Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 909: City Lord Mansion becomes the past tense

"Stop, everyone don't run."

"Immediately put down the gun and squat down, whoever dares to run again, Lao Tzu killed him."

"Boom boom..."

Just when Wei Xiao stopped killing the remaining soldiers and let them find a way to survive, a group of heavily armed soldiers swarmed over outside the city lord's mansion.

They tried to control the fleeing fighters, but the effect was not very good.

Accompanied by the sound of gunshots all around, the soldiers who ran away dropped their guns and squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands.

"What are you running?" Li Guangliang asked, under the protection of a group of guards, next to a soldier.

Unspeakable horror on the soldier's face.

"Devil, sir, we have met the devil. He is not human, please let us go! Otherwise, we will all die."

Li Guangliang frowned, looking at Liang Zhijun and Ni Qingcheng on the side.

"Go, let's go and take a look!" Ni Qingcheng said, bringing Leng Yu and the little sisters from the romantic bars towards the inner ring of the city lord's mansion.

Li Guangliang and Liang Zhijun looked at each other.

"Let's go! No matter what, don't we all make two-handed preparations?"

Hearing what Liang Zhijun said, Li Guangliang reacted.

They are not blind here.

The City Lord's Mansion does not allow other forces to bring troops close, and if you violate it, you will surely endure the ruthless blow from the City Lord's Mansion.

Everyone in Sky City knows this rule, but that is normal.

Nowadays, the city lord’s mansion is full of artillery fire, and anyone with a brain knows that Yixiu and the others are encountering a big battle.

At this time, people from other forces came with troops. It could be considered that they came to support the city lord's mansion, and the division was well-known. Even if it violates the rules of the City Lord's Mansion, the City Lord's Mansion will not be able to trouble them afterwards.

Of course, the so-called "famous teacher" is just an excuse.

The main thing is to check the status of the city lord's mansion.

If the City Lord's Mansion has the upper hand, they will naturally come to support it. If Wei Xiao has the upper hand, Liang Zhijun and the others don't mind adding a fire to completely destroy the City Lord's Mansion.

The final thought is their real goal, the so-called two-handed preparation.

Without hesitation, a group of more than 500 people, led by Liang Zhijun and the others, quickly followed Ni Qingcheng's footsteps and rushed towards the inner circle of the city lord's mansion.

The inner circle of the city lord’s mansion.

When Ni Qingcheng and the others first came to the end of the square, they were stunned by the sight in front of them.

Li Guangliang and the others rushed over afterwards, originally wanting to ask Ni Qingcheng and the others why they didn't continue walking. When they noticed the scene in front of them, several people knew why Ni Qingcheng and the others didn't leave.

There is not much difference between Ni Qingcheng and the others. Li Guanglian and Liang Zhijun were deeply shocked by the scene in front of them.

Not to mention the corpses in that place.

Smoking tanks, broken helicopter gunships, and the devastated field, diffuse gunpowder smoke, all heralded how fierce the fighting here was not long ago.

What shocked Li Guangliang and the others most was that they saw a few familiar figures not far away.

Although they could perceive the sound of guns and guns before, they still couldn't tell the shock when they really saw the scene.

"Isiu's team of kings, are they also dead?" Li Guangliang exclaimed.

"This, this... Is this all Wei Xiao, ah no, Mr. Wei did it?" Liang Zhijun was surprised.

"Wei Xiao?"

Ni Qingcheng suddenly exclaimed.

Li Guangliang and the others raised their heads and looked in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion after hearing this.

From the right side of the entrance to the City Lord's Mansion, Wei Xiao, who was in a broken body and looked a little embarrassed, held the scabbard he found again in one hand, and walked towards them step by step with the knife in the other.

Wei Xiao is still alive?

what does that mean?

"The devil? It's him, which devil is it, he's here, everyone run away..."

"No, I don't want to die, you let me go, let me go quickly, otherwise we won't be able to live."

Seeing the figure of Wei Xiao coming, the most frightened were the soldiers who were brought back by Ni Qingcheng and others after escaping.

In the eyes of those soldiers, Wei Xiao was a devil who killed people without blinking.

Now that the devil is approaching them, how can they remain calm?

"Shut up, no more words, I will kill you now."

I haven't seen Wei Xiao's horror, and the other people who are upset by the warriors who want to escape coldly drink.

The gun was aimed at those who were trying to escape, and the scene calmed down.

But it is not difficult to see that the soldiers who could not escape all lowered their heads and dared not look directly at Wei Xiao.

"Is it necessary to be so scared?"

Others don't understand, but they don't ask too much.

It is enough for these people to be quiet.

"Wei Xiao——"

Confirming that it was Wei Xiao's figure, Ni Qingcheng could no longer hold back his inner excitement and trot closer to Wei Xiao.

I have seen Keren running oncoming.

Wei Xiao put the Emperor Sword in his left hand into the scabbard.

"Wei Xiao, are you okay?" Near the figure of Wei Xiao, Ni Qingcheng did not plunge into his arms like a little girl, but stood in front of Wei Xiao's eyes, his eyes full of concern and worry.

Wei Xiao approached Ni Qingcheng a bit, and under her gentle gaze, freed up a hand to embrace Ni Qingcheng in her arms.

Warm jade into your arms, and fragrant nose.

Wei Xiao, who took a deep breath on Ni Qingcheng, directly kissed her little mouth under Ni Qingcheng's soft eyes.

Ni Qingcheng struggled for a while, and then took the initiative to respond to Wei Xiao.

For a long time, the lips are divided.

Wei Xiao smiled calmly: "Wake up?"

Ni Qingcheng nodded.

"do you feel better?"

When Wei Xiao asked such a sensitive question, Ni Qingcheng's jade face turned red.

For Wei Xiao, Ni Qingcheng was worried from the bottom of his heart.

After she woke up, she knew that Wei Xiao had left the romantic bar for several hours and had not returned. She was afraid that something would happen to Wei Xiao, so she took someone to the City Lord's Mansion to check the situation.

It is estimated that among the major forces who came to the City Lord's Mansion this time, only the people in the romantic bar have the attitude of supporting Wei Xiao.

Unlike other forces, there are two-handed preparations.

Following the normal script, Ni Qingcheng, who was full of worries about Wei Xiao, should have devoted himself to Wei Xiao's arms and relieved his worries the moment he saw him.

But Ni Qingcheng was obviously not a little woman, as long as she watched Wei Xiao up close, she was content.

Besides, the kiss just now was enough to convey the concern in her heart for Wei Xiao, and she was very satisfied now.

And now, noticing the playful color on his man's face, Ni Qingcheng gave him a scornful look.

"Only you are great."

"Ha ha……"

I couldn't help but kissed Ni Qingcheng's pink cheek again. Wei Xiao put his arm around her, and then led Ni Qingcheng to the others.

Knowing that Wei Xiao is okay, Ni Qingcheng's hanging heart can finally be realized.

"By the way, how is Yixiu?" Ni Qingcheng couldn't help asking as he walked around.

Wei Xiaoyun said calmly: "In the future, there will be no Yixiu in Sky City."

Ni Qingcheng's eyes lit up.

He glanced around and said in a bit of surprise: "Then you did everything around you?"

Wei Xiao did not respond, but it was equivalent to acquiescence.

This surprised Ni Qingcheng even more.

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