Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1645: The praying mantis catches the cicada, the oriole is behind


As the final victor of the battle between the two races, when the final finishing work of the emperor's son and emperor was over, the leader of the sacred judge, a long roar spreading across the world and shaking the earth.


With the domineering roar of the holy referee, tens of thousands of zombies on the ground and the emperors and emperors responded.

It seemed that the entire non-emirate continent was trembling amidst bursts of ear-splitting roars.

The domineering declaration of the victor and the roar of deterrence made even the world tremble.

"Is this voice a shock to foreign enemies, or is it a high-profile announcement of unshakable dominance?"

When the saints vented for the victory of the war, a huge bird carrying four figures appeared in the air on the border of the non-emirate continent.

Wei Xiao, wearing a black gilt lace robe, holding a sheathed emperor sword, listened to the looming roar in the distance, Feng Qingyun said flatly.

By his side, Mu Wuqing and others are also carefully catching the howling in the distance.

Mu Wuqing: "Husband, is the battle between the corpse tribe and the water tribe over?"

Wei Xiao stood against the wind.

"Such a intensive whistling sound, if it weren't for defeating the invading enemy, do they have the skill to waste time on it?"

Phantom: "The failure of the aquarium has been doomed from the beginning. The emperor and emperor with the holy referee are immortal in theory. They cannot be defeated in one blow, and they are almost invincible, and the state can continue. Maintain it at its peak."

Bai Youwei: "I just don't know how much the Shui Clan consumes them?"

"It should not be small." Mu Wuqing thought for a while and said, "The power of the aquatic power comes from the treasures of heaven and earth, not the zombie gene. The saints can absorb the supernatural powers remaining in the air to restore themselves, and the reason is that they are different. The abilities released by the capable ones are the same root as them, and there will be no rejection."

"But the aquarium is different. If the holy judges dare to do this, it will only cause the repulsion of energy in the body. Therefore, even if the aquarium is defeated, the holy judges will not be intact."

After Mu Wuqing finished speaking, Phantom and Bai Youwei looked at Wei Xiao involuntarily.

Wei Xiao's knowledge of zombies is professional.

Wei Xiao: "Regardless of whether it is consumed or not, the Holy Referee will definitely die this time. You must also be mentally prepared. After the Battle of the Immortal Heaven, it stands to reason that there are only two emperors and daughters around the Holy Referee, but few Months have passed, it is not ruled out that a new emperor and daughter will be born. The pressure on you is not small."

The three women looked at each other.

Mu Wuqing smiled and said: "We are no longer what we used to be. There is no cell backlash. It is completely fine for one person to hold two or three emperors and emperors for a period of time. As long as you are fast enough, we will be fine."

"Sister Wu Qing is talking about what we want to say. Husband, you can deal with the sacred judge at ease, but the speed must be fast. You can't watch your wife die away, right?"

Wei Xiaoxie smiled.

"Don't you know whether it's fast or not?"


When the three women heard this, they didn't expect that Wei Xiao suddenly drove them. Although they were both old and old, their pretty faces were still blushing.

Mu Wu glanced at Wei Xiao innocently.

"Did we tell you that?"


Seeing the shyness of his sweet wife, Wei Xiao was in a good mood.

This can be regarded as a kind of emotional adjustment before the war is about to come!

The final battlefield.

The roar of the zombies ended after a long time.

The nine emperors' sons and daughters returned to the holy referee.

"Father! The Shui Clan has been resolved as quickly as possible, and all enemies above the emperor level are not spared." Shengxuanhui reported.

Looking at the nine great emperors and emperors, the holy judge nodded in satisfaction.


However, before he could explain his next step, his eyes suddenly sank and he coughed a few times.

Immediately, blood golden blood flowed from his mouth.

For him, it was just a "small bite" of blood, but when it flowed to the ground, it was as terrifying as a waterfall.


Upon seeing this, the face of the nine emperors' sons and daughters changed drastically.

Sanctuary: "Nothing. It's just a side effect of too much energy consumption. Aquariums are no better than humans. They don't use our genes. The deity cannot absorb the energy released during battle from the air. Just rest for a while, and you don't need to worry about it. ."

Sheng Xuan: "No, the father is to ensure that the children’s state is backlashed by this. Children can’t look at the sanctuary for a moment of weakness. The father will wait a moment, and we will provide you with energy, so that you can recover as soon as possible. peak."

Upon hearing this, the corner of his mouth raised slightly.

"I'm interested."

Shengxuan did not neglect, and looked at each other with the other brothers and sisters. They were connected, without any hesitation, the shot was a beam of energy that poured into Sheng Cai's huge body.

