Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 863: It seems to be regarded as a soft persimmon

After arranging Wei Xiao's residence, Ni Qingcheng and the others returned to their rooms.

"Sister Ni, is he the one you're looking for?"

Guan Guan and the others, who had long been puzzled in their hearts, returned to their room and couldn't wait to inquire about Ni Qingcheng.

The main reason is that Ni Qingcheng's previous actions were too obvious and deliberate.

Leng Yu and the others knew that Ni Qingcheng had been looking for someone who could help her escape from Yixiu's claws, but this person had never appeared.

Qianjun is a good example.

The strength of the opponent is stronger than that of them. In the eyes of Leng Yu and the others, they are barely qualified. At least they should not be weaker than Yixiu.

But such people don't see Ni Qingcheng take the initiative to get close to each other, or even show off.

This undoubtedly shows that Qianjun has not yet met Ni Qingcheng's requirements.

But after Wei Xiao appeared, whether it was the indulgence of Wei Xiao or the intimacy Ni Qingcheng showed with him on the road before, it indicates that Wei Xiao is the one in Ni Qingcheng’s eyes that can guarantee her freedom from Yixiu’s claws, but also Someone who can shelter all the sisters of the Romance Bar.

Guanguan and the others believe that what happened before will be heard in Yixiu's ears before long.

Ni Qingcheng was forbidden by him.

In the base, although some big influencers would accompany Ni Qingcheng every time they came to the romantic bar, they would let Ni Qingcheng leave after a glass of wine, which would never make things too difficult.

This is all fear of Yixiu.

But this time, not only did Ni Qingcheng stay with Wei Xiao the whole time, she was also so close to Wei Xiao when she left the private room. These all indicated that Ni Qingcheng was sending Wei Xiao to the "fire pit".

Ni Qingcheng would not deliberately cheat a person, if this person's strength is not recognized by her, then his situation is the same as Qianjun's.

Since Ni Qingcheng was so close to Wei Xiao without any leeway, it meant nothing.

Guanguan and the others are just skeptical, does Wei Xiao have the strength to deal with Yixiu?

Faced with the sisters' inquiries, Ni Qingcheng had nothing to hide.

"Yes, he is the one I'm looking for."

Leng Yu asked: "He has this strength?"

"At least he is the most powerful super soldier I have ever seen. If he doesn't even have this ability, then we really don't have any hope."

Ni Qingcheng seemed to recognize Wei Xiao, feeling a little desperate.

Guanguan frowned slightly.

"Ixiu will become a fourth-level fighter immediately, so Sister Ni is so sure that he is Yixiu's opponent?"

Ni Qingcheng smiled bitterly: "I have no time. This is the last chance. Even if I fail in the end, I will have to resist."

"He will die." Leng Yu said.

Ni Qingcheng was silent for a moment.

After a long time.

"If it really fails, I will let him get what Yixiu can't get before it fails."

When the three women heard this, their hearts trembled.

What Yixiu can't get?

Could it be...

"Sister Ni, you..." Guanguan looked a little anxious.

Ni Qingcheng didn't allow her to say more.

"This is what I owe him, and it's my last choice."

As soon as Ni Qingcheng's voice fell, Leng Yu didn't say anything, and turned around to leave.

"Xiao Yu, where are you going?"

Leng Yu stagnated and turned his back to Ni Qingcheng.

"I want to test whether he has this qualification. I don't want him to harm Sister Ni."

"Don't go, you are not his opponent. The price of testing him is not something you can afford."

Leng Yu stubbornly said: "At least, I have a number in my heart."

"If you go, the relationship between our sisters will be cut off."

Leng Yu turned around.

"Sister Ni..."

Ni Qingcheng shook his head.

"He is not something you can snoop. I will take care of everything alone. You have to live with other sisters."


Unwilling Leng Yu smashed his fist on the wall on one side.

She was very unwilling.

Leng Yu believed in Ni Qingcheng's choice, but she didn't know what to do, and she was still uneasy.

After all, once Ni Qingcheng takes that step, the price after failure is that they will lose this good sister who has been taking care of them since the last days.

"Don't think about it, his strength is far more terrifying than you think." Ni Qingcheng walked to Leng Yu's side and gently embraced her in his arms and comforted him.

Leng Yu gritted his teeth.

"I, I just don't want to lose Sister Ni."

"So are we."

The two of them leaned over, unspeakably sentimental.

Ni Qingcheng smiled softly.

"No, you have to believe Sister Ni. When have I done something unsure?"

The girls glanced at each other, and finally nodded vigorously.

"Damn bastard, you better not let Sister Ni down," Guan Guan said grimly.

Outside the bar.

What happened in the romantic bar really couldn't escape Yixiu's eyes.

No, the news that Wei Xiao and Ni Qingcheng went in and out together and stayed on the fifth floor had now reached Yixiu's ears.

Inside the bright city lord's mansion.

With a smile on his face and a wine glass in his hand, Yixiu was listening to the spy's report.

Knowing the existence of Wei Xiao, Yi Xiu waved his hand to let the spies leave.

"How many are these?" Yi Xiu seemed to be talking to himself, and as if asking someone.

On the left and right, a non-mainstream cold voice said: "Plus the shadow killer the night before, this is already the seventh."

"Haha...interesting. It seems that my peacock bird is really charming."

"My lord, do you want me to get rid of the other party?" asked another non-mainstreamer.

Squinting, with a smile on his face, but with a cold look in his eyes, Yixiu thought for a while and said, "No, there are still a few days left to succeed with the No. 4 potion. At the moment, the guards around me cannot relax. ."


"Don't the people on the top rankings in the base want to take refuge in me? The news is secretly released that whoever removes the man who appears next to Ni Qingcheng for me will get a No. 4 potion."


"Go down!"


As the two confidantes were about to leave, Yixiu stood up.

"Ni Qingcheng, Ni Qingcheng, is this the helper you have been looking for for a long time? Haha...Don't say I didn't give you a chance. If he can't even pass the first test, I'm not worthy of Ixiu to do it himself."

Late at night, in the romantic bar.

In the past few days in Xiongzhou, Wei Xiao did not rest much.

Based on his physique, not sleeping for ten and a half months has no effect, but he has the habit of being a human being, and he always feels uncomfortable if he does not rest for a period of time.

Therefore, after Ni Qingcheng arranged a room for Wei Xiao and prepared a change of clothes, Wei Xiao took a bath, put on clean clothes, and lay on the bed.

The room was quiet and dark.

Apart from the sound of Wei Xiao's breathing in the house with good sound insulation, no other movement can be heard at this moment.


Suddenly, the window on the lake side of the room was gently opened from the outside.

A black shadow as light as a swallow rushed in from outside.

His movements were very light, except for an inaudible sound when the window opened, and then there was no more movement.


The black shadow entered the room, and the long knife came out of its sheath.

With the help of the moonlight shining through the window, the jade-colored blade was glowing with cold light.

Step by step, the visitors approached the bed where Wei Xiao was.

He can see at night, with a cold color in his eyes.

"Is the person selected by Qingcheng? I want to see what he can do to be relied upon by Qingcheng." The visitor thought to himself, and within a short while, the figure came to the bed.

Before he attacked the bed and approached the head of the bed about a meter, the face of the visitor suddenly changed.

"no one?"



Just when someone found that there was no figure of Wei Xiao on the bed, suddenly the light in the room was turned on.

The bright light immediately illuminates the dark room with a clear view.

Visitors are also wary.

The moment the light came on, he flashed to a window where he could attack and retreat.

The solemn eyes swept everything in the room.

"You can't sleep peacefully, how boring are you?"

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