Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1619: The immortal prohibition

The immortal city of Minghai City.


"Boom boom boom..."

"Da da da……"

"Kill them all—"

"The firepower point was aimed at the densely packed corpses and fired at me, without saving bullets."

Today's Minghai City, except for the Immortal Sky City, other areas have become a paradise for zombies.

Tens of millions of zombies flooded into Minghai City from land, sea and air, and a huge crowd surrounded the Immortal City on the first day.

The immortal sky is not small. Two-thirds of Minghai City has been developed and it covers an area large enough to accommodate more than 20 million people.

But now, compared with the number of corpses in such a huge area, its existence is like an isolated island in the sea. Except for the central location, there is also a place to settle. Other places have long been filled with corpses.

Because of the restriction and protection, the zombies outside cannot enter the Immortal Sky at all, but a large number of zombies surround it, and no longer impact the restriction all the time, which brings about the psychological pressure on the defenders of the city is not ordinary.

The warriors who defend the city rely on the restraint and don't have to worry about getting hurt, but the work of cleaning up the zombies every day makes them feel tired.

It can be said that since the zombies surrounded here, the sound of guns on the Immortal City Tower never stopped.

There have been several batches of warriors who shot and killed the zombies that had been forbidden. Each batch was hundreds of thousands of people.

In the city.

"Sister, when can O'Neill rush to support us?" Yan Yi, who had just returned from a new day's investigation of "Eye", asked Shu Wang.

Shu Wang was puzzled: "Why, is there something wrong with the prohibition?"

Yan Yi shook his head: "The prohibition left by O'Neill sauce is far stronger than I thought. During the day, two peak powerhouses continuously attacked from the outside, and the 49 Emperor Swords only consumed two-thirds of it. Energy. According to the degree of attack during the day, the energy stored in the Emperor Sword of O'Neill is enough to last for another day."

"Of course, now prohibition is also consuming energy, but compared to the loss caused by the peak power, it is almost negligible."

Hearing what Yan Yi said, Shu Wang felt relieved.

"Now the information from the outside can't come in, and it's not easy to get the news inside. I don't know when my husband will come to support us. But since the base will not be dangerous, we are not in a hurry. Wait until my husband finishes handling the outside affairs. I will come back to clean up those guys outside."

"I hope O'Neill will come back soon. Once the banned energy is below the warning line, with my own strength, I don't know how many attacks can be blocked by the two peak powers?"

Shu Wang took the initiative to hold Yan Yi's little hand.

"Don't worry, my husband won't make fun of our lives, not to mention..." Speaking of this, Shu Wang looked tenderly at some prominent lower abdomen, "With the little guys and them, my husband will not let Immortal Heaven fall into crisis. middle."

Yan Chuan Keiko on the side also smiled.

Regardless of whether he is destroying the world or breaking the world, they are still relaxed here.

With Shuwang's comfort, Yan Yi, who had shouldered a heavy responsibility for the first time, calmed down a little bit nervously.

"Well, eldest sister, elder sister, take care of your fetus, I will go and inspect the tower again."

"Go! Pay attention to safety. Although you know that someone who can threaten you is unlikely to appear in the base, be careful about everything." Shu Wang let go of Yan Yi's hand and said.

Yan Yi nodded, then got up and left the villa.

Outside the base.

In an old building.

Xiao Chen, Leyton, and Ye Xiaoqing looked at the zombies that were constantly rushing into the ban on being shot in the distance, and their eyes were full of coldness and resentment.

During the day, the two people who thought they could easily break through the tortoise shell outside the Immortal Sky, never expected that the prohibition that protects the Immortal Sky would be so powerful.

Forcing them to exhaust all of their abilities, it is difficult to move them, and they even almost caused them to be backlashed by their own cells.

This thrilling defensive ban has refreshed their knowledge.

The dignified two imperial peak powerhouses can't break the ban with all their strength. How terrible is it to do it?

"Leader Xiao, I didn't expect that we would be blocked before a ban. This is not a good thing. With Wei Xiao's strength, the Southern Continent can hold him for a limited amount of time. Once that side is defeated, we are afraid that it will also be dangerous here. ." Lucifer Leighton said worriedly.