As a large amount of different energy poured into the body, the energy and state consumed by the holy judge was rapidly rising and recovering.

When they were about to return to their peak, suddenly, from a distant sky, a blood purple light flew towards them.

The blood purple light came soon.

It arrived in front of them almost instantly.

The saint who is enjoying the comfort brought by the extra energy into the body is the first to wake up.

The huge dragon eye looked at the blood purple light beams that had touched the two emperors and daughters, and shouted, "Be careful--"


However, his reminder was still a bit slower.

The blood-purple light beam did not pass the bodies of two of the emperor and emperor and disappeared in a flash.

When he reappeared, he had already appeared in mid-air that was level with the eyes of the holy judge.

"Wei Xiao?"

When looking at the tiny figure less than three hundred meters away from him, the holy judge's dragon eyes opened wide, and a burst of soaring anger and shock appeared from it.

Look below again.

The two emperors and daughters targeted by Wei Xiao's sneak attack, after the other emperors and daughters reacted, they still stood still.

The emperor and the emperor, who opened their mouths slightly and the color of indescribable fear in their eyes, accompanied the sound of "pupu", and purple-white electric lights flew out from their bodies and brains.

From top to bottom, their bodies were penetrated by this ubiquitous purple-white electric light, and there were electric lights piercing through from both sides everywhere.


Seeing that the two emperors and daughters were attacked to death in this way, Sheng Xuan and the other emperors and daughters shouted angrily, and their figures lifted into the sky, forming a circle that surrounded Wei Xiao.

Wei Xiao, with a cold face, was not afraid of this.

Holding the scabbard in one hand and the Emperor Devouring Sword in the other, his eyes calmly looked at the head of the saint in front of him that was comparable to a mountain.

"You seem to be hurt?"

The saint's fangs, the sharp teeth comparable to the towering trees were revealed in front of Wei Xiao.

The sacred judge who was full of resentment towards Wei Xiao in his eyes gritted his teeth and said, "You don't need to know about it. You can do a sneak attack like the world's No. 1 powerhouse, Wei Xiao, you are really going back more and more alive. Up."

Wei Xiao didn't care.

"It seems that the influence of Shuizu on you is really not small. This has done me well, and this trip has not come in vain."

"Wei Xiao, did you forget us?" Sheng Xuan said at this time.

Wei Xiao glanced at the surrounding emperors and daughters.

Some jokingly said: "Don't tell me, so many handsome men and beautiful women surround me, it makes me feel flattered."


Shengxuan and the others were ridiculed by Wei Xiao and gritted their teeth with hatred.

Wei Xiao ignored the hatred eyes of all the emperors and daughters, and looked at the holy judge again.

"It's hard for you to give birth to so many emperors and daughters in a few months."

"If you are here for the disgusting deity, congratulations, you succeeded. But Wei Xiao, don't think that your strength is invincible and you can do whatever you want. This is the territory of the deity, and you are not allowed to go wild."

"I didn't kill the wild! I just accidentally killed your two emperors and daughters..." Wei Xiao's tone sank as he said, and he looked at the holy judge with an expression of undue beating, "but you can What am I?"

"kill him--"

The sanctuary was obviously stimulated by Wei Xiao to run away.

The hysterical roar came from his mouth, and the emperor, who was waiting for the order of the sage referee, immediately shot.

"Lei Mie--"


However, when the holy referee asked the emperor and emperor to attack Wei Xiao, on the other side, two soft shouts that were almost in sync with the sound of the holy judge rang through the sky.


Thunder on the ground, sunset in the sky.

From the sky and the earth, the sky fire formed by the scorching blood black spirit flame and the thunder rising from the earth flew towards the seven emperors and daughters respectively.

Too late to act on Wei Xiao.

The emperor and the emperor felt that the attack against them was extremely devastating, and immediately dispersed and avoided.

But they avoided the attack from the sky and the ground, from the air, forty-eight beams of light broke through the air.

The golden light beams directed at their bodies, forcing the seven emperors and daughters who were dodging to have to cover their bodies with a layer of protection.

"Peng Peng Peng—"

The protective cover was hit by the golden light beam, and the figures of the Seven Great Emperors and Emperors flew back hundreds of meters on the spot, standing guard around them in different directions.

"Swish swish—"

At this time, the three figures flew down from above the clouds.

Under the gaze of the holy judge, they stood beside Wei Xiao.

They are the three daughters of Phantom, Mu Wuqing and Bai Youwei.

Close to Wei Xiao, Bai Youwei's body was still floating with golden light beams that had repelled the seven emperors' sons and emperors. It was the 48 Emperor Slashing Flying Swords.

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