Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1650: All back, I want to pretend to be


The Phantoms in the distance saw this scene, their livers and gallbladders were splitting, and their hearts were heartbroken.

He wanted to support Wei Xiao, but he was blown away by the spreading shock wave, and suffered a lot of damage again.

Smoke billowed and the sky was gray.

As the shock wave gradually dissipated, from the distant sky, three figures came against the wind.

Wait for their figure to land.

The headed Ye looked coldly at a pair of star eyes.

"Can you feel Wei Xiao's breath of life?"

Ye Xiaoqing beside her diffused the life force.

For a moment, Ye Xiaoqing, whose eyebrows were slightly condensed, said anxiously: "Be careful, Wei Xiao's vitality is extremely strong."

Ye's face changed drastically.

"Go and catch the Phantoms—"

The masked followers heard the sound, flashed and flew towards the place where the Phantom and the others were.

But the other party just made a move, and a blood purple beam pierced the thick smoke and took the figure of the follower.

Feeling the crisis after coming to themselves, followers can no longer deal with the Phantom and others.

A swiftly turned around while sliding backwards, mobilizing abnormal energy in his hand.

Layers of defensive cloth was placed where the figure passed by.

"Peng Peng Peng—"

A blood purple beam came from the front.

Along the way, the defenses set by the followers are continuously broken.

More than a dozen consecutive defensive bans were pierced.

After retreating hundreds of meters, the speed of setting defenses was completely unable to keep up with the speed of destruction by the blood purple beam. Seeing that there was only the last defense restriction in front of him, he was shocked in his heart, and it could be said that his soul was frightened out.

However, just when he thought he could not hide and prepared to take this sudden move, the scarlet beam that flew from did not have enough stamina when it collided with the last defensive ban. After a moment of contact with it, it fell directly. Go down and plug it on the ground.

It was also at this time that everyone could clearly see that the blood-purple beam that shot at the followers turned out to be a long knife.

The followers were afraid for a while. On the face behind the mask, he had a cold sweat for some time. He saw that the sudden attack was blocked, and he took a calm look at the dissipating smoke.

"Is this the strength of the world's No. 1 powerhouse? I, I don't think so."

The followers said insincerely, pretending to be relaxed, forcing him to act as if all of this was in his calculations.

The most funny thing is that when he spoke, he didn't forget to look at them towards the night, as if he wanted to show something.

But who knows, his heart almost didn't jump out at this moment.

The surface is as stable as a dog, but the heart is flustered.

Talking about people like him.


As soon as the dark voice fell, Wei Xiao, who was covered in blood purple electric light and blood black arrogance, walked out in the smoke and dust gradually dissipating.

Wei Xiao's face looked very painful, and the two powers of different colors on his body seemed to be out of his control, and were always opposing him.

The night outside saw Wei Xiao appearing, his eyes solemn.

The strength of the opponent seems to be above his perception.

As far as the power used by the followers during the sneak attack, not to mention just a human body, even if it is a diamond mysterious iron, I am afraid that it will not be able to bear it.

What's more, Wei Xiao was obviously unprepared at the time. Coupled with his injuries, he was able to resist such an attack. In his heart, Ye's fear of Wei Xiao increased to a higher level.

It was so terrible to be injured. If he hadn't entered the arena in Wei Xiao's weakest situation, Ye Zhen didn't know what he was going to fight against Wei Xiao.

"There are countless creatures that have died in my hands today and today. I don't want to kill anymore. You, you leave now, and nothing I can assume has happened."

Wei Xiao spoke suddenly.

The dignified demon king, who has always played with the enemy like a cat and mouse or killed him directly, this time he will actually say such a sentence.

If it hadn't been for the aura that he released from his body, there was indeed no one else, as soon as Wei Xiao said these words, it would make people doubt his identity.

However, Wei Xiao's tone was noticeable.

Intermittent words came from his mouth, coupled with the hideous color on his face from time to time, Wei Xiao at this moment seemed to be suppressing something.

Ye Xiaoqing found the problem.

"There are two vital forces in his body that are very active, the strongest one is assimilating the other."

Ye's face suddenly changed after hearing this.

He watched the entire battle between Wei Xiao and the referee before, including the scene where Wei Xiao incorporated the blood of the referee into his body.