With a cold expression on his face, Xiao Chen stared at the immortal sky in the distance like daylight in the dark.

Especially when the sky above was looming, the ban on purple and white electric light was constantly shining, it was like a thorn in his heart.

This is his closest to revenge.

If it weren't for that prohibition, Immortal Heaven would have long since become the past.

But Xiao Chen was not someone who gave up easily.

There are not many opportunities for him to take revenge on his blood. This time, it is undoubtedly the most promising.

Therefore, he will stick to it.

"The prohibition can prevent our attack is only temporary, I don't believe it is invulnerable. Chief Layton, how much strength have you recovered now?"

"Almost all recovered."

"Well, continue to attack the restriction. I must smash the tortoise shell outside the immortal sky. When the restriction is broken, I will let Wei Xiao know what cruelty is."

"Going right now?"

"time does not wait."

With that, Xiao Chen looked at Ye Xiaoqing on the side.

"Xiaoqing, you continue to stay here. If there is any situation, you can leave as soon as possible and leave us alone."

Ye Xiaoqing: "Well, Brother Xiao Chen, you are also careful."

Xiao Chen nodded, and looked at each other with Layton, without saying anything, the two figures flew towards the sky of the immortal sky again.

At this time, Yan Yi was patrolling the surroundings on the city wall of the Immortal Sky.

Although the zombies outside could not break through the restriction and threaten the people inside, the hundreds of thousands of soldiers guarding the city had never stopped killing the zombies.

This is not to say that they are idle and do nothing, but that the impact of the zombies on the restraint will also cause the consumption of restraint energy.

If left alone, even if the imperial peak powerhouse does not take action, the energy stored in the ban will not be consumed by them.

The so-called water droplets through stone is the truth.

"Master Yan Yi..."

The generals guarding the city saw Yan Yi's figure and greeted him one after another.

Yan Yi nodded.

"Can the soldiers' emotions be better?"

"Hahaha... the hostess can rest assured, those little rascals are so excited. Having fought so many battles with zombies, this time is the easiest. Leaning on the wall can harvest zombies frantically, if every battle in the future It's all so easy, just let them not sleep for ten and a half days without panting."

Yan Yi smiled.

"Let the soldiers take turns to change defenses, and there will be battles waiting for us.


The guard stood up straight, Zhaoyan Yi respected, and firmly assured.

Yan Yi didn't say much, and he had to walk towards the next area.


Just a few steps after Yan Yi and his guards walked out, suddenly, there was a violent roar from above, and then there was a slight tremor on the entire wall.

"What's the situation?" The guard and the soldiers around changed in color.

Yan Yi stabilized his figure, staring at the top of the restriction.

"Boom boom boom—"

Above their heads, Xiao Chen and Leiton spared no effort to launch a frenzied bombardment against the restraint.

His own supernatural powers and the surrounding natural forces are like inexhaustible and inexhaustible, constantly sweeping toward the prohibition.

The movement just now was caused by them.

Yan Yi: "I'm the pinnacle of the enemy's forces. Let me know so that the soldiers don't have to worry. The two of you can't break the restrictions imposed by your master."


This happened during the day, and now Yan Yi explained that the guard suddenly had no worries.

The guard went down to inform everyone of the situation.

But Yan Yi ended the inspection directly and walked towards the central square with his guards.


"I want to see how long you can hold on?"

In order to break through the prohibition above the immortal sky as soon as possible, Xiao Chen and Leiton can be said to spare no effort.

Controlling their own strength to the limit of cell counterphagy, neither of them has any reservations about the mobilization of the forces of nature and the release of their own abilities.

Their power falls on the prohibition, each time it will bring a lot of shock to the immortal sky.

Seeing the purple-white electro-optical restraint formed by them each time it was attacked and quickly condensed, Xiao Chen gradually realized something.

"Leader Layton, we use the strongest attack state to jointly attack a place."

Layton's hand movement paused.

"what have you found?"

Xiao Chen: "I don't confirm it yet, but I will know after trying it."

Layton didn't hesitate.


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