Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 894: Initial cooperation reached

Just when Wei Xiao was about to kill, ah no, when it was to kill, Li Guangliang hurriedly stopped.

Wei Xiao glanced at Li Guangliang and the others, with a bloodthirsty smile on his face.

"Why, do you think I have no strength to deal with it together with you?"

The voice without any emotion fell into the ears of the two.

Both Li Guangliang and Liang Zhijun caught the death crisis from the pupils of Wei Xiao who were not normal people.

They had no doubt that if Wei Xiao really wanted to kill them, it seemed that they had no power to fight back.

This can be guessed from the moment Wei Xiao subdued Qin Mo and his two subordinates.

As for the subordinates around them, it is estimated that Wei Xiao is just a useless match.

Couldn't help, both of them regretted a little. Why didn't they bring more people up?

Li Guangliang hurriedly said: "Mr. Wei, since it's cooperation, harmony is the most important thing. Old Qin was a little impulsive, but he has this bad temper. I am here to wait for him to make a payment to you. I promise, In the next time, Lao Qin will not provoke you again, and ask Mr. Wei to lift up his feet."

"Yeah, yes! Mr. Wei, don't you want to cooperate? We want to come here to meet your requirements before we have the opportunity to sit here. You don't want cooperation matters to be destroyed because of some minor things, right?" Liang Zhijun also began to mediate.

Wei Xiao took a deep breath.

His gaze shifted to Qin Mo, who was no longer struggling under his feet.

"Seriously, even if I don't cooperate with you, for me, it means paying a little more. Give you a chance, but there are always people who like to find a sense of existence. You say, are you tired of life?"

"Sir, it's Lao Qin that's not good. If you want to come, he also realizes his mistakes. Your lord has a lot of them, so just forgive him this time."

In order to appease Wei Xiao, Li Guangliang was quite interesting to Qin Mo, so he picked it up.

They were afraid that Wei Xiao would not pay attention and squashed Qin Mo's head with one foot.

If this is the case, even if they kill Wei Xiao, they will not be able to recover the terrible impact of Qin Mo's death.

This is not alarmist.

The relationship between the three major forces and the City Lord's Mansion has always been subtle.

It can be said that if it hadn't been for them to become a climate, the City Lord's Mansion would have paid an unbearable price to deal with the three major forces, and Yixiu would have already acted on them.

But all of this is based on the tacit alliance of the three major forces.

But if Qin Mo dies here today, the demon building will inevitably be chaotic, and the alliance will not attack itself.

At that time, the situation that the three major forces could barely contend with the City Lord's Mansion was broken, and the other two forces were definitely not the opponents of the City Lord's Mansion after losing the demon building.

In public and private, they can't watch Qin Mo have an accident.

The price is something they cannot afford.

Wei Xiao bowed his head, staring at Qin Mo at his feet coldly.

"Don't you dare to jump in front of me?"

"Don't dare, don't dare." Qin Mo lost his temper.

From the moment he felt the shadow of death, he dared not try to anger Wei Xiao again.

This man! The higher the status, the more afraid of death.

Of course, the premise is that Xiaoming is completely pinched.

Qin Mo also wanted to test whether Wei Xiao was hesitant, but he obviously knew.

The person who stepped on him was a complete lunatic, not to mention his strength.

Threatening this kind of person, I'm afraid it's not the old birthday star hanging himself, and I'm tired of life, right?

Wei Xiao really wanted to step on Qin Mo's head, but Wei Xiao had other plans, so he removed the foot that was stepping on Qin Mo's head.

"If you are not convinced, you can call in all your subordinates outside. I don't mind giving you an experience you will never forget."

Qin Mo stood up from the ground.

There was blood all over the head.

For Wei Xiao, it is impossible to say that he does not hate.

Qin Mo can't wait to smash his corpse into thousands of pieces now.

But he has realized the horror of Wei Xiao.

He couldn't react to his shots at all. With this kind of strength, Qin Mo can now be sure that Wei Xiao definitely possesses the strength of a fourth-level fighter.

