Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 865: The crisis is resolved invisibly

"Xiao Yu, you really are here."


When Leng Yu faced Wei Xiao at a loss, a series of footsteps came.

Who would take the lead if it wasn't Ni Qingcheng?

Leng Yu turned his head.

"Sister Ni..."

Ni Qingcheng quickly came to her and took Leng Yu's arm, his face full of concern.

"Is it okay? Did you shoot him?"

Leng Yu shook his head, and at the same time, his gaze turned to Wei Xiao in the room.

At this time, Ni Qingcheng also noticed Wei Xiao who was holding a blade and looking at them.

His face changed, but when he saw Qianjun's body, Ni Qingcheng's beautiful pupils shrank slightly.


"He, why is he here?"

Both Guanguan and Huashang showed shocked expressions.

The latter is even more terrifying, covering his little mouth.

Wei Xiao in the room saw the performance of the girls in his eyes.

"Pata Pata..."

Stepping around, slowly walked towards Ni Qingcheng and the others.

Leng Yu's heart tightened, instinctively blocking Ni Qingcheng and the others, staring at the approaching Wei Xiao with solemn eyes.

"You really know each other. It seems that this is not an assassination attempt to meet Cai, but a planned teamwork. Ah..." Wei Xiao sighed and said coldly, "Today I died in my hands. All of them are men, and now I change my taste, and I don’t seem to have a different taste."


Is Wei Xiao going to kill them?

Hearing Wei Xiao's words, Guanguan's heart was tense.

Is this guy serious?

Is he really going to kill himself these people?

"Sister Ni..."

It's just that the Huashang of the second-level fighter was frightened by Wei Xiao's words.

They are all good hands in observing words and colors. From the attitude of Wei Xiao at the moment and the words that do not contain any falsehood, Hua Chang can tell that Wei Xiao really has a murderous intent on them.

Huashang can't imagine.

Why did this man who had chatted and laughed with their sister Ni before and occasionally appeared funny, why not seeing him for a few hours seemed to be a different person?

Could this be the reason why Sister Ni told everyone not to provoke him before?

If this is the case, then this person is indeed too dangerous.

Feeling the killing intent in Wei Xiao's eyes, Ni Qingcheng was also a little nervous.

However, she knew Wei Xiao a little bit, and gently pushed away the cold rain in front of her.

"Scare our women, are you embarrassed?" Ni Qingcheng said quietly with a sullen expression on his face.


Wei Xiao stopped when he heard the words.

"Do you think I am scaring you?"

"Isn't it?" Ni Qingcheng tilted his head.

Then, under Wei Xiao's slightly suspicious gaze, he swayed his body like a water snake and walked towards the room unhurriedly.

When he staggered from Wei Xiao's side, Ni Qingcheng gave him a blank look.

However, in Wei Xiao's eyes, this action was indescribably charming and full of charm.

As if not paying attention to Wei Xiao, Ni Qingcheng came directly to Qianjun's corpse.

"We know this person naturally, a frequent visitor to the romantic bar. In my place, he can consume a lot, but he did not expect to fall under your knife like this. You are really an inconvenient guy, mine. Bar, you will be bankrupted sooner or later."


Hearing what Ni Qingcheng said, Wei Xiao smiled.

The long knife in his hand tilted down slightly, and the killing intent in his eyes also converged.

Turn around.

"He wanted to spy on my strength, but you have also seen it. The strength is not good, so he left his life here. Why, distressed?"

Ni Qingcheng nodded.

"He has some strength, and the speed of making money is very fast. It is really regrettable to lose such a loyal customer. Isn't he just to test you? Is it necessary to make me so bloody?" When Ni Qingcheng said this, I also glanced at Leng Yu, and seemed to have meant something.

"The one who shot me, then he must have enough strength to save his life, no, then this is the price he has to pay."

"You are the same as a beauty?"

"Is there a difference?" Wei Xiao asked with a faint smile, "Or, do you want to try?"

"Then you don't have to, I can't afford you, Master Wei."

Wei Xiaoxie smiled.


A long knife in his hand pointed at Leng Yu.

"She, how do you explain?"


Leng Yu was pointed at by Wei Xiao with a knife, and his body involuntarily took a step back.

Ni Qingcheng felt helpless.

She had long reminded Leng Yu not to try to test Wei Xiao's depth, but the sisters are not obedient, what can she do?

Fortunately, it didn't make things out of control.

Judging from Leng Yu's expression, she probably hadn't shot Wei Xiao before.

Then there is still room for relaxation.

Thinking of this, Ni Qingcheng should also thank the dead Qianjun.

If it weren't for him to explore the way, I'm afraid it would be cold rain lying on the ground now.

Ni Qingcheng didn't think that Wei Xiao would really pity and cherish Yu.

"Xiao Yu just passed by, do you believe it?"

"Yes, yes, I just passed by." Leng Yu was not stupid, echoed.

Wei Xiao gave Ni Qingcheng a deep look.

Not to be outdone, Ni Qingcheng looked at each other.

After a while.

With a "pouch", the long knife in his hand was directly inserted into the floor tile by him.

"It turned out to be just passing by. I misunderstood." There are some things that Wei Xiao doesn't need to worry about. He has a bottom line in his heart. It can be regarded as a face to Ni Qingcheng. I arranged a room, which is obviously not suitable for living anymore."

Seeing Wei Xiao no longer entangled, Ni Qingcheng breathed a sigh of relief.

With a bright face on his face, Ni Qingcheng said softly: "The customer is first, it is my responsibility to provide you with a comfortable environment to live in."

The figure walked towards Wei Xiao.

"Let's go, Master Wei."

As soon as Wei Xiao changed his attitude, he suddenly wore a harmless smile on his face.

Walking to the head of the bed and carrying the Emperor Devouring Sword, Wei Xiao, wearing a nightgown, followed Ni Qingcheng and left the room.

When passing by Leng Yu's side, Wei Xiao smiled and said something to her.

"It's late at night, don't walk around at will. If a little beauty like you is dragged into the room, it is very dangerous."

Leng Yu trembled physically and mentally.

Even with her cold face, she felt a trace of fear at this moment.

Regardless of Leng Yu's reaction, Wei Xiao followed Ni Qingcheng to another room.

As soon as they left, Guanguan couldn't wait to enter the room to check the situation.

The other two also walked in.

In the new room.

"Okay, this is a rearranged room for you. I am here to apologize to you for what happened before. I didn't expect Qianjun to come to you." Being alone with Wei Xiao, Ni Qingcheng is sincere at these words. Apologize to Wei Xiao.

Wei Xiao looked at the environment in the room, and randomly encased the Emperor Sword on the wooden table.

"He should have thoughts about you, right?"

Ni Qingcheng was stunned when he heard the words, and then smiled charmingly: "There are so many people who have thoughts about me. Didn't I say? You will be famous in Sky City soon, and you will encounter a lot of troubles in the future. If you don't want to If you encounter something like this today, it’s best to leave early."

"The roots of troubles."

Ni Qingcheng rolled his eyes.

"You have a good rest!"

He didn't want to say a word with Wei Xiao again. After Ni Qingcheng said this, he turned around and left.

"and many more!"

Ni Qingcheng stopped and turned back.

"Master Wei, what else can you tell me?"

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