Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 933: Leng Chengfeng pays homage to the master of Qingcheng

In a blink of an eye, ten days passed.

If he rushed from Minghai City to Sky City, he would march eight or nine hours a day at a normal speed, and he would not miss his destination for a month or two.

However, Wei Xiao marched all the way in order to meet the two forces of Sky City and Shen Kingdom Base at the agreed time.

The fighters of Female V Island have air predators, which are much faster, while Phantasmal are all super fighters and can keep up with their marching speed.

Therefore, in ten days, they entered the outer edge of Sky City's sphere of influence.

"Da da da……"

Outside the sky city.

Three armed helicopters appeared in the sight of the peripheral security personnel.

In a month's time, what Wei Xiao asked Liang Zhijun to do when he left had finished.

Because of the participation from the back of the Kingdom of God, their task completion situation was even better than expected.

Long before the stipulated time, they began to wait for the arrival of Wei Xiao. Therefore, in and outside the Sky City, there are not only people from the base, but also from the base of the Kingdom of God.


"Foreign power?"

"They seem to be heading towards the base."

"Hurry up and notify the people at the base!"

When the foreign helicopter was found, the armed personnel on guard at the periphery reacted immediately.

The three armed helicopters did not stop in the middle, and flew directly to the distant Sky City.

It didn't take long.

The news reached Liang Zhijun and their ears.

"Unknown gunship?"

"People from other forces?"

New City Lord's Mansion.

At this time in the mansion, Liang Zhijun, Li Guangliang, Canglang King, Ni Qingcheng, and the city lord dragon of the Shen Kingdom base were all present in the sky.

Hearing the report from the people below, the five of them couldn't help but frown.

"Could it be Mr. Wei's person?"

"It's been a month. According to the agreed time, they will show up in these few days."

Ni Qingcheng thought for a while and said, "Since there are guests, we might as well go out and have a look. Anyway, there are only three armed helicopters, and they don't have the guts to go wild in Sky City if they want to come."

Long Zaitian nodded: "What Boss Ni said is whether it is Mr. Wei's or not, we will know if we contact him."

Liang Zhijun and the three of them looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

Li Guangliang stood up and said, "Then let's go and see together. If it is really Mr. Wei's person, then the war will come."

The others also got up, and then took their confidants and walked outside the city lord's mansion.

Outside the south gate of the base.

The three flying helicopters did not enter the city, but landed on a flat open ground outside the base.

There are also gunships in Sky City, but it is difficult for ordinary people to see them.

For a base such as Sky City that has no battle base as the foundation, the armed helicopter is a strategic presence in the eyes of the high-level.

Unless there is a major military operation, armed helicopters will not start easily.

And now, three mighty and domineering armed helicopters are just outside the city, and it is inevitable to arouse the survivors' onlookers.

"Who do you think are the people above?"

"Good guy, armed helicopters are all used for transportation, what kind of base has such strength?"

"Look at it, the combat personnel from the base are here, as if they are going to act on the personnel on the armed helicopter."

"What do you want? That's just precaution. Three gunship helicopters suddenly arrived outside the base. If the high level is not prepared, who knows what will happen?"

The crowd onlookers talked a lot.

The city defense force, which reacted swiftly, had come to a place less than 100 meters away from the stopping place of the armed helicopters, and armed personnel quickly isolated a warning zone to keep the onlookers out.

There is also the city wall.

Many firepower points are directed at the helicopter.

Awareness of prevention cannot be said to be careless.

The helicopter's engine stalled.

At this time, under the gaze of the onlookers and the city defense forces, a dozen people came down from above.

There are twelve people in total, not counting the pilots who are still on the plane.

Except for the color of one of them inconsistent with the colors of the others, all of them were all black and fully armed.

Needless to think about it, this costume is different from other people, and it is definitely the leader of these people.

"Which power are these people?"

"They look so powerful. Twelve people, but they give me the feeling of a million masters."

"Have you noticed that compared to the fighters in our base, they look more like fighters?"

"The spirit of smashing our soldiers dozens of streets, and the confidence, I bet they are definitely super fighters."

When the surrounding survivors saw more than a dozen people coming off the plane, they all discussed quietly.

The city defense fighter who came to the plane, a man who looked like the leader, brought four combatants toward the crowd on the plane.

