Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 169: Husband and Wife

Speaking of Bai Youwei, Shu Wang smiled helplessly.

"Didn’t You Wei say that before? To become a big master like Xiaoying, this is not, in order to become a strong man who can beat the enemy in the shortest time, after lunch today, she took Xiaoying to the three. The gym in the building hasn't come down yet."

"Oh! It's been a few hours, compared to before, it is equivalent to her weekly exercise."

"Roughly the same!"

Wei Xiao came and got interested, letting go of Jiang Xiyu in his arms and stood up.

"I'll go and see! You guys continue to talk. By the way, Shu Wang, I'll go to your room at night."

"Yes, sir! Concubine body will definitely be waiting for you to drive." Shu Wang said jokingly with his long legs.

This charming vixen.

Wei Xiao showed a ferocious expression at her, and then walked towards the third floor.

Inside the gym on the third floor.

Bai Youwei, wearing a white gym suit, was lying on the ground doing strange movements.

The Phantom’s training for her seemed different from what she had imagined.

At this moment, she had a cushion under her body.

The person lies on it with his hands flat, his head on the ground, and his legs continue to stretch over the top of the head, until the toes point on the cushion above the head. The whole body is suspended, as if the whole body is folded into three parts and connected in a certain proportion.

Wei Xiao came up to see this scene, a little stunned.

Why is there such a big gap between Bai Youwei's training and what he thought?

"Master!" The Phantom greeted Wei Xiao when he saw Wei Xiao.

Wei Xiao nodded and walked to Phantom.

"Is my husband back?"

"Don't move, continue to keep this action." Wei Xiao called to Bai Youwei who wanted to get up, and then asked Phantom: "Is this what you taught her?"

"Yeah! Youwei's body is already formed. She can't stand the high-intensity exercises. If you want to achieve something in the training I arranged for her later, I can only teach her this method. Although the results are slow, it is expensive. Before she can persevere."

"How do I look like yoga?"

"The master didn’t see it, it’s yoga. Yoga can stretch the body very well and restore the flexibility and agility of the body. I need to lay a solid foundation for her first, otherwise, many movements that need to be completed in the battle can be done based on her conditions. Nothing."

"Is that right?"

Wei Xiao didn't understand and couldn't understand Phantom's training method.

To say that his body before the end of the world has been shaped long ago, but since acquiring that physique, he found that in the past, let alone do it, he couldn't even think of it, and now he can use it skillfully as long as he tries a few more times. For example, the splitting point, Wei Xiao could not do before the end of the world.

When the legs are pressed down to a certain distance, there will be a tearing pain, but now, this action is simply commonplace for him.

The flexibility of the body is simply incomprehensible to ordinary people.

Looking at Bai Youwei at this time, Wei Xiao's eyes gradually became evil from the initial confusion.

Wei Xiao didn't know if the Phantom's training method could turn Bai Youwei into a combat master, but he knew that Bai Youwei's current pose would usher in more intense exercise.

With a smirk, Wei Xiao walked over to Bai Youwei.

A phantom who knows a little about her husband and master, how can she not know what Wei Xiao is thinking?

Reluctantly shook his head, prayed for Bai Youwei in his heart, then turned and left, leaving the gym to the two of them.

"Husband, what are you doing?"

"Don't do it! I want to test whether your training results are effective today."

As soon as I walked out of the gym, I heard the phantom of the obscure words inside, and sighed.

"I hope the master will not play You Wei badly."

Before long, in the gym, a cheerful bird was chirping, and the panting big cow worked hard to cultivate the fertile land. The whole environment was full of the smell of spring.

The phantom came to the hall.

"Huh! Xiaoying, why are you alone, husband and Youwei?" Shu Wang asked curiously when he saw only the figure of Phantom.

The calm phantom came and sat down beside them.

"It may take an hour or two for the master and Youwei to come down."

Phantom said so, how did Shu Wang and the others not know what happened on the third floor?

"Floating Moon!"

"What does Master Shu Wang want to tell?"

Shu Wang said: "Prepare a bowl of health soup for dinner. You Wei may need it."


"Heh... You Wei is going to be bullied by her master today."

Yan Chuan Keiko smiled.

"Is this bad? You have also experienced your husband's combat effectiveness. Youwei will share some pressure on us, and I can relax at night." Shu Wang said with a smile.


In the evening, Shu Wang's room.

After Wei Xiao's crusade, Shu Wang was weakly leaning on Wei Xiao's body.

"Husband, do you have something on your mind?"

Smoking Wei Xiao nodded: "Soon, we may face the impact of a tide of corpses."

"The corpse tide?"

Wei Xiao told Shu Wang what they had gone out today.

In Shu Wang's shocked eyes, Wei Xiao continued: "Hundreds of thousands of zombies flooded into the Haitian area, which has threatened the safety of the base. As the survivors heading to Haixin Island spread out, we are likely to be corpses here. Group discovery."

Shu Wang couldn't imagine the scene of hundreds of thousands of zombies.

It has been a long time since I have experienced the kind of comfort of the corpse mountain and corpse sea environment. At this moment, the bright eyes also showed worry.

"Husband, what did you plan to do? Leave here?"

"I haven't reached that point yet. I plan to concentrate everyone on the base to speed up the construction of the city wall. It doesn't have to meet my previous requirements, but at least it must be able to withstand the impact of the zombies."

"Can you make it?"

"Fight for it! Tomorrow you will issue an order to gather all the personnel. The base is not as important as building a wall at the moment."

"Yeah! I will arrange it." Shu Wang replied, then thought for a while and said: "My husband, I mean if, if we can't stop the corpse tide's attack, what will happen then?"

Wei Xiao lowered his head and saw the tension on Shu Wang's face.

"Why, I'm afraid I will leave you behind?"

"Yeah! Husband, I'm really scared, you won't leave ours, will you?" As he said, tears flickered in the eyes of someone as strong as Shu Wang.

Wei Xiao gently wiped the tears from her eyes.

Hold her in his arms with both hands.

"There are helicopters in the base. No matter how bad it turns out, you have a place in the upper position. I, Wei Xiao, think I am not a good person, but I can't make me abandon my wife and daughter."

A smile appeared on Shu Wang's face.

She smiled happily and brilliantly.

Green and white Wenyu took the initiative to hold Wei Xiao's neck with his hands, his face pressed against Wei Xiao's chest.

"I know, I know that my original choice was not wrong. Husband, being your woman is the greatest luck in my life."

"Really? If one day I die, what will you do?"


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