Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 164: Don't harm others and yourself

Jing Tianzhong was angrily: "Are you crazy? The sir and the others used their lives to block the zombies for us. At this time, go back to them and look for them. Are you worthy of the sacrifice of the sir and the other brothers?"

"Little Bell..." Someone wanted to stop the excited Sedum Bell.

The two fighters who were yelled by Sedum Bell were not angry either, they looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

"We are running out of time." One of them said, and the two turned sideways.

When they saw their respective shoulders and backs, the four female soldiers in the team had already covered their mouths in surprise, and the corners of their mouths were shaking.

"Now know why we chose this way?"

Jingtianzhong choked and said, "Yes, was it a zombie?"

The two nodded.

"Live for us."

The two said and waved goodbye to them.

Sedum Bell has nothing to say now.

He couldn't imagine that the two chose to return to the chief because they were all scratched by zombies.

Since the outbreak of the last days, they have seen many comrades-in-arms turned into zombies because of a small wound on their bodies.

To be honest, when there are no evolutionary zombies among the zombies, their survivors can completely rely on the defense facilities of the battle base to resist thousands of zombies.

But because of such wounds, not only did they kill their comrades in the first place, but it also caused huge casualties to the survivors.

Sedum Bell couldn't bear it, but they knew that some people could no longer save it.

"Help me bring a sentence to the officer and tell him that the Second Legion will never perish." After leaving this sentence, Jing Tianzhong first ran away in tears.

The others also bid farewell to the two comrades in tears.

Below, Wei Xiao and the others waited for a long time before they saw Jingtianzhong come down.

"Does it take so long to get downstairs?" Wei Xiao said.

Jing Tianzhong glared at Wei Xiao with bloodshot eyes: "You..."

The soldier who followed quickly grabbed Sedum Bell, barely squeezing a smile on his face that was more ugly than crying, and said: "Sorry, my comrade-in-arms was a little agitated, because two of us were scratched by zombies above."

There is no need to explain more, a sentence scratched by a zombie is enough to explain everything.

Ming Yulan can understand Jingtianzhong's mood at this moment. At first, her colleagues were scratched by zombies in order to find food for them, and then chose to kill themselves. At that time, Ming Yulan's mood was not heartbreaking?

"It's okay, I can..."

Before Ming Yulan could finish her words, Wei Xiao said coldly: "Use grief and anger to cover up your incompetence. Do such people need sympathy?"

"What are you talking about?" Jing Tianzhong couldn't stand Wei Xiao's cynicism, and broke free from his comrades around him and rushed towards Wei Xiao.

Except for his own woman, Wei Xiao hadn't gotten used to anyone.

Seeing Sedum Sedum rushing up, he was about to give him a fist. Wei Xiao didn't need to move his footsteps. The Bone Mo knife in his hand instantly pressed Sedum Sedum's throat.

The tip of the knife had cut through Sedum Bell's skin, and blood was flowing down his neck.

"Put down the knife!"

Seeing Wei Xiao pointing a knife at his comrade-in-arms, others raised their guns at Wei Xiao.


"Put down the gun."

Wu Xiaoqi and the others did not react slowly, and dozens of people pointed their guns at Jingtianzhong and others.

Even Ming Yulan pointed the gun at them.

"I advise you to put down your guns."

"Let him put the knife down first." A special warrior sternly said.

Ming Yulan looked at Wei Xiao.

Wei Xiao sneered.

He looked at the soldier on the roof who also pointed his gun at him, and said in a cold tone.

"Don't say I didn't give you a chance, I counted three times, and didn't put down the gun after three times, then you will always hold it! One!"

The comrades behind Jing Tianzhong suddenly became highly nervous.


With the second sound, it was obvious that the soldiers were already sweating on their foreheads.

Before Wei Xiao could say it for the third time, the red-eyed Sedum Bell changed into a sad look on his face.

"Put the gun down! He is right. Sadness and anger just show my incompetence. I was impulsive just now."

Sedum clock spoke up, and his comrades hesitated and put down their weapons one after another.

The tense atmosphere was immediately relieved, but Wei Xiao didn't plan to let the Sedum Clock go just like that.

The figure instantly approached the Sedum Bell, the Gu Mo knife in his hand reversed, and the handle of the knife was stuck on the lower abdomen of Sedum Bell.

The powerful force impacted Sedum Bell's body, causing him to fly upside down.


The few people who had just put down their guns were about to do it again, and Wei Xiao glanced at them coldly.

I only felt that the few people who were stared at by a wild and wild beast were cold all over.

"Don't repeat the same thing a second time. One sentence of'I am impulsive' can solve the problem, is that still a problem? Put down their guns, and kill those who resist." Ignoring a few people completely, Wei Xiao Backhand the Bone Mo knife into the scabbard on the back.

Wu Xiaoqi asked several female soldiers to come up and forcibly confiscated the weapons from Sedum Bell's comrades.

Wei Xiao started with a sense of measure. Sedum clock seemed to be seriously injured, but in fact it was just some physical pain.

Suffering from the abdominal pain, he stood up, no longer as impulsive as before.

"Please don't hurt my comrades-in-arms. It was my fault just now. If you still don't get angry, you can come to me."

Wei Xiaogao glanced at Sedum Bell.

Responsible, loyal, and a person who knows how to advance and retreat, very good.

"Before doing things in the future, you must consider the consequences, and don't harm others because of your personal emotions."

"thanks for reminding."

Wei Xiao is not a person who is not forgiving. He has a good attitude, and he will not hold onto a small matter.

"I ask you, where are you from?"

Sedum Chung took a few breaths, whose mood had eased a lot.

"Junlinhai, Linzhonglin Combat Base."

"A good battle base is not waiting. Why are you here for more than a hundred kilometers?"

"The battle base has fallen."


Wei Xiao's face changed slightly.


"Yes. There are a large number of mutant zombies on our side, and one of them releases poisonous gas. The poisonous gas is very toxic. Almost every soldier who inhales the poisonous gas will ulcerate and die in less than half an hour. We can't hold it, it happens. A few days ago, I heard that a survivor base had been established on Haixin Island, so I moved here."

There are new types of zombies that release poisonous gas.

What appeared this time was many times more terrifying than the so-called giant zombies, climbers, and agile people.

Toxic gas! It's simply overwhelming.

"Are there many such zombies?"

Sedum clock shook his head.

"So far, we have only found three, but even if this type of zombie is killed, the place where his body is located after death will be enveloped by poison gas within a radius of one kilometer. The poison gas is only effective on people and livestock, and zombies are not. Affected."

"What other useful information? For example, how to resist this poisonous gas."

"There should be, but we didn't find it."

This is not good news.

Fortunately, there are not many zombies of this kind, otherwise, it will be the real end of mankind.

I just don't know if the poison gas is useful for me? Well, find a chance to try, the big deal is to fester once and then rebirth.

"How many of you escaped from the battle base?" The question was changed.

Sedum clock's face turned red when he heard Wei Xiao's question. Not only him, but his comrades in arms are also blushing.

"Why, don't you know?"

"No, we left the battle base with a total of more than 800 people, but now, maybe only eight of us here will survive, no, there should be only six people."

"What's the meaning?"

Sedum Bell gritted his teeth and did not speak any more, obviously unable to speak.

At this time, one of his female comrades-in-arms answered Wei Xiao.


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