Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 217: Life meets everywhere

Come in with the people outside.

Dozens of men with guns quickly took up the space in front of Wei Xiao, and their guns were pointed at Wei Xiao.

"Brother Wolf, the man is still inside and he didn't run."

"Hahaha...very good, there is a kind of, the people who smashed my place and killed me dare to stay and die. I want to see who is so arrogant?" A loud laughter drifted by outside the door. Afterwards, surrounded by seven younger brothers, a man staggered the younger brother in the door and walked in.

"Where are the people?" the man asked.

"Brother Wolf, the man is on your left."

Brother Lang looked in the direction where Wei Xiao was on the left.

"Fuck, Boss Wei?"

When looking from Wei Xiao's side, Brother Wolf's aura of heaven and earth, self-respect, can be described as extraordinary domineering, but when he saw Wei Xiao's figure clearly, his powerful aura suddenly disappeared.

There was only a shocked look and a little fear in his eyes, the wolf brother, with his mouth wide open, looking at Wei Xiao in disbelief.

I heard someone call myself Boss Wei. Few people who know Wei Xiao call it that way.

Wei Xiaochao Lang, who was curious, looked over here.

Ah! I don't know, I look at it, Nima, isn't this so-called wolf brother the lone wolf that Wei Xiaola had used for a month of coolies?

"Little wolf? How could it be you?" Wei Xiao was a little surprised.

"Boy, you dare to be arrogant when you die, do you also call the little wolf?"


"Ah... Wolf brother, why are you hitting me?"

The lone wolf stared, "Who shall I fight if I don't hit you? That's my eldest brother. My eldest brother made (know)?"


The beaten brother was stunned.

Not only him, but also the other little brothers around Lone Wolf, they all followed.

The enemy they were looking for was actually the eldest brother of their boss. Doesn’t that mean that everything that happened here before was a complete misunderstanding, and it was a huge misunderstanding?

The Lone Wolf ignored the surprise of the little brothers and hurried to Wei Xiao's side.

"Boss Wei, why did you come from Haitian District to Fushou District? I didn't tell my brother when I came, so my brother can be entertained."

Wei Xiao felt that the world was really small.

When the lone wolves left, Wei Xiao thought that they might never see each other again in this life, but it didn't take long for them to meet again. Is this the so-called fate?

Wei Xiao put out the cigarette **** in his hand and spit out the smoke.

"I was also surprised. You left without saying hello, and you missed me for a long time. I didn't expect to meet again, it would be on this occasion."

Hearing Wei Xiao's words, the corners of the lone wolf's mouth twitched badly.

You should forget it! Missing me for a long time, do you miss the free labor for not doing coolies for you, is it almost the same?

Thinking of this in my heart, Done Wolf smiled and replied: "I didn't expect that I would be tens of kilometers away, and I would meet with Boss Wei one day. This may be the fate that people often say."

"I think so. Sit and stand talking, aren't you tired?"


Lone Wolf looked flattered and sat down on a sofa beside Wei Xiao.

Looking at the lone wolf now, and then looking around the little brother he brought for a week, Wei Xiao said with some approval: "It looks like your strength has grown a lot after that time. Now the little brother around you is equipped with weapons."

"It's a fluke. It's just a fluke. I don't have the energy of Boss Wei. These equipments are very much picked up from other people's corpses. They can barely arm a decent team, but they can't match Boss Wei's belongings. Let’s talk about it next."

"You don't have to belittle yourself. It is not possible for everyone to be able to appear in this foundation under such circumstances."

I don't know why, hearing Wei Xiao's praise to him, Lone Wolf actually felt a strong sense of satisfaction.

He was taken aback by his own thoughts.

The opponent TM is my enemy, the enemy, the kind that kills the opponent when he finds an opportunity, how can I feel airy because of a word from the opponent?

Hastily thrown off the terrible feeling in his heart, Dollang said with a flattering smile: "Boss Wei, I don't know why you are here?"

"Naturally killed people, and waited for the wolf gang in the other side to avenge them. I almost forgot if you didn't say it, wouldn't you be the wolf gang in their mouth?" Wei Xiao asked knowingly.


The lone wolf was dumbfounded.

Looking around him, Thunder Tiger and the bodies of his four younger brothers were beside him.

"Boss Wei, you did this, this?"

"Hmm! There is a problem?" Wei Xiao was very upright and didn't need to lie at all.

The corners of the lone wolf's mouth twitched.

"Well, can I know why?"

"Naturally, it is to attract the managers here. They didn't have to move them, but they took the initiative to come to the door. I was afraid of trouble, so I took them. It's just that I didn't expect the person to be attracted to be you, little wolf. Why do your subordinates still have this virtue?" Wei Xiao said with a calm expression.

It seemed that everything he did was not only deliberately, but also without a sense of guilt. His expression and attitude were just like drinking tea and eating, depending on his mood.

Deep in his heart, Lone Wolf did not know how many times he had greeted Wei Xiao's ancestor for the eighteenth generation.

Did this guy have any grudges against him in his previous life?

Even if he ran to the other side of Haitian District, he could still meet him. The most annoying thing was that the person he was looking for was his own little brother. What kind of fate could connect so many coincidences together?

The lone wolf with a smile on his face even more ugly than crying suffocated: "The tiger hit Boss Wei’s muzzle, and he can only blame him for not knowing Taishan. Boss Wei kills him and kills him, so he who has no vision, even We didn't provoke Boss Wei this time, and next time, we will provoke other big shots."

"That said, you have to admit that you have made a mistake, and you have to stand at attention when you are beaten, to help you clear the black sheep from the gang, and to save you from the disaster that he will bring to you when he goes out to cause trouble."

"What Boss Wei said is that I have to thank Boss Wei when I say it. If it weren't for Boss Wei to take action, I might not know the day the enemy will come to the door. I don't know what's going on."

"Very spiritual, it's no wonder that I can live to this day and still become a big boss in it."

"You can’t compare with Boss Wei. By the way, Boss Wei, you said that you are here to find the manager of Liming Base. The younger brother is not talented. It is one of the four major managements of Liming Base. If you have any needs, you can talk to the younger brother. As long as the little brother can do it, it is incumbent on the sword to be on fire."

"It's not that serious. I heard that there are a lot of mercenary teams in your base, so I want to ask, do they take personal tasks?"

Personal task?

The lone wolf hesitated for a moment, nodded and said: "Accept, they did this originally, and many dangerous missions in our base are entrusted to them. Take the liberty to ask, what mission is Boss Wei planning to release?"

"It's not a difficult task. There is a place called Junlinhai outside Fushou District. I don't know the specific location. I want to find someone to take me there. Do you know anyone who knows that place?"

"What, King Linhai?"

Hearing where Wei Xiao was going, the lone wolf stood up from his seat in shock.

Such a big reaction?

"Why, do you know that place?"

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