Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1606: Reverse

the other side.

Roxar also encountered a similar thing.

Relying on the strength that surpassed Lin Qin, he controlled the opponent, but before he could make a killer move, the shadow guard in secret directly interrupted his release of the ability.

Lin Qin seized the opportunity, and the vines rising up into the sky penetrated Roxar's energy body.

If it hadn't been for Roxar to react fast enough, the body hiding in the energy body was almost hit hard or even killed by Lin Qin's counterattack.

Fortunately, his supernatural ability is the power of the earth.

Finding something was wrong, he avoided Lin Qin's fatal blow, and when it appeared again, Locksall looked at Lin Qin with surprise and anger.

"Captain, find the mice hiding in the dark."

Lin Qin and the others are so embarrassed, all of this must be attributed to the shadow guard in the dark.

If they hadn't possessed weapons that could threaten the death of both lives, how could Lin Qin and Song Xiaoyu be their opponents when they had no stealth ability?

The soldier captain in the distance heard Roxar's roar and immediately dispersed the soldiers with thermal imaging cameras in the team.

It's just that their move is destined to be useless.

Although the production of the new generation of invisibility suits is scarce, it is enough to supply all the members of the Shadow Guard.

Trying to find the Shadow Guardian through traditional methods is undoubtedly idiotic dreaming.

Compared with Roxar's current predicament, on the Jiutian City side, there is no obstacle from the two great holy emperor-level abilities, the insomnia battlefield, the Jiutian City army led by Ming Yulan and the others, that is the army of haters who killed them.

Even more terrifying is the addition of members of the Shadow Guard.

Not everyone in the Haters Alliance armed with thermal imaging cameras is constantly being harvested by members of the Shadow Guard in battle.

Among them are Steel Man and Black Spider.

Although they can predict whether an enemy is approaching through the air velocity and breath, they are in chaos on the battlefield.

The power was limited, and it was obviously not enough for them to accurately judge the arrival of danger every time. Therefore, under the successive attack and killing of the Shadow Guard members, they fell into the hands of the Shadow Guard members.

I thought that with the help of those with supernatural powers, they would be able to counterattack Immortal Heaven. Now, reality has taught them a lesson.

On the main battlefield, the army of Jiutiancheng completely prevailed.

But on the other side, the battlefield where Mu Wuqing was located, the situation was not optimistic.

Mu Wuqing still underestimated the strength of the hate people alliance.

Originally thought that a dragon could pose a threat to her, but after she caught up with the dragon and came to the battlefield chosen by the opponent, Mu Wuqing discovered that waiting for her were actually two emperor-level powerhouses.

Eliza in the middle of the emperor class and the dragon at the peak of the emperor class.

Under the siege of the two, Mu Wuqing was hit hard within a hundred moves.

Mu Wuqing's situation became more subtle because of the severe reduction in strength of the injury.

However, at this time, Long gave Mu Wuqing a ray of life.

"Eliza, you can leave and help the soldiers. I will take care of the next thing." Mu Wuqing was seriously injured, and Long no longer needed Eliza's assistance.

Compared to this, the main battlefield needs Eliza's support.

Eliza hesitated.

Seeing that Mu Wuqing is about to be terminated, what does Long mean by letting her leave at this time?

Of course, she didn't doubt that Long could not win Mu Wuqing.

Not to mention that Mu Wuqing is injured now, even if she didn't, she couldn't be Dragon's opponent.

Just seeing it was the last step, Long let her leave at this time, which made Eliza more or less puzzled.

Before Eliza could ask, Long said seriously: "If you don't go, the Alliance of Haters will be completely captured by Nine Heavens City."


Eliza's face couldn't help but change when she heard the words.

He didn't think too much, didn't think Long would deceive her about this kind of thing, nodded, and flew away from the scene immediately.

Looking at Eliza who was leaving, Mu Wuqing intentionally stopped, but didn't have the power.

She knows what Eliza is going to do!

Compared with the current injuries, Ming Yulan and the others will face the crisis that worried her even more.

But in the face of the pinnacle dragon, it's useless for her to worry about it now.

"Mu Wuqing, if you catch it with your hands, I can spare your life."

Mu Wuqing returned to his senses and stared at the dragon coldly: "The guy who dare not show up with the true face wants me to catch it and dream."

Long seemed to know that this would be the result.

"In that case, don't blame me for destroying the flowers."

The dragon was no longer talking nonsense, and when his figure moved, a large number of supernatural abilities rose into the sky.

I saw him melt into the air, and inside the different energy that dyed half of the sky into dark green, a huge shadow of the abyss emerged, and then swallowed it towards Mu Wuqing with the power of the heavens and the earth.

Mu Wuqing bit her teeth.

The blood-black spirit flame spurted from his body, and a blood-black fireball in the headspace absorbed the spirit flame and condensed crazily.

In the blink of an eye, the radius of a kilometer was plunged into a sea of ​​flames, and the invisible air made it hard to breathe.

When the earth is completely covered by flames, the air is also burning, and on the endless sky, a fireball shaped like a small sun.

"Kill me--"

Under the control of Mu Wuqing, the fireball with a diameter of several hundred meters rushed towards the giant shadow of the abyss that was pressing down with the force of the heaven and the earth.

The two collided in the gray sky.

I saw an open sky halo scattered around.

Immediately, a light of extinction hit the ground, forming a huge ball of extinction light across the earth.

Another light of destruction soared into the sky, dispelling the thick clouds in the sky, revealing the bright starlight outside the universe.


Finally, a shocking explosion came out.

For a time, the sky fell apart and the earth cracked, and the wind and clouds flowed backwards.


When the aftermath began to dissipate, and the swaying surface was regaining calm, in the smoke and dust that obscured the sky, at this moment, a red light broke through the thick smoke and flew towards the distance.

In the chaotic area, the dragon's figure gradually appeared.

Looking at the red light leaving, Long did not intend to pursue it.

Under the mask, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, he murmured: "Next time, it should be Wei Xiao, right? It's really exciting!"

On the main battlefield.

Yenijiahua and Roxar were restrained by Lin Qin and the others, and the Alliance of Haters, whose combat power was significantly less than that of Nine Sky City, further increased the casualties.

Seeing the tragic death of their once-familiar partners one by one in front of them, many people blushed and twisted their faces.

What about counterattack and crushing?

Why is the final ending as always?

Was the support the Captain of the Army brought us to death?

Seeing that there were signs of collapse of the Haters Alliance army, at this moment, a white light flew from a distance.

Eliza's figure first appeared on the southern battlefield.

Condescendingly, overlooking the Hater Alliance below, being crushed and beaten by the Nine Heavens City army, Liu brows frowned slightly.

"Sure enough, as the dragon said. It's really a waste."

Although she was dissatisfied with the haters alliance army in her heart, Eliza was not slow at all.

The scepter swept into the air.

Suddenly, the sun-shrouded sky turned into white light.

The enemy and our soldiers who were fighting below were instinctively pale in front of them.

When they want to raise their heads and try to look up to the sky, the sky where people who only saw the photo couldn't open their eyes, rained light beams sweeping the battlefield.


Then the screams repeated.

On the battlefield below, the soldiers belonging to the Nine Heavens City were pierced by the white light that fell from the sky.

No armor or equipment was useful in front of white light.

One by one screamed and fell in a pool of blood.


When the sky returned to normal, the people below were gradually able to see things, and were at a loss for a moment. Instead, they were thrilling.

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