Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1662: Beast blood boils

Inside the final battlefield of the non-emirate continent.



After the orcs basically captured the area occupied by humans, they finally started to deal with this new race that once inflicted them on the orcs once it appeared.

Twelve lord-level mutant beasts from the early to late emperor-level stage led an army of hundreds of thousands of mutant beasts to attack the corpse clan’s nest.

A large number of fallen corpse races with cutting-edge combat power, facing the menacing orcs, there is no power to parry.

Leaving the abyss, the tens of millions of conventional zombies and corpses that came to the ground to block the orc army were wiped out in just a few hours in front of the mutant beast army led by the emperor-level powerhouse.

At this moment, the mutant beast army has already plunged into the abyss.

Here, there are more corpses.

In the huge underground world, there are battlefields everywhere, blood and death everywhere.

The deepest part of the abyss.

"Mother emperor, concubine, we must leave here immediately."

Now, the only remaining peak power Saint Jade of the corpse clan is urging the two corpse emperors to leave the abyss.

She had to do this.

There are too many emperor-level powerhouses coming from the orcs.

Although she protects herself, there is basically no possibility of surviving the two corpse emperors once they are attacked by the emperor-level mutant beasts.

The Empress Wu Tian and the Imperial Concubine Sifang are the last hope of the corpse clan.

If something happens to them, the corpse clan will have no future.

Saint Jade was not sure to block the twelve emperor-level mutant beasts with his own strength. In order to ensure the continuation of the corpse clan and to ensure that the corpse clan can return to the peak, leaving the corpse clan with them after the Emperor Wutian was the most correct choice.

The Empress Wutian was not without seeing, and he obeyed Shengyu's suggestion.

"Go, you must go right away. Gather all the mother corpses and corpses, and we will leave now before the orc army has killed them."

"Where can we go?"

The Sifang imperial concubine asked in confusion.

The Empress Wu Tian made a decisive decision: "The sea. The sea is our only way of life now. From now on, before there is enough strength, the corpse clan will live forever in the deep sea."

After deciding where to go, the two corpse emperors did not hesitate, and immediately notified all the super zombies below the abyss with the corpse clan's messaging method.

At their call.

In just ten minutes, more than 300 corpses and 37 mother corpses were gathered.


And after they gathered the last hope of the corpse clan, not far from them, there was a roar of mutant beasts resounding inside and outside the abyss.

"Is there an emperor mutant beast coming? Mother emperor, emperor, you go first!"

Feeling the aura of an emperor-level powerhouse approaching, the holy jade left a word to the Empress Wutian and the others, and then disappeared in place.

She must not let the mutant beast discover the Empress Wutian.

Therefore, when she felt the emperor-level mutant beast approaching here, she had to use as a bait to fight for the Empress Wutian and them to escape.

"Boom boom boom—"

Shengyu only left for a moment.

At this time, not far from the place where the Empress Wu Tian and theirs gathered, fierce fighting sounded.


The Empress Wu Tian did not hesitate.

Bring the surrounding zombies, and flee towards the side of the ocean through the all-encompassing path below the abyss.

Of course, while the two corpse emperors were escaping, the two corpse emperors also gave their final orders to all the zombies remaining in the abyss.

Endless fight.

As the abandoned zombies, they are also destined to be used to buy more time for the Empress Wutian to escape. They received the final order of the two corpse emperors, and each zombies directly abandoned their protection and committed suicide. Pounce on the mutant beast.

The battlefield where the holy jade is located.


The bottom of a large area of ​​the abyss collapsed because of the battle of the emperor-level powerhouse.

As the opponent of the saint jade, an early emperor-level mutant beast lord, after the two sides fought for more than a dozen rounds, this lord-level mutant beast fell into the hands of saint jade.

But the battle belonging to the holy jade is not over yet.

A lord-level mutant beast fell, and the remaining eleven lord-level mutant beasts came.

An even more intense battle broke out.

I don't know how long it took.

The non-emirate continent is on a cliff near the sea.

Here, there is a huge cave.