According to what Ye Xiaoqing is saying now, doesn't it mean that Wei Xiao is now refining the power of the sacred judge?

"He is fusing the power of the sacred judge to stop him." Ye suddenly secretly gave an order to his followers.

Of course, Ye did not hesitate.

A powerful thought force was released, and the resulting violent storm was like wind and sand sweeping Wei Xiao's figure.

Secretly hesitate for a moment.

Don't look at what he said before Wei Xiao is not worth mentioning, but in fact, everyone knows that the world's strongest person has gained a reputation?

Ye didn't dare to deal with Wei Xiao up close, and he was a rising star, it was impossible to say that he was not afraid.

However, thinking of the relationship between himself and Ye, he secretly fell into his heart.

"Wei Xiao has been injured and is still being held back by the will of the sacred judge. Even if it is not an opponent who wants to escape, it should be no problem for my dignified pinnacle powerhouse. By then, I can't beat Wei Xiao and then retreat, and the adults have no reason to blame me."

Make up your mind, secretly adjust the ability to wrap the whole province.

Controlling the power of the elements, he turned into a blast of sky, and when he was troubled by Wei Xiao with his thoughts at night, he rolled up a more ferocious storm and rushed towards Wei Xiao.


Affected by Ye, Wei Xiao had to be distracted to deal with their attack.

But in this way, the remnant consciousness of the sanctuary that was about to be erased by him has the opportunity to make waves again.


The powerful purple-white electric light diffused out, annihilating the thought power released by the night.

Immediately, the purple-white electric light that spread out from Wei Xiao's body was suddenly recovered, forcibly suppressing the blood black arrogance with the power of a prairie fire.

"Since I'm dead, let me go clean--"

Wei Xiao seemed to be talking to someone.

However, just when he withdrew his power to suppress the remaining consciousness of the Holy Judgment, a secret attack arrived.

The endless wind blade swept Wei Xiao's body.

There was a reaction, but the energy he mobilized was not enough to block the dark attack. As soon as the protective cover was formed, it was disassembled by the wind blade.

The darkness of the wind element appeared, and his hands condensed the strongest blow to Wei Xiao's chest.



The terrifying storm instantly annihilated the flesh and blood in front of Wei Xiao, and penetrated from behind him.

Wei Xiao spit out blood from his mouth, a figure out of his own control, flying out like a cannonball toward the rear.

"I, I killed Wei Xiao?"

Compared to Wei Xiao, who was seriously injured and flew out to hit the ground a kilometer away, at this moment, his figure stayed in the darkness, looking at his hands in disbelief.

Did you do that blow by yourself?

Is that really what I can do?

Are you dreaming?

The world's strongest man, the sage judge, and multiple clones besieged the men who had never given fatal injuries, but at this moment, he was penetrated by his own body.

If all this was not done by myself, I couldn't believe that I could kill Wei Xiao with one move.

Yes, I secretly felt that Wei Xiao would definitely die if he was hit by his move.

After all, his entire chest cavity was annihilated by his supernatural powers, and Wei Xiao, whose heart was wiped out in ashes, had no room for survival.

Damn it!

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes today, I wouldn't know that I was so powerful?

The darkness gradually recovered from the shock and excitement, and he looked at the area where Wei Xiao's figure was shrouded in thick smoke in the distance, and then at his hands stained with Wei Xiao's golden blood.

"Hahaha... I am so strong now. I don't need to be afraid of the world's strongest person. I can kill Wei Xiao, so what reason is there to be afraid of? I am the real world. First."

"An, what do you dare to be surprised, take advantage of this, and join hands to completely smash Wei Xiao's body." Ye Jianan could still smirk on the spot, and snorted coldly.

Being drunk by the night, secretly recovered from self-yielding.

However, compared to the timidity and flinching that he had dealt with Wei Xiao before, the aura of the whole person and body was completely changed in the darkness at this moment.

Unspeakable words came from his mouth.

"My lord, you step back and deal with Wei Xiao. I'm all alone. Just wait and see how I can cut Wei Xiao!"

Leaving a arrogant word, the dark figure flashed, and instantly submerged in the smoke and dust that enveloped Wei Xiao's body.

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