Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 196: Secondary evolution

Inside the base.

Shu Wang and others, who were guarding the second line of defense, were all waiting for Phantom's new intelligence.

However, the Phantom also conveyed it once.

The second time, when they saw the Phantom again, behind the Phantom, a zombie appeared unexpectedly.

"Sister, attack the zombies."

The phantom fights and retreats.

Before his figure was close to Shu Wang and the others, he asked Shu Wang to shoot at his side.

"All prepare, target the zombies in front of you, open fire."

"Da da da……"

Wu Xiaoqi and Yu Wei command everyone.

The gunshots of the second line of defense suddenly sounded.



Suddenly, the roar of livestock came from Villa No. 7 of the base.

Shu Wang, they all changed in color.

"Jiang Xue and Zhang Zimei, immediately take people to the farm to check the situation and pay attention to safety." Shu Wang ordered.

"Yes, everyone in Villa Seven will follow me!"

Jiang Xue and Zhang Zimei did not hesitate, and the people leading them rushed to the farm immediately.

At this time, the Phantom climbed over the wall and came to the fence.

"Xiaoying, did the city wall fall?" Shu Wang asked with anxiety.

It's not that she is too timid.

The zombies are all entering the base now, and it is reasonable for Shu Wang to ask this question.

Phantom shook his head.

"No, some climbers entered the base from other places. Captain Yi and the others have already made a remedy, but we have to be careful. The climbers seem to have animal instincts, bypassing the firepower on the wall and entering the base from other directions. ."

"Zombies are wise?" Jiang Xiyu exclaimed.

"It's instinct, the instinct to avoid danger. Maybe they will evolve intelligent zombies in the future, but it's definitely not now."

Zombies are getting harder and harder to deal with.

First, they only knew about ordinary zombies that bite and chase living creatures, and then evolved zombies, and now there are zombies who know how to avoid evil, does this mean that one day, zombies may recover human wisdom and know how to use them? tool?

Shu Wang, with an unusually solemn expression, glanced at the sisters.

"Don't think too much about it now. Stopping those climbers who enter the base is the top priority, and you must never let them get close here."

"I know the eldest sister (Master Shu Wang)!"

Yi Jianfeng, who was on the city wall, quickly learned about the situation in the base.

Gunshots and explosions coming from behind are the best proof.

"The hostess is in danger?" Li Cunyong's expression changed.

"Relax, only climbers enter the base, Xiao Qi, Yu Wei and others are there. The hostess and their safety will not be threatened in a short time. Everyone should focus on the city wall and block the zombies. It is our most important task at present." Yi Jianfeng reminded everyone.

Although climbers are somewhat difficult to deal with, they have not yet reached the point where they can do nothing. But if the agile and zombies outside can break through the city wall, it will be a real disaster.


Leng Chengfeng, who was in charge of sniping the giant zombies, was still shooting and killing the big guys that appeared from time to time in the distance.

Whenever a giant zombie falls, there will be a large number of zombies turning back and biting on the spot.

Hundreds of tons of giant zombies face the swarms of corpses, even if they are huge, they can't stand the large number of small zombies gnawing.

It takes almost minutes, leaving only a huge skeleton that makes the heart chilling in place.


"what happened?"

At the moment of tension, suddenly, from the place where the giant zombie corpses fell, a roar of pain and excitement came into Ming Yulan's ears.

If Wei Xiao was there, he would definitely be able to hear that this was the roar that was only seen when the zombie evolved.

Zombies have evolved.

The area around the resident's house.

Among the corpses gnawing on the giant corpse, some zombies are constantly roaring.

The most obvious are the two agile and climber.

The whole body of the agile is mutating.

The ugly head became more humane, and the uneven figure began to shrink and swell, and finally became symmetrical. Slender limbs, thick thighs, and sharp nails more than 20 centimeters in length extend between the five fingers.

In just ten minutes, after the evolution was completed, an ugly and agile man, except for his body's color to be copper green, his body shape was similar to humans, but compared to humans, he tended to be more fantasy, as if from fantasy Humanoid monsters coming out of the game.

And the climber who has also evolved again, he has fallen out of the category of human beings.

Keeping the upper body of a human, with dark thorns on the back, two feet transformed into three thick and long tails, one hand turned into a sickle-shaped sharp blade, and the palm of the other arm turned into a triangular hook claw, completely transformed into Unknown monster.


Shocking roars were emitted from the mouths of these new zombies. For a while, ordinary zombies who had dared to **** blood from them before moved away from the flesh and blood of giant zombies.


The zombie evolved from the agile again moved.

His thighs were sturdy, his slender feet below the thighs suddenly kicked hard, and his figure nearly two meters tall jumped to a height of more than four meters.

While preserving the speed of the agile, a new type of zombie with super-bounce ability quickly galloped between the buildings, and fell into the tide of corpses in a few blinks, and came towards the city wall.

The new type of zombies evolved from climbers is not slow.

Originally thought that without their feet, their actions would be greatly reduced, but when they twisted the three thick tails underneath to move their stature, they realized that not only did they still have the ability to climb, but they also lacked speed compared to the past. Their evolution undoubtedly made up for this.

Not as agile as the agile, but they are undoubtedly more agile and swift.

The heresy that appeared in the tide of corpses was quickly noticed by Leng Chengfeng and the others.

"What kind of zombie is that?" Leng Chengfeng exclaimed first.

"What zombie?"

"In your direction at eleven o'clock, shit, Lao Lan, be careful, they are so fast."

When Lan Qiang heard the words, they all looked at the location pointed by Leng Chengfeng.

I don't know, Lan Qiang and Jasmine were all stunned.

"Lao Lan, Jasmine, stop them quickly. Chief Yi and Chief Ming, beware of the new zombies appearing in the tide of corpses. They are weird." Leng Chengfeng asked Lan Qiang and the others to stop the new zombies from approaching the city wall, but he did not forget. Remind Yi Jianfeng of them.

Yi Jianfeng and the others did not dare to neglect the new zombies that Leng Chengfeng valued so much.

When they all looked at the fresh zombie's face, the shocked expression on the face didn't need to say much.

"Yi Jianfeng team, aim the fire at the corpse group at nine o'clock." Yi Jianfeng decisively issued the order.

Ming Yulan didn't hesitate, mobilizing a few people around her and shooting at the new zombie she found at the same time.

Seeing everyone else reacted, Leng Chengfeng took the lead and shot at one of the second-evolved zombies.

As soon as the gun sounded, the bullet went straight to the head of the zombie in the second evolution.

But at the moment when Leng Chengfeng fired his gun, the secondary evolutionary zombie he was aiming at suddenly jumped.

One jump is more than four meters high, close to the city wall. I saw the sharp claws in the hands of this new type of zombie pierced into the cement wall, and then digging on the wall like a wall-climbing machine, the figure constantly approaching upwards.


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