It is obviously not a wise move for such a person to continue to offend him.

It is never too late for a gentleman to avenge him.

Now I have to bear whatever he says.

"Don't dare."

"If you dare not, then sit down."

Leaving a word, Wei Xiao turned back and sat down beside Ni Qingcheng.

Guanguan and Ni Qingcheng, who didn't speak much during the whole process, worshipped Wei Xiao more and more deeply.

A chaos gang made their hearts surging, and made Wei Xiao Jing as a god.

Those who are here today are the most powerful people in the base, but such people still let Wei Xiao hold their hands. The look in Wei Xiao's eyes at Guanguan and the others was nothing to describe.


The two men and women who had been knocked out by Wei Xiao came back and called out with a bitter expression.

Qin Mo didn't say anything, with boundless anger in his heart, trembling, he lifted up the fallen chair to sit back on, without saying a word.

Li Guangliang and the others returned to their seats with awkward smiles on their faces.

Wei Xiao stopped saying anything, and said coldly: "Don't say that I deliberately attacked you. As far as your current strength, let alone participating in my next plan, you are not qualified to die. The reason for choosing to cooperate with you is that Qingcheng told me that even if there is no City Lord's Mansion, you still have the strength to control the entire Sky City. This is the reason why I am looking for your cooperation."

The three of them sorted their minds.

After hearing Wei Xiao's words, they didn't react at first.

When recalling the information contained in Wei Xiao's words, the expressions of the three people, including Qin Mo, became shocked.

What does Wei Xiao mean?

What does it mean that we can control Sky City without the City Lord’s Mansion?

"Mr. Wei, you..."

Before Liang Zhijun finished speaking, Wei Xiao told them directly: "The City Lord’s Mansion, or the City Lord Yixiu, has no need to live. The grievances between Qingcheng and Yixiu are one of them, and the miscellaneous things directed at me several times, really. Was I, Wei Xiao, in the mud? Therefore, I called you in to allow you to control the entire base as quickly as possible after Yixiu's death."

"This, how is this possible?" Liang Zhijun was shocked.

"Mr. Wei is going to assassinate Yi Xiu?"

The two did not dare to look at Wei Xiao confidently. Together with Qin Mo, the eyes now looking at Wei Xiao were full of madness.

Does he really dare to kill Yixiu?

"Do you still use assassination for that kind of vagrant?"


All three were dumbfounded.

Don't assassinate, is it right?

Do you want to be so crazy?

"You don't have to doubt, just wait for the result. You just need to tell me, after Yixiu's death, can you control the entire base?" Wei Xiao swept toward the three of them with an unusually cold expression.

Seeing Wei Xiao's serious expression, the three of them immediately felt that Wei Xiao was not joking.


The three of them are in a good state of mind.

Everyone of the three of them had thought about killing Yixiu, but it was almost impossible to implement it.

Now that Wei Xiao has this plan, the three human rights balance the stakes, and it seems that it is not harmful to them.

Whether Wei Xiao succeeds or not, they are the biggest beneficiaries.

If they succeeded, what they had dared not to do would become a reality. Even if they failed and Wei Xiao died tragically, Yixiu could be regarded as sighing for them.

He quickly clarified his thoughts, and Liang Zhijun first said: "If Mr. Wei can really get rid of Yixiu, we are 100% sure about the control of the base."

"Yes, the base is not owned by Yixiu alone. As long as the main members of the City Lord's Mansion are removed, controlling the base is just a breeze for our three major forces." Li Guangliang also said that there is no problem.

Qin Mo was angry with Wei Xiao, aside from the humiliation just now, if Wei Xiao could really kill Yi Xiu, it seemed that the humiliation he had suffered before would be nothing.

He didn't speak, but he didn't object, and the meaning was self-evident.

"Well, since you have this certainty, then that's it. Remember, you only have the right to talk about cooperation with me if you have complete control of Sky City. This is an opportunity for you."

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