Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 215: Will come

For the men and women brought by the attendants, the men's eyes were on the little queer. It was an amazing look that wanted to rush towards the little **** without money.

The woman was naturally looking at Wei Xiao, privately, they were all glaring at Wei Xiao, making small movements on their bodies, anyway, all kinds of temptations.

Xiao Que'er approached Wei Xiao, weakly said: "Master, I don't want it, can you choose?"

"Do you look down on it?"

Wei Xiao actually didn't mind Xiao Queer choosing a few so-called young masters to accompany him. Anyway, Xiaoque'er is not his food, he doesn't have the mind to pay attention to it.

Little Queer shook his head.

"The master is the best."

Unexpectedly, the little girl would flatter.

This sentence Wei Xiao is very useful.

Wei Xiao looked at the group of princesses.

These princesses have good looks, generally above 80 points.

Before the end of the world, they are likely to be the people who work in this costume, but now, in order to live and eat a bite, they must not lower their noble foreheads and try their best to play the role they are now.

After reading everyone, Wei Xiao pointed to a catwoman, a foxwoman, and a rabbitwoman.

"Just three of them!"

The attendant took down the three people that Wei Xiao had spotted, and then asked them to sit around Wei Xiao.

No one dared to grab her first position on the left with Xiao Queer.

Whether it is the relationship between Xiaoqueer and Wei Xiao, or the appearance of Xiaoqueer, they are not comparable to them.

"Sir, I don't know what you want to drink? We have both red and white beer here, and beer..."

"Stop, you don't need to introduce the drinks. You can give me all the spleen. Let me get four first. Xuepiao has them, right?"

"Yes, would you like some snacks, sir?"

"Give me a portion of each of the snacks you have here. If you eat something I like, let your people bring it to me."

"This... sir, we have a lot of snacks here. If you have one of each, the cost is afraid..."

Before the waiter was finished, Wei Xiao put the gold he had bought for change with beef and a gun on his body on the table.

"Is this enough?"

Seeing the gold and the pistol on the table, the waiter's hesitant face suddenly changed to a smile.

"Enough is enough, sir, please wait a moment, we will send you the drinks and snacks you want right away!"

Originally, I was worried that Wei Xiao didn't have this spending power, but now the attendants didn't doubt it at all. Not much to say about the gold on the table, just the pistol, its value is enough for Wei Xiao to consume in the Di Bar.

In the last days, although food is important, it is weapons that are really favored by survivors.

Because only with weapons, you can get more delicious food.

Taking note of what Wei Xiao said, the attendant left with the others.

"Master, you are so courageous!"

"Yes, yes! There are 40 or 50 kinds of snacks in the Di Bar, all of which are well-preserved and delicious before the end of the world. Since the opening of the Di Bar, you are the first person to order the snacks here. I guess The master must be a capable person in the last days, otherwise how could he be so courageous?"

"The master is so handsome, everyone loves the master."

The three beast girls looked at Wei Xiao with little stars, their faces full of admiration.

Wei Xiao smiled lightly, took out a pack of cigarettes from his bag and gave one to his mouth.

Upon seeing the catwoman on his right, she winked and took out a lighter from between the peaks and pointed it at Wei Xiao.

"The posture of the master smoking is also super handsome."

The three completely ignored Xiao Que'er, as if she didn't exist as a person.

Little Queer was very wronged.

She didn't blame these pretending little fairies for occupying her master, but her master ignored her after having these little fairies.

Is there really no attraction in the eyes of the owner?

For the first time, Xiao Que'er had doubts about her appearance.

After a while, the attendant brought up all the things Wei Xiao wanted.

There is a whole table set up, so I can't put it down, many of them are overlapped.

When the three beast girls saw the delicious food on the table, all of them naturally drooled secretly, even the little **** couldn't help but swallow.

The main reason is that they have never seen such a wealth of food since the end of the world.

Wei Xiao and the others didn't make much noise here, but the pile of delicacies on their table still attracted the attention of many people.

Many people were wondering who Wei Xiao was, and they ordered so many things in one breath.

With the pile of food on Wei Xiao's table, he couldn't hold it without seven or eight catties of gold.

"Hey, Captain, look, it's Wei Xiao."

At the same height as Wei Xiao, but at a distance from Wei Xiao, a woman said to her companion in the seat after spotting Wei Xiao.

Mu Wu, who was drinking red wine, walked towards Wei Xiao with a clear hearing.

"This guy, don't know how expensive the consumption here is, or is there too much money to spend on him? Order so many snacks?" It was not Mu Wuqing who spoke, but her team member Paradise Bird.

The entire Hundred Bird Mercenary Corps were all together.

"Captain, do you want me to say hello to him?" Jackdaw asked.

With a small ruddy mouth swallowing a sip of red wine, Mu Wu glanced at the jackdaw indifferently.

"This is a very good person, we better not have too much communication with him."

"What's coming? Why can't I see it? On the contrary, what I saw was tyrannical. He was not afraid that he would not be able to finish it after he ordered so much food. Even if there are a few beautiful women with him, he can still eat them. If so After a while, he asked me to come over and help him, and I might not be embarrassed to eat all the food on his table."

"Idiot, the captain said that he is very good at coming, and he doesn't necessarily have to make a big move. Now it is the end of the world. With so much food piled on his table, it is a golden mountain. Do you think that a golden mountain is placed in front of you? Will you not be tempted?" The peacock said angrily to the parrot.

The parrot looked thoughtful.

"It's hard to say, if someone gives me Jinshan, I might consider it."

"Consider you a big-headed ghost." The peacock directly threw a hygienic eye to the parrot.

"Don't talk, the show is coming." A calm man suddenly said.

The others immediately looked at Wei Xiao.

"I'm going, it turned out to be him. Now Wei Xiao has no troubles and troubles." The parrot exclaimed.

Wei Xiao is here.

I don't know how many people's attention the food on the table attracts, but most people are just envious. There are not many who really dare to come to Wei Xiao's side.

At this moment, a bald-headed man brought a bottle of beer, followed by four followers, Wei Xiao, coming here.

The three beast girls sitting next to Wei Xiao were guessing punches. The loser was drinking, and the winner could pick a snack from the table and keep it for himself.

Before they could tell the victory or defeat, they saw the bald man coming, and the three of them immediately got up.

"Brother Tiger!"

The bald-headed man waved his hand, beckoning them not to be too polite.

Brother Hu walked to the table and looked at the snacks on the table, with indescribable envy on his face: "Heh! Brother has a good life! With so many foods, do you mind having a brother?"

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