko, if something goes wrong with them, it is not a matter of changing the sky, but about breaking apart.

But can Xiao Chen think of this step?

Leng Chengfeng: "Isn't there a master over you?"

Wei Xiao waved his hand.

"Do you know why I assign you like this?"

The others glanced at each other and shook their heads.

Among them, Haojie Chen helped his glasses and his thoughts were running fast. At this time, he said: "According to the manpower allocated by the Lord, except for the southern continent, the remaining two regions, each of our teams has one. A pinnacle powerhouse. If I guessed right..."

Chen Haojie paused and said seriously: "If I'm not mistaken, the main purpose of this is to prevent the enemy from concentrating on one of our teams."

Wei Xiao gave Chen Haojie an approving look.

"Yes, this is my purpose. Whether it is Xiaoying or Youwei, with them, your two teams from the East and the West are enough to ensure nothing is wrong. Even if they are blocked, relying on the two of them is enough to win support. But the enemy does not There may be a large number of peak-level powerhouses."

"In this way, the team that is not targeted can capture the target base in the shortest time. When the other two teams complete the harvest, the secret mouse will also be vulnerable."

Speaking of this, Wei Xiao looked at Yan Yi: "I will not overlook the safety of the immortal city."

"I will leave a protective cover outside the Immortal Sky, but it is not safe. Therefore, you need to be in control at this time. With your emperor level cultivation base, as long as you don't take the initiative to fight, just maintain the protection I left behind. Cover, even if the imperial peak power comes in person, I can never break through my defenses in a short time."

"Shu hopes that if they can do it now, it is best not to do it, so I will feel more at ease if you are in the immortal sky."

"Is that so?" Yan Yi bowed his head in thought after hearing what Wei Xiao said.

Seeing that this little girl was still a little disappointed, Shu Wang said, "Yan Yi, it's all sisters who are not good, and they are dragging you down. If it wasn't for us to need someone to take care of, you would have the opportunity to go out and make a name for yourself now."

Hearing the words, Yan Yi raised his head hurriedly and waved his hands again and again.

"Sister Shu Wang, no, no, I am willing to stay. It is more important to protect you than to be famous. You are now more precious than anyone else."

Seeing Yan Yi's nervous look, Shu Wang smiled a little guilty.

But there is no way.

They are pregnant now, and if they are in danger, they are prone to problems.

Although Shu Wang played a little bit cautiously with Yan Yi, the starting point was good.

Old Wei finally had an offspring, but he couldn't have problems at this point.

For the sake of the old Wei family, she could only wrong Yan Yi.

"Master, are you planning to serve as a support point? Once which team is targeted, you will go to support?" Chen Haojie suddenly said.

The eight major forces that had to be dealt with before had all been rounded up by them, and there was no figure of Wei Xiao inside.

But now Wei Xiao wants to pin the safety of the Immortal Heaven on Yan Yi, doesn't this mean that Wei Xiao will not stay in the Immortal Heaven either?

Everyone hadn't reacted at first, but now that Chen Haojie said, the people woke up like a dream.

Yan Yi: "Ouni sauce, won't you stay in the immortal heaven?"

"Now that you know how important you are? As long as you make sure that the sky is indestructible, I will accompany them wherever they want to play."

Until now, Yan Yi deeply realized the importance of himself.

She didn't know how strong Wei Xiao's protection was for Immortal Heaven, but compared to a dead thing, her existence undoubtedly gave this layer of defense a greater protection.

"Ouni-chan, don't worry, with me, the Immortal Heaven will never be attacked by the enemy."

Wei Xiao smiled with relief.

"It's good if you can understand. Okay, that's it for the meeting. Now, let's go down and prepare! Human race, it's time to unify."

Everyone got up.

"Guaranteed to complete the task."

After speaking, Chen Haojie and the others left Villa One one after another.

Shu Wang: "Husband, can't you really stay in the base?"

Looking at Shu Wang's worried eyes, Wei Xiao smiled softly.

The probe was attached to Shu Wang's lower abdomen.

It's almost three months.

The stomachs of Shu Wang and Yan Chuan Huizi have changed slightly.

Feeling the vigorous vitality of the little guy in his belly, Wei Xiao murmured: "Girlfriend, sleep in your mother's belly. Even if you don't want this immortal sky, Dad will definitely not hurt you and your mother. Tell your mother, believe it. Dad!"


Shu Wang and Yan Chuan Huizi were all amused by Wei Xiao's words.

"How do they know what you are talking about now?" Shu Wang gave Wei Xiao a white look.

Wei Xiao tilted his head.

"My child is naturally different, do you understand it when you are born with it?"

"Yes, none of your old Wei family's species are normal."

"Hehe...Eunichan, do you want to be so funny?"


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