Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 178: King vs. Bronze

The figure had arrived at Wei Xiao on the middle floor of the eighteenth-story building, staring at the outside.

There are a lot of people in this group.

On the street, there are six or seven prisoners outside who are in charge of guarding the prisoners. In an off-road vehicle, two are carrying heavy machine guns, and ten are carrying bazookas in the nearby vehicle. There were 14 people searching for Wei Xiao, and the worst in their hands was an automatic rifle.

Very speechless.

These people don't look like they came from the battle base. Where did they get so many arms?

Wei Xiao looked jealous.

If you bring these weapons back to your base, the strength of your own party will definitely increase.

Squeezed his fists.

"It's fine if you don't see it. Since you see, then these weapons are mine."

Temporarily upset, Wei Xiao intends to abandon today's plan.


Seeing the people outside looking for him so hard, Wei Xiao didn't let them scurry around like headless flies, and fired a few shots.

Unfortunately, two unlucky children were hit by Wei Xiao's bullet.

"He's on it."

When Wei Xiao was discovered, five or six people shot at the floor where Wei Xiao was before, and all the remaining people swarmed into the building.

"Hurry up, don't let him run away."

Six or seven people relied on their equipment to be better than Wei Xiao, and they rushed up frantically.

The people outside ceased the fire, and the thugs who stormed the building soon came to the place where Wei Xiao was before, but Wei Xiao's figure is no longer there.

"What about people?"

"Look, this door is open."

"Throw grenade!"

Good guy, the equipment of these people is really not ordinary luxury.


A grenade was thrown into the door, and the violent explosion set off a terrifying energy that made the room dusty.

"Flash bomb!"

Still worried when the bomb opened its way, another person threw a flash bomb into it, and within three seconds, three of them rushed in.

"Are you looking for me?"

As expected, Wei Xiao was not in the room they judged at all.

The figure suddenly came out of the room behind them with the door closed, Wei Xiao raised the pistol in his hand and fired it wildly.

Finished thirty bullets.

All four people in the corridor fell to the ground screaming.

Without changing his magazine, Wei Xiao pulled out the Bone Mo knife on his back, and the blade slipped through the corridor and sank into the house directly in front of him.

Coincidentally, there was a gun battle outside, and a mob who wanted to come out to support hit the knife.

The figure was pierced by the blade. Under his horrified gaze, Wei Xiao came to him and grabbed the handle of the Gumo knife and pushed him into the house.


"do not……"

"Boom boom..."

When the two mobs waiting inside saw someone rushing in, they opened fire without saying a word.

All the bullets hit the mob, even though he was wearing a body armor, but under such terrifying firepower, he could not survive.

The bullets in the guns of the two thugs had just been shot, and Wei Xiao, using the thug's body as a shield, kicked the opponent's body in front of him.

The two mobs who were too late to escape were hit and fell to both sides.


They had no chance to get up again, and Wei Xiao grabbing the handle of the Gumo Knife rushed between them, and the Gumo Knife in his hand cut crosswise, and the half-curved blade cut off the part above their shoulders.

"It's all good guys, it's a waste to let you use it."

Wei Xiao picked up the guns on the ground, and at the same time searched all the weapons and ammunition that could be used from the mob.

He tore off a curtain and brought the weapons and equipment of three people to the corridor. The weapons and equipment of the others were also packed by Wei Xiao.

The probe looked at the six people outside, and Wei Xiao, who was well equipped, took out two flash bombs.

"It's you."

Pulling off the tab, Wei Xiao threw two flash bombs down.

"What did it fall off?"

"No, it's a flash...ah...my eyes, my eyes..."

"Da da da……"

The flash bombs blinded the eyes of the people below, and the insecure people in the dark grabbed their guns and shot them randomly.

Wei Xiao walked down from the building unhurriedly.

When they came outside, there were only two aggressive mobs left.

Avoiding their gun lines, Wei Xiao walked slowly past them, swiping the bone knife in his hand, and the two soon followed in the footsteps of their companions.

"Old cat, old cat, what's the situation on your side? Talk! Did you catch the man who killed our brother?"

The walkie-talkie on a mob's body heard the shouts of his companions on the street.

Wei Xiao put the weapons and equipment on the ground into the curtain in his other hand, and returned to the house that had been bombed by the rocket launcher before.

There was no one to respond to the call of Poison outside for a long time, which was frustrated.

"Damn it!"

"Brother Po, do you think Brother Cat and the others have been killed by the other party?" A little brother asked.

Brother Du turned his head fiercely.

"Do you think this is making a movie? Go to two people to see the situation."

The little brother dare not say anything more.

Among the mobs controlling the survivors, two men in body armor walked towards the house where Wei Xiao was.

Wei Xiao looked at the mob on the two locomotives outside.

The weapons they possess made Wei Xiao jealous, and they had to be dealt with first.

Without destroying the heavy machine gun and bazooka, Wei Xiao took out a rifle.


Two gunshots.

"Where did you shoot the gun?" Brother Du was panicked, and his figure hurriedly hid behind a locomotive.

"Bro Du, Xiaoxin and Long are dead."


With another shot, the mob who reported the death of his companion was also shot.

"He is right in front of you, kill him, get rid of him quickly." Brother Du screamed at the two younger brothers who were walking towards Wei Xiao with a crack.

The others didn't relax either, and they shot wildly at the house where Wei Xiao was.

"Go get the rocket launcher, I want to kill him." Brother Du ordered a little brother next to him.

The little brother tremblingly touched the rocket launcher.


The gunfire sounded again.

This time the gunfire did not come from inside the house, but from a corner of the wall.

The younger brother who tried to get the bazooka back has been sacrificed.

Poisonous brother, who unknowingly dripped cold sweat from his forehead, was terrified.

What kind of fairy did they meet this time? More than a dozen people can't get it?

Subconsciously, Brother Du regardless of other people, opened the door of the locomotive next to him and jumped up. I ignited, pulled the clutch, and guessed that the dead man with a kick of the accelerator, there was a drift on the spot and galloping away.

"Brother Poison!"

When the younger brothers dealing with Wei Xiao saw this, their faces were full of anger.

The eldest brother ran away, and had no intention of staying behind to stop Wei Xiao's few people, so he turned around and wanted to drive.

"It's enough to have one to lead the way, the others, let's stay!"

Wei Xiao came out from the back of the room, his rifle in his hand was abruptly at the thugs who wanted to escape.

Except for Brother Po who had escaped, none of the others left.

Wei Xiao carried a bag of things and came to his motorcycle.

Wei Xiao only carried a few flash bombs, grenade, an automatic rifle, and a few magazines with the weapons he collected on his body. The rest were thrown on the ground.

"These weapons are for you to keep for the time being. You can use them, but you can't keep them private, understand?"

The survivor who had escaped the catastrophe stared at Wei Xiao and nodded repeatedly.

Wei Xiao's engine car went by with a roar, and the motorcycle drove him to chase him in the direction where Brother Du left.

Those survivors who stayed in place, you look at me, I look at you, after a moment of hesitation, everyone rushed towards the corpses and the weapons that Wei Xiao threw on the ground.

"Mine, it's all mine."

"Don't grab my gun!"

Wei Xiao didn't know the chaos at the scene.

After chasing Brother Du all the way, Wei Xiao finally found the traces left by Brother Du after running a few kilometers away.

Knowing that he was not chasing the wrong, Wei Xiao continued to chase forward.


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