"Hello everyone, let me introduce myself first. I am the long-step Yaolei of the Sky City city defense army. I don't know why you guys come to my Sky City?" Bu Yaolei on the side of Sky City asked straightforwardly.

Seeing that the other party was also a general, the leader of the helicopter side saluted the other party.

"Leng Chengfeng, the power holder of the Phoenix base, came to meet the leader of your base on the order of the master, and inform about important things. Captain Bu, we are not malicious. Please help me introduce the leader of your base."

"Are you here to meet the three leaders?"

Leng Chengfeng thought for a while and said, "If they are the masters of your base, then they are."

Seeing that Leng Chengfeng didn't look like he was lying, Bu Yaolei pondered slightly and nodded.

"Then you guys wait a moment here, I'll send someone to inform the City Lord's Mansion."

"Thank you!"

Bu Yaolei smiled: "You're welcome."

Knowing that the other party was not here to make trouble, Bu Yaolei didn't need to be vigilant.


Just as he was about to call in a soldier to report to the city, a car rang from the city.

The sound attracted everyone's attention, so everyone looked at the source of the sound.

"It's the car of the City Lord's Mansion, the three leaders are here."

Someone in the crowd exclaimed, and needless to say the identity of the person who came.

"It seems that I don't need to send someone to report."

Leng Chengfeng smiled slightly: "This is just right."

In a few breaths.

The motorcade leaving the city staggered the crowd onlookers and came to the guard zone.

Five modified cars parked ten meters away from Leng Chengfeng and a group of people walked out of the car.

Li Guangliang and the others did not pause, and walked towards Leng Chengfeng and the others with their confidants.

"What's the situation?" Li Guangliang came over, glanced at Leng Chengfeng and the others, and then asked Bu Yaolei.

Bu Yaolei: "Leader Li, this is His Excellency Leng Chengfeng, the power holder from the Phoenix Base. He said that he has important things to talk to the leaders."


Li Guangliang and the others were slightly confused when they heard the words.

But among them, Ni Qingcheng was the only one who knew what the Phoenix Base meant. On his calm face, after hearing the words Phoenix Base, there was a surprise on his face.

Without waiting for others to ask about Leng Chengfeng, Ni Qingcheng stepped forward and asked, "You said you are from the Phoenix Base. Did Wei Xiao come?"

Wei Xiao?

Mr. Wei?

As soon as Ni Qingcheng said what he said, Li Guangliang and others, who hadn't felt much about Leng Chengfeng and their identities, couldn't help but become more cautious.

Leng Chengfeng looked at Ni Qingcheng somewhat unexpectedly.

At first sight, Ni Qingcheng's beauty made Leng Chengfeng amazed secretly.

Then he thought of something, and said in a polite tone: "You should be Ni Qingcheng and Mistress Qingcheng, right?"

"You know me?"

Leng Chengfeng saw Ni Qingcheng's changes in his eyes.

He can now confirm that the peerless beauty in front of him is the mistress Ni Qingcheng whom the Lord had confessed when he came.

I want to come too, and only this kind of stunning beauty can meet the standards of the Lord to find a woman.

Leng Chengfeng smiled and said: "The hostess has seen you outside. The Lord has already mentioned your identity to his subordinates, and the Lord has confessed that after we come to Sky City, all actions will follow your instructions."

Speaking of this, Leng Chengfeng became serious: "Leng Chengfeng, the power holder of the Phoenix Base, will report to Mistress Allure with all members of the combat team."


The soldiers behind Leng Chengfeng stood at attention and saluted Ni Qingcheng with Leng Chengfeng.

Very solemn and very ceremonial.

Seeing this scene, Ni Qingcheng was a little dazed and embarrassed.

Is this the way the Phoenix meets?

"Boss Ni, what is going on?"

Although Liang Zhijun and the others had guessed something, they still had a lot of doubts in their hearts, and they couldn't help but look at Ni Qingcheng one after another.

Ni Qingcheng smiled bitterly, and didn't hide anything.

Instructed Leng Chengfeng and the others not to be so polite, and then said to Liang Zhijun and the others: "In fact, it's nothing. Wei Xiao is the leader of the Phoenix Base, and this is his subordinate."


"So Mr. Wei is here?"

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