It is located right in the middle of the cliff, and the width of the cave entrance is more than 100 meters.

Like a huge mouth swallowing the sky, a mysterious and gloomy cave, at this time, there was a lot of movement.

As a gust of wind mixed with smoke and dust gushed out from the entrance of the cave, from inside, a zombie's head, which was just a head equivalent to a hill, came out.

After that, the huge body gradually appeared.

The first one to come out is naturally the Empress Wu Tian.

After that is the Sifang imperial concubine, then the mother corpse, the corpse, and finally the fourth-level zombies guarding them.

"Thump thump thump..."

They left the entrance of the cave and jumped directly from the top of the cliff, their bodies falling into the sea like dumplings.

When the last zombie entered the sea, two huge heads came out under the unstable water.

"Sister, are we really leaving?"

The Empress Wu Tian looked at the dark entrance of the cave with a trace of dismay.

The helplessness finally turned into a sigh.

"Oh! This is the ultimate destiny of our corpse clan. Let's go! This world has nothing to do with us. Next, we must not only be careful of the strong under the sea, but also avoid Wei Xiao's detection. If we can't avoid Wei Xiao's sight, even if we escape the threat of the orcs, we will eventually die in Wei Xiao's hands."

With that said, the two corpse emperors glanced at the mainland for the last time, slowly sinking into the sea with their last nostalgia.

Not long after the team led by the two corpse emperors disappeared into the sea, a severely wounded body plunged directly into the sea from the air.

After her arrival, within minutes, three huge flying mutant beasts came to the sky above the ocean.

"Damn it, let her escape."

"Underwater is not our battlefield, and the other party is the pinnacle powerhouse. Even if the three of us catch up, we won't be able to keep her. Go back."

"If you can escape, the monk can't escape the temple, the zombies in the corpse clan's nest, I want not to keep one."

The three Lord-level mutant beasts summed up, and directly gave up the pursuit of the holy jade.

However, with their departure, the zombies on the non-Emirate continent are destined to have no possibility of surviving.


Minghai City, outside the gate of Immortal Tiannan.

"Oh oh—"


Thousands of troops gathered, and the beasts roared.

When some branches of the orc race launched an attack on the non-emirate continent, Minghai City, after a period of gathering, caused the five peak emperor-level mutant beasts that caused this beast wave to gather outside the immortal sky.

Following them, there are nearly three-digit emperor-level powerhouses.

Seeing so many emperor-level powerhouses, I really responded to the old saying: If you don't call it, it's a blockbuster.

Who could have imagined that the beast races that are not favored by humans, corpse races, and even water races, after this beast wave was triggered by the five peak emperor-level powerhouses, there would be so many emperor-level mutant beasts in the world.

Nearly three-digit emperor-level powerhouses, don’t count the mutant beast army behind them, just their high-end powerhouses standing at the forefront of the army can exert great pressure on the immortal people. With tension.

Here is the immortal city wall.

With the power of Bai Youwei, Yan Yi, Mu Wuqing, and Phantom, the newly built base is now under protection.

However, Mu Wuqing and others on the city wall looked at the mutant beast outside, and the faces of all the girls were not very good.

"Why are there so many emperor-level mutant beasts overnight?" Bai Youwei was surprised.

In addition to the five peak emperor-level mutant beasts who are headed by them, the figure is particularly eye-catching, behind them, the figure the size of a mountain peak also brings her great excitement.

Mu Wuqing frowned.

"The situation is worse than we thought. Now there are five top powerhouses on the mutant beast, plus other seventy or eighty emperor-level lords. Once they attack the base with all their strength, I'm afraid that the four of us will jointly set up The prohibition will not last long."

Yan Yiyin gritted his teeth: "Even if the immortal sky will be destroyed today, I will make these mutant beasts pay a high price."

Mu Wuqing glanced at them at any time and didn't say much, but Mu Wuqing turned his head and nodded at Ni Qingcheng and Haojie Chen.

Chen Haojie they know.

Immediately let people explain, so that the soldiers in the city are ready to fight to the death.

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