Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 176: Corpse surge

"You can go to the material supermarket to choose what you need, or you can write down the list if you don't have it. I'll have someone get it back for you if I have a chance."


"From today, your two identities are management. I know that you have the skills for the remaining four people, starting from the elite. I hope you can forget your identities, and in the future, your identities will be people from this base. And here, it will become your new home, can it be done?" Wei Xiao continued.


The six did not hesitate.

In the last days, they have no home for a long time. Now that someone takes them in and recognizes them, what else can the six of them hesitate?

Sedum clock and the others were arranged, Wei Xiao did not continue to inspect the construction site, and returned to Villa No. 1 with his little secretary Li Qingshu.

In the next few days, Yi Jianfeng and the others began to leave the base in batches to check the movement of the zombies.

Affected by Haixin Island, more and more survivors fled to the base.

In just a few days, Jiang Xue and the others received no less than two hundred survivors.

Similarly, the survivors also brought a large number of zombies.

There are already tens of thousands of zombies gathered outside the city wall.

The work on the city wall can no longer go on, and Yi Jianfeng and the others can only stop the construction of the city wall.

While arranging some newcomers and beloved ones to clean the zombies with a long spear through a layer of barbed wire outside the city wall, the defense on the city wall also increased its strength.

Hundreds of fighters scattered to all directions of the city wall for alert 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

During the period, the number of climbers they dispose of was no less than double digits.

For the fifth day after the city wall was suspended for repairs, the soldiers who went out to scout the zombies finally brought back bad news.

The corpses in the Haitian District are spreading towards them. According to preliminary calculations, the tide of corpses formed by the gathering of the corpses this time is actually more than one million.

Hearing this approximate figure, Wei Xiao and others were very moved.

More than a million zombies, what kind of concept is that?

It is impossible to imagine that the corpse mountain and corpse sea are not enough to describe the horror of the corpse tide.

The real crisis is coming.


"Master, are you going out?"

The city wall was suspended for the seventh day. Early that morning, Wei Xiao put on his gear and was about to leave Villa No. 1 with a bone sword on his back.

The Phantom who was by his side last night rushed out and asked.

"Some things need to go out."

"I go with you!"

"No, stay at home and protect Shuwang them. I can rest assured when you are there." Wei Xiao didn't plan to bring the Phantom.

The Phantom's strength is good. In terms of combat effectiveness in the base, no one is better than Wei Xiao, but this time Wei Xiao is going out to do too risky. With the Phantom, Wei Xiao cannot ensure her safety.

"Does the master come back tonight?"

Wei Xiao thought for a while and said, "I'm not sure, don't worry about it. Obediently wait for me to come back at the base, you know?"

The Phantom bit her red lips and nodded.

Seeing Xiaojiao's wife's reluctance, Wei Xiao walked over and gave her a hard kiss.

"You are a killer, and the killer has no feelings."


Squeezing her little face, Wei Xiao turned and left.


Wei Xiao drove to the city wall.

As they walked up the city wall, the soldiers who hadn't changed their shift saw him and saluted him one after another.

"Has there been an increase in zombies outside?" Wei Xiao asked while looking outside.

Wei Yangtian said solemnly, "It is increasing every day, and the cleaning speed of newcomers and beloved people is not as fast as the increase of zombies. Last night, there were eleven climbers sneaking attacks. Fortunately, they were found early, otherwise it is inevitable. There were casualties."

"Don't let your guard down."

"Know, we have the spirit of twelve points every moment."

Wei Xiao patted him on the shoulder.

"When I go out, the base will be handed over to you."

"The Lord is going out now?" Wei Yangtian was a little surprised.

"Go out and do something. You shoot a few shots here to attract the attention of the zombies." As he said, Wei Xiao walked towards one end of the city wall.

Wei Yangtian didn't know what Wei Xiao was going to do, so he greeted several soldiers to come to him and shot down at the same time.

The gunshots caused the corpse to go crazy, and a large number of zombies under the city wall poured toward them.

Wei Xiao found a place with fewer zombies and jumped down.

"Damn, the lord has fallen." A soldier exclaimed.

The others were taken aback by his words and looked at the place where Wei Xiao's figure was.

As a result, their faces twitched.

When Wei Xiao came outside the city, a bone knife was almost invincible.

Wherever the figure went, the zombies pounced on his pile.

This is obviously a unilateral massacre, which is strong and unreasonable.

That’s why you actually said that the Lord fell. Are you sure that the Lord did not deliberately?

Perhaps the soldier who noticed his failure to speak, scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Sorry, I was so nervous just now."

Wei Yangtian gave the soldiers a blank look.

"In the future, everything related to the Lord will be held in my stomach, even if the Lord is surrounded by millions of zombies, you don't need to worry about it." Wei Yangtian said grimly.

"Hey... I know the captain!"

Seeing the soldier giggling, Wei Yangtian shook his head.

Looking at the figure that directly smashed a passage in the corpse group, Wei Yangtian couldn't express the envy in his eyes.

"Whenever I can be as strong as the Lord, no, even if it is only half, I will be satisfied."

Since Wei Xiao asked Yi Jianfeng and the others to form an armed squadron, Yi Jianfeng, who became the squadron leader, had already given up the position of the previous squadron.

Wei Yangtian was undoubtedly promoted to the captain of the team. Although he was still an elite, in his team, all the elites had to obey his management, and the relationship also belonged to the superior and inferior.

There are many people who have the same ideas as Wei Yangtian, but unfortunately, they will never reach the height of Wei Xiao.

When Wei Xiao's figure disappeared from the sight of everyone, Wei Yangtian returned to his senses and focused on the city wall again.

Leaving the base, Wei Xiao found a motorcycle that could be driven outside and drove to the end of the city.

The tide of corpses mainly gathered in the middle of the Haitian District, and moved very slowly toward the base.

They didn't know that there was a large amount of "blood food" waiting for them to enjoy, but it was attracted by the survivors who had fled to Haixin Island before.

Zombies are a very strange species.

They gather wherever it is lively.

The movement of the survivors leads them, and after losing their target, they will wander aimlessly around until they find a new survivor.

Heading south, Wei Xiao, who bypassed the tide of corpses for more than an hour and came to the rear, found that the number of zombies behind the tide of corpses had decreased significantly. Discover evolutionary zombies.

"This may be a rare benefit for the survivors in the rear."

Thinking of the survivors still living in the rear, Wei Xiao couldn't help but sigh.

His guess is correct.

Those survivors who were incapable or abandoned before and had no chance to follow the large forces to the Haixin Bridge, they are now very grateful that they chose to stay.

The number of zombies around the survival stronghold suddenly decreased, so that these survivors who were lucky enough to stay and did not go to Haixin Island had enough courage to team up to gather supplies.


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