Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 926: Sun, moon, star

Wei Xiao glanced at him.

"Knowingly ask. I am only suitable for charging first, not for strategizing from the rear. It is another battle, and it is a real battle between the human race and the corpse race, hero, don't let me down."

When Wei Xiao's last sentence came out, Haojie Chen only felt his whole body shake.

Although everyone knows who will eventually hand over the command, Chen Haojie is still excited after Wei Xiao is truly determined.

This is not a trivial mess, but a peak battle to destroy a corpse emperor.

If it is placed in the kingdom of mankind, it is a war of destruction.

Such a grand battle will be fully commanded by his hero, and the significance of it can be imagined.

Without being timid or refusing, Chen Haojie stood up and saluted Wei Xiao.

"Master, rest assured, Chen Haojie will definitely live up to your expectations."

"Okay, the next step is to cooperate with the Queen of Ming Zhao. During this time, it is estimated that many zombies will come ashore on the sea side, Xiao Xue..."


"Your internal affairs team should do a good job of appeasement, don't let our people conflict with each other, of course, don't be afraid of them. If they dare to make trouble, kill them."

"Guaranteed to complete the task."

"That's it for today's meeting. Let's all go down and prepare! A month later, let us take the lead in other forces and fire the first shot in the battle between the human race and the corpse race."


The crowd stood up and saluted Wei and Xiao one after another.


After responding to Wei Xiao, Chen Haojie and them left one after another.

Next, the behemoth of the base began to operate.

The war has not yet begun, and the intelligence department has taken the lead.

The transport planes and helicopters in the base took off on the same day, and a large number of Shadow Guard members in the Phoenix disappeared.

At the same time, the gene research base also received the latest order from the villa.

Dilute the No. 4 potion and cooperate with the base internal affairs team to complete the national evolution of the basic citizens.

On the bright side of the base, the internal affairs team also posted notices.

For those in the Phoenix Base, in the near future, except for permanent slaves, all Christians, try not to travel far, especially ordinary people.

The notice stated that in the near future, the base will distribute the No. 1 gene potion free of charge to members of the base above ordinary slaves, including ordinary slaves.

As soon as the announcement of the free distribution of No. 1 potion appeared, more than one million people in the Phoenix Base boiled over.

"Is it true that the No. 1 gene medicine is distributed for free?"

"No? The No. 1 potion also needs 10,000 apocalyptic coins in the material supermarket. Does the base really want to give us free?"

"Is this still fake? Look, the official seal of Villa One, it's all true."

"Great, I can also become a super soldier, and even have money for the house. Long live the base, long live the Lord..."

Those who say Long live Wei Xiao definitely have an enmity with Wei Xiao.

"Uuuuu...why? Why is it so? The No.1 potion I just bought suddenly doesn't smell."

"Brother, don't be so pessimistic."

"Yes, at the base, you are unlucky. Like me, from the beginning, I planned to buy a house and then a car. Ah, ah, it was to buy genetic medicine. Although it is a little cheaper, you have to think about it. If the No. 1 potion is sold in other bases, you can earn as much as you want, so cry."

"But I have used it, do you think that the free No. 1 potion can still be given to me?"

"Want to fart!"


Some people cried heartbroken.

As soon as the benefit of taking the No. 1 gene medicine for free appeared, in the entire base, it could be said that some people were happy and some were crying.

The latter is destined to be a minority, but one thing that has become the most common phenomenon of the base on this day, that is, before the evening, the passenger flow in the pink area has increased.

At night, there is even a phenomenon that the supply of girls exceeds supply.

This phenomenon has never happened since the Red Pink District was established.

It can be said to be a great spectacle of the Phoenix Base.

When everyone in the Phoenix base is full of joy, the opposite of the sea far away from Minghai City-Female V Country.

"Your Majesty, Wei Xiao, the leader of the Phoenix Base is back."

In the cave where the Empress of Ming Zhao is located, the **** Aizu Ninja sword and the upper riding lock man learned the news of Wei Xiao's return to the Phoenix Base, and brought the news here as soon as possible.


Just listen to a roar in the cave.

Then, from a huge underground cave in front of the two of them, a huge head larger than a locomotive came out.

Countless sharp blades moved, and the claws like an excavator drove a large amount of smoke up, and in a short while, it filled the entire cave.

Inside the dim space, I saw a pair of lantern-sized eyes twinkling in the mist.

When the dust fell, a huge creature stood in front of them.

"The one named Wei Xiao is back?" Empress Mingzhao said, with some excitement sound like Hong Zhong in the cave, shaking the eardrums of the two with a dull pain.

Aizu Ninja sword resisted the discomfort on his face and replied: "Yes, he returned to the Phoenix Base yesterday. Our people at the Phoenix Base will send the news back to China as soon as possible."

"Very good. The emperor has met with him many times. If he refuses the emperor this time, the emperor can only destroy his base first."

Listening to the tone of the Empress Mingzhao, it is obvious that during Wei Xiao's absence, she has sent her subordinates to discuss cooperation with Phoenix and was rejected many times, which has caused her few patience to be worn away.

Before the other party had always used the leader not at the base as an excuse, Empress Mingzhao had to bear it. If this is still the case, then she would not have time to continue spending time with the Phoenix Base.

After Empress Mingzhao's voice fell, three figures walked out from the darkness.

They have bodies that are almost indistinguishable from humans, except for the long horns on their heads, the four ears, and the hidden parts that are not revealed. People believe that they are three living humans.

It looks like two men and one woman, which is easy to identify, after all, it is well-defined.

Of course, Aizu Ninja Sword and Shangqi Locker would not naively think that they are humans.

They have all seen these zombies.

The endorsement corpse of the Emperor Mingzhao outside-the royal warrior, also called the corpse.

Their strength is terrifying, and their wisdom is equivalent to that of human beings who are twelve or thirteen years old, and it is difficult to cope with them.

At the same time, these corpses were cold and arrogant, and they didn't put humans in their eyes. If it weren't for the Queen of Mingzhao suppressing them, for humans, they would see a pile of delicious flesh and blood in their eyes.

"Subordinates have seen three corpses."

Three corpses appeared, and the two hurriedly saluted.

"Mother Queen!"

The three corpses ignored the two and bowed to the Empress Ming Zhao.

"The person the emperor is waiting for has already appeared. This time, it is up to you to meet with him on behalf of the emperor. Remember, he is not something you can deal with. When you get to his territory, you can't act arbitrarily."

"Follow the mother emperor's order."

"Well, the human world must have a title. The emperor has given you the Sun, Moon and Star No. 3, and you can divide it by yourself!"

Good casual.

"Yes, mother emperor!"

"Go! These two people will lead you to each other."

The three corpses turned to look at Aizu Shinken and the others.

"Let's go!"

"Follow the order of Lord Ziezi. Your Majesty, I will retire."


Empress Ming Zhao didn't say much, her body shrank back into the huge cave below her, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

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