Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 930: I use personality guarantee

"Since the cooperation has been reached, I now want to know how many zombies can you provide me with if you deal with other corpses?"

The most important step has been taken, and Empress Mingzhao has nothing to hide.

"At present, there are more than three million zombies on the island of Female V that can be used against other corpses."

"More than three million? So little?" Chen Haojie couldn't help but uttered.

The Empress Mingzhao didn’t mind, and said to herself: “Using the level of your humans to classify our corpses, there are three million third-level zombies. The corpse has the least amphibian body, less than 30,000."

"A lot." Wei Xiao didn't think there was any problem with this number.

Although the people of the Volcano Corpse Emperor reach forty to fifty million, more than 90% of them are Corpse Soldiers.

It can be seen that the more advanced zombies, from birth to maturity, the more energy they need, and it is not easy to reproduce.

If the Empress Mingzhao said that she has tens of millions of third-level zombies, then she still needs to sit here and talk about cooperation with Wei Xiao?

A joke, tens of millions of Level 3 zombies form a large army. Even if there is a limit on the number of waters, but the rest will attack Minghai City with all its strength, Wei Xiao estimated that it will not be able to stop it.

"Give you one month, how many corpse soldiers can you breed?"

"The Corpse Soldier?" The Empress Ming Zhao was slightly confused.

Wei Xiao motioned for a look at Shu.

Shu Wang understood, got up and left the balcony.

Not long.

Shu Wang took an atlas and came to Wei Xiao's side.

"Here, husband!"

Wei Xiao took the photo album, then found the image of the corpse soldier on it and handed it to the Empress Mingzhao.

"It's this kind of zombie. I have seen it in the territory of another corpse emperor, and the number is huge."

Empress Mingzhao glanced, her expression scornful.

"It turned out to be a corpse slave."


"It's the lowest-level zombies of the corpse tribe's new body. In our corpse tribe's innate memory, this kind of corpse slaves are objects of enslavement by high-level zombies. They are obedient, diligent, and easy to reproduce. They are good tools for corpses. . But the strength is limited, the emperor does not bother to let the mother's corpse reproduce."

"But they are huge in number. You should understand the truth that ants can eat elephants?"

Empress Mingzhao smiled contemptuously: "This emperor knows, but this kind of zombies, a third-level zombie can deal with hundreds of them. It is almost invincible if it is replaced by a heavy-armor zombie."

Wei Xiao felt that he had become a dumpling now.

Originally, I planned to let the other party return to breed a large number of corpse soldiers, ah no, it was corpse slaves, but now that I want to come, I'm just making a fuss.

The number of corpse slaves is huge, and it is no less threatening to the human race than other zombies, but it is only for the human race.

Didn't you hear the words of Empress Underworld?

A heavy armored zombie is almost invincible in the battle of corpse slaves.

People simply didn't take this "low-level" corpse slave into their eyes, so how could they waste the limited resources of Female V Island to reproduce?

Isn't it the mainland?

Humans, animals, and hostile zombies can all provide a huge flesh and blood foundation for a newly emerging corpse clan power.

Simply put, the corpse emperors on the mainland are all rich and willful.

"Okay! I don't care about this kind of zombies. There is another thing I need to ask. Your people will face another corpse emperor. After losing your control, they won't be controlled by her?"

"No, every new body under the control of the corpse emperor bears the mark of the corpse emperor. Unless the corpse emperor who controls their sacrifice, other corpse emperors will not be able to control it. Of course, except for the zombies that have evolved from humans, also Therefore, the army of zombies supporting you are all newborns on Female V Island."

"Then if the corpse emperor dies, and no other corpse emperor exists on the battlefield, what will happen to the zombie who loses the corpse emperor?"

The Queen of Ming Zhao hesitated for a moment.

He gave Wei Xiao a deep look, "Why are you asking me so carefully?"

"The battlefield is changing rapidly, and I don't want to cause unnecessary casualties to my people because of some unknown changes."

The Empress of Mingzhao, who still lacks a lot of IQ compared to humans, doesn’t think too much. Considering Wei Xiao’s reasoning, she said: "There is no main corpse emperor, and there is no other external corpse emperor to control the scene. The mother corpse controlled by the corpse emperor will escape. In order to evolve into the corpse emperor, conquests will be launched between the mother corpses."

