Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 171: Big sister don't shoot, we are good people

"Will not!"


Wei Xiao straightened up and looked into the distance.

"Using living people to divert the tide of corpses, there are too few people, little temptation, a drop in the bucket, and too many people. What's the difference between positive resistance?"

Chen Haojie was taken aback, and his face immediately smiled.

"The Lord sees it thoroughly, but if I have an adventure here that can definitely effectively lead the walking corpses, will the Lord try it?"

"Oh?" Wei Xiao suspiciously: "What way?"

"Using giant zombies. I noticed before that the corpses of giant zombies have a fatal temptation for zombies. If we get some of the flesh and blood of giant zombies, and then bring them to Haixin Island, the pressure on the base will definitely be reduced. I know It is a bit unkind to do this, but in this world, people are not selfish and will not live long."

After speaking, Haojie Chen stopped talking, and waited quietly for Wei Xiao to make a decision.

Use the corpses of giant zombies?

Wei Xiao's eyes were hazy.

He quickly made a decision, with a burst of energy in his eyes.

"The Lord has decided?"

"I will prepare for this."

There is no definite answer, but Chen Haojie has got what he wants.

This is definitely an overlord who can accomplish great achievements in the last days.

Not benevolent, not indecisive, and know how to give up. With such an overlord, what kind of bicycle do I need... Oh no! What else is unsatisfied?

The satisfied Chen Haojie bent his body and continued to work.

In other respects, everyone is actively building the city wall, and there is already a five-meter-high city wall that is constantly rising.

The base became more and more consolidated, and Wei Xiao had a better grasp of the attack against the tide of corpses.



The corpse group attracted by Sedum Bell and others undoubtedly brought a huge crisis to the survivors in the transfer.

A large number of mutant zombies appeared, and teams of survivors were dispersed by the corpse group during the transfer process.

A survivor team of no fewer than a hundred people was rushing towards Wei Xiao and the others at this time.

The team was regrouped by scattered survivors.

They are mostly young and middle-aged.

Not to mention the elderly and children, even female survivors are very rare in the team.

"Run away, don't stop!"


Behind them is a large number of zombies chasing them frantically.

The agile people who were far faster than the survivors continued to bite and swallow the people among them. The number of survivors who gathered in the middle of the team was rapidly decreasing.

No one cared about those who were pounced by zombies to call for help.

Charged forward desperately.

"Big brother, big brother, look at it, there is a wall in front of it, it's a high wall."

"It's really there. We'll be able to survive by rushing through and running behind the wall."

Hundreds of meters apart, the survivors of the city wall being built by the Wei Xiaos could be vaguely seen across the woods and buildings, as if seeing the hope of escape, the running speed was even more crazy.

Seeing their desperate appearance, I am afraid that I can't wait for a few more legs at this moment.

Wei Xiao and their side.

"Lord, there is a situation." The soldier in charge of the vigilance noticed the movement in the distance and quickly reported to Wei Xiao using the walkie-talkie.

Wei Xiao straightened up.

With his vision far beyond ordinary people, his gaze was far away, and he quickly saw the crowd chased by zombies among the buildings and on the green streets.

"There are zombies, non-combatants immediately leave the city wall in an orderly manner, and the combatants are on top."

The Christians who were still carrying objects a second, heard Wei Xiao’s call, the workers first put down the objects in their hands and evacuated into the city wall in an orderly manner, while Wu Xiaoqi and Yi Jianfeng quickly piled them up. The weapon leaning on the side was equipped.


The simple gate to enter the city wall is closing. Hundreds of people climbed onto the city wall, their guns unanimously facing outward.

"Don't close the door, don't close the door, we are the survivors, save us."

Someone rushed into Yi Jianfeng's sight.

The number is still increasing.

"Master, what should I do?" Wu Xiaoqi's voice came.

"Wu Xiaoqi, lead your team to **** Shu Wang back to the villa and execute them immediately."

"Yes! Wu Xiaoqi's team will go with me!" Wu Xiaoqi took her soldiers away from the city wall and joined Shu Wang and the others.

All the mistresses are protected by them.

"Husband, you have to be careful."

Shu Wang didn't say anything to stay and live and die with Wei Xiao and the others.

It's not that they are unwilling, but that they don't want to burden Wei Xiao.

"Protect yourself."


Under the protection of Wu Xiaoqi's team, the women quickly withdrew from the base.

At this time, the survivor running in the front was already less than 50 meters away from the wall.

"Master, you can let these people in. The next thing we need most is manpower." Chen Haojie said to Wei Xiao hurriedly.

Understand what he meant.

"Don't close the city gate yet. Wu Yulan..."


"Lead your guards to control the survivors who entered the base, let them gather together, and shoot the disobedient ones on the spot."


Wu Yulan took the order and took her eight guards to the back of the gate to wait for the survivors.

Wei Xiao has seen agile people and climbers.

"Target the agile and climbers."

This sentence was addressed to all the soldiers armed with guns on the wall.

Yi Jianfeng and the others did not slack off.

His eyes locked on the zombies chasing the survivors.


"Bang Bang... Da Da Da..."

A shot of gunfire came from the six-meter-high tower.

A series of bullets flickering like a streamer fell into the team of zombies.

Gunshots appeared, and some of the survivors who were fleeing were also taken aback.

One of them was about to be pounced by an agile man, but at the most critical moment, the agile man was hit in the head by a bullet from the front, and his figure flew out several meters away.

"They have guns. It's great, we can save it, hurry, run!"

In the eyes of ordinary people, the gun is undoubtedly the greatest life guarantee in the end times.

They did not expect that on the edge of the city, they would not only find an unattainable city wall, but also encounter a team of survivors armed with guns.

The survivors who had not given much hope for survival, at this moment, the hope of survival in their hearts is undoubtedly greater.

Not long.

"Huhuhu... finally ran in."

"Brother, we are saved."

"Ouuuu... I don't have to be eaten by zombies, I survived."

A group of survivors have fled behind the city wall.

Between life and death, the joy of escape from birth made them all cheer.

"Everyone will gather here, and if they don't obey the arranger, they will be killed on the spot." Wu Yulan yelled.

Eight of her guards pointed their pistols at the people who had fled.

"Sisters, don't, don't shoot, we are good people."

A guard said coldly: "Don't talk nonsense, gather aside."

"Big Brother..."

An imposing looking man looked around and saw the uncountable number of armed fighters on the wall in a short period of time. He nodded: "Do as they say."

No one was making trouble. The survivors who came in were all gathered in a clearing under Wu Yulan's arrangement, and everyone squatted with their heads in their hands.

Wei Xiao on the wall kept firing at the outside.

This group attracted a lot of corpses, tens of thousands.

Among them, the number of agile people and climbers accounted for 10%, and no giant zombies were found.

"Master, what happened to your side?" Lan Qiang heard the gunshots from Wei Xiao and the others, and immediately connected in.

"Take a good look at your respective construction sites, you don't have to worry about me here."


"Master, the last survivor has come in." Yi Jianfeng said.

"Close the city gate and destroy all the zombies for me!"

The city gate slowly closed, and the sound of gunfire on the wall was endless.

A large number of zombies outside the city were killed in the charge. A small number of zombies were close to the city wall. They were also killed by Wei Xiao and the others because they could not exceed the five or six meters high wall.

Leng Chengfeng deals specifically with those climbers.

There are tens of thousands of zombies, as long as they don't let climbers get close to the city wall, it will not be any threat to them.


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