Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 907: Really want to kill him

Yixiu understood Wei Xiao's meaning and did not hesitate.

"Little dragon, you all go out."

The footsteps outside suddenly stopped.

"My lord? My lord, are you okay? Your subordinates will come to rescue you." An inquiring voice came from outside.

"The city lord is okay, you go out first, you don't need you here for the time being."


"go out--"

Yixiu's voice was a little louder, but his face was a bit ugly, as if it was involved in the head injury, which made him uncomfortable.


"Let me listen to the people inside. I don't care who you are, but we adults had better be fine. If he has any shortcomings, my Xiaolong promises you absolutely no life to leave here today."

The people outside did not dare to disobey Yi Xiu's orders, but for the enemy Wei Xiao, there was nothing polite and blunt threats.

After that, only people outside said loudly: "Everyone leaves the City Lord's Mansion. Without my order, no one is allowed to enter or leave the City Lord's Mansion, you know?"

"Yes, my lord!"

The footsteps sounded again, and there was no sound in a blink of an eye.

Yixiu was very satisfied with the last words of his men, with a smile on his face: "Mr. Wei, how? Now, in the entire City Lord's Mansion, not to mention a seriously injured person, I am afraid it will be difficult for even an ant to leave."

Wei Xiao's face was cold, but his heart was amused by Yi Xiu's self-righteousness.

Do you really dare not kill Yixiu?

Don't be funny, I'm here to do this.

As for why not kill him now? Haha... soon I will find out.

"Those of your men are loyal to you."

"They used to be dying people, but I gave them hope. And for those who sincerely take refuge in me, I have never been stingy. I treat them like brothers and sisters, and they dare not serve their lives?" , Yixiu is not afraid to talk more digressions to Wei Xiao at the moment.

"You can see that even before the end of the world, you are not an ordinary person."

"How do you say? It's a small achievement! There are a few entertainment venues, two security companies, and the dark world has some ways. I also rely on these pre-apocalyptic accumulations to lay this foundation in this eschatology. No one has succeeded. It was accidental."

Speaking of this, Yixiu's words paused slightly: "What about Mr. Wei? I don't think Mr. Wei looks like an ordinary person. I don't know where he was before the end of the world?"

He also had a family relationship with Wei Xiao.

Wei Xiao laughed.

Pull a chair from the side and sit down.

"Then I can't compare to you. I used to guard a gas station, get up early and be greedy, earn some hard money and barely make a living. If it weren't for the end of the world, I'm afraid I won't get ahead in this life." Wei Xiao said lightly.

He didn't say false.

Before the end of the world, Wei Xiao really guarded the gas station, just working for others.

But also because of the gas station, Wei Xiao got a blessing in disguise.

Speaking of it, Wei Xiao should also be the colleague who bit him.

You said that there are billions of humans in the world, and there are not 100 million or 80 million survivors who have been bitten by humans after corpse transformation. Why does he possess the superpowers that stand in the world?

Could it be God's appreciation for food?

In fact, Wei Xiao still likes the life of nine to five before the end of life, with five to six thousand wages a month.

At that time, he had pursuits, ideals, and a fulfilling life. Among them, happiness was incomparable to rich people.

As it is now, he feels that he is almost out of pursuit.

There are everything. His wife is top-notch, and several of them live in top-notch. Needless to say, there are more than one million people under his staff who want to look at his face and act. The most important thing is what he once liked the most. Money is no longer interested.

This life without pursuit is really boring and annoying.

It was still good.

Running in the sunset, that is the youth that I am destined to never return, miss!

Wei Xiao looked completely shameless.

This **** bastard, he got a bargain and still behaved, so he wanted to kill him. Some raised their hands here?

"Mr. Wei doesn't want to say that. Just forget it." Yixiu didn't believe Wei Xiao's words. "Mr. Wei, it's not a solution for us to consume like this. Why don't you make a deal instead?"

Wei Xiao recovered from the "good" memories of the past.

"What deal?"

With blood still on his face, Yi Xian said, "What happened today shouldn't have happened and it happened. We don't know each other. Why don't we expose it? In the future, you and I will be treated together in this base. I believe that the strength of the two of me will definitely lead Sky City to a higher level in the future, what do you think?"

"Will you be so atmospheric?"

"If there is a choice, I want to care about it too. But I don't have a choice, am I?"


Wei Xiao smiled.

"I have to think about it. Well, after a day of fighting, I am also hungry. Why don't we eat something and talk while eating?"

Something to eat?

Hearing Wei Xiao's suggestion, Yixiu was taken aback for a moment, and then he was ecstatic.

As a super soldier, you should know that in the case of a serious injury, eating can quickly recover from the injury.

Wei Xiao now proposes to eat, doesn't it mean that he is moved by his proposal?

Want to come too.

A lone ranger, if it's not that he doesn't want to succumb to others, or for some irresistible reason, who would choose to run around?

Now an opportunity above tens of thousands of people is right in front of them, and it is reasonable for Wei Xiao's heart to be moved.

Thinking of this, Yixiu sneered inwardly.

Although his injury was serious, it was absolutely incomparable to Wei Xiao.

It's nothing more than Wei Xiao's good luck, and the injured area is not enough to be fatal. Hold on and let him have the power to fight.

Yixiu couldn't do it himself.

The skull was hit hard, and if it was hit again, it would be fatal.

But now his chance has come.

As long as he recovers some of the injuries on his skull through eating, and then uses the Heavenly King Armor to defend himself, it is not a problem to resist Wei Xiao's several attacks.

When he fled outside the villa to meet Xiaolong and the others, it would be Wei Xiao's time.

After making up his mind, Yixiu nodded happily.

"Mr. Wei's proposal is just what I like."

With that said, as if afraid that Wei Xiao would return, Yixiu hurriedly called a woman's name outside.

However, his yelling caused a big facial movement, involving the head injury, and he grinned in pain.

Fortunately, the woman he called the name quickly appeared, which did not make him continue to suffer more pain.

When someone was called, Yixiu gently ordered her to prepare a table of food and bring it up.

The woman didn't dare to neglect. She was afraid of Yixiu, and soon left, and then greeted the people in the villa to prepare a banquet for Wei Xiao and the others.

More than half an hour.

A good wine and good dishes are ready.

In order to make Wei Xiao's meal enjoyable, Yixiu also asked some of his most beautiful wives to accompany him.

What Yixiu can admire is naturally not bad.

Wei Xiao inquired casually, only to know that the three women who stayed to accompany him were among the top ten existences on the celestial immortal list.

The appearance is no longer under the Guanguan, a bit more beautiful than Leng Yu and the others.

The women are also very careful, almost don't need Wei Xiao to move his chopsticks by himself, and someone specializes in picking up anything delicious.

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