"Except for the newborns reproduced by mother corpses and the zombies evolved from humans, zombies of different camps are all enemies. If all the mother corpses die, the battlefield will be controlled by the highest-level zombies. It is like we have to deal with other corpse kings, If you kill the other corpse emperor and the mother’s corpse, the warrior of this emperor (the corpse) will dominate everything."

After listening to Empress Mingzhao's explanation, Wei Xiao and the others understood her meaning.

Simply put, the corpse race is a highly hierarchical race.

After losing the control of the highest zombie, they will follow the crowd and be dominated by senior zombies from other zombie forces.

The corpse emperor and the mother corpse are the dinghai **** needles of the corpse clan.

As long as they exist, the corpse clan has a goal and direction.

Knowing this, Wei Xiao and Haojie Chen looked at each other.

From each other's eyes, both of them caught a cunning look.

They inadvertently seem to have some incredible secrets of the corpse clan.


Regardless of the fact that there is no barrier between the corpse emperor and them, there is even a sense of vigilance, but in terms of scheming, the corpse clan is not a thousand miles away from the human.

The longer they were in contact with the corpse emperor, the more Wei Xiao and the others knew about this new race.

Generally speaking, it is still too tender.

Two sentences are used to describe the difference between the human race and the corpse race. The gap is like a child and an adult.

At this point of IQ, Wei Xiao really wondered how could Empress Mingzhao dare to cooperate with their humans?

If you don't pit you, I'm sorry for your "confidence".

"Any questions?" Empress Ming Zhao asked.

Wei Xiao smiled and shook his head: "Nothing."

"Then next, shall we discuss dealing with other corpse kings?"

"No, I have found the target, and I will set off in a month. In the next time, my people need to train and run in with your people. At the same time, your army should also arrange to land as soon as possible during this time. "

Hearing that Wei Xiao would deal with the other corpse emperor in a month, the joy on the face of the Empress Ming Zhao was obvious.

However, she was also a little puzzled.

"Why take one month later? If it is to wait for the emperor's army to come ashore, at most three days, the emperor's support for your army can be sent here."

"No, it's a month, including the time spent on the road. In addition, I think the corpse knights you developed at the beginning are good. I want my people to cooperate with the sky raiders to form an army of zombies."

"Is the corpse knight very strong? It was completely vulnerable in your hands."

As soon as Empress Mingzhao said this, the two Aizu Ninja swords standing behind her couldn't calm down.

His face was flushed, and there was a feeling of selflessness.

"That's because they are too useless. The strong lead the weak, and the weak will only become a drag on the strong. If the strong join forces, the power that erupts is beyond your imagination. There is a powerful air corpse cavalry force to deal with other corpses. Emperor, our chances of winning will be even greater."

"Is that right?"

Empress Ming Zhao was suspicious, turned her head, and looked at Aizu Ninja Sword, as if asking him whether Wei Xiao was right?

Aizu Ninjian cried a face.

"I disappointed Her Majesty the Queen. Mr. Wei may have some deviations from what he said, but there is no doubt that there is a strong alliance."

Although Aizu Ninja did not answer Empress Mingzhao's question directly, he changed direction to confirm what Wei Xiao said.

Empress Mingzhao no longer doubted.

"Okay, just do what you said. I hope you don't say nothing. The corpse of the corpse must belong to the emperor."

"Naturally! I use my personality as a guarantee." Wei Xiao smiled mysteriously.

"Then now..."

Wei Xiao was in a good mood, got up, and stretched out his right hand to Empress Mingzhao: "Happy cooperation."

Seeing Wei Xiao's behavior, Empress Mingzhao was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and stood up.

Also stretched out his hand and shook Wei Xiao together: "Happy cooperation."

The two shook hands for ten seconds, and then let go.

About to leave, the Empress Mingzhao said: "Since the cooperation has been achieved, the emperor will leave Xing and Yue here. With them, even if the zombie army is beyond the control of the emperor, if they are there, the zombie army will not There is chaos. They are the representatives of the emperor."


Wei Xiao did not refuse.

Yue's eyes suddenly froze, and after a while, Qingming was rebuilt.

"Master Wei Xiao, please give me more advice in the future." Yue, who had regained her self-awareness, bowed to Wei Xiao.

The star beside him did not neglect, and made the same movements as Yue.

"Mutual benefit is nothing more."

"You can go back now, the mother emperor has an order, this cooperation, you also need to send 100,000 combatable soldiers to participate." Yue said to Aizu Ninjian.

"Yes, Lord Scorpion."

Aizu Ninja did not dare to neglect, nodded.

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