Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1156: Exploding conference theme

After Chen Shaoye entered the venue, he was immediately taken to the core position without accident. Just next to Duan Jiangwei, the whole row was the position of the general. Chen Shaoye could sit here because he represented It is a spike.

The name of the Hege of the Spike Wars and its status in the last century is self-evident!

After everyone has been seated, many people are constantly screaming at the place where Chen Shaoye is located. The whispering is even more endless.

At such important meetings as this, no one will be absent, and it is even more impossible to say that the subordinates will be present. Therefore, when the person sitting in Chuhan’s position is Master Chen, there are many ideas in the hearts of the people.

Chu Han, you are arrogant, the members of the mysterious family are sure to attend the meeting, do you dare to come?

No one has reached a certain point!

Duan Jiangwei had already known through the report of Lu Chuxue that Chu Han was not in the wolf teeth. After he saw Chen Shaoye’s attendance, he couldn’t help but squeezed his heart.

After Chu Han, this guy has not returned to the base after Nansha Port? Where did the goods go?

Grandma’s grandmother will pick the time!

It is not difficult to guess that after the meeting, Chu Han will once again be pushed to the forefront by the public opinion.

"You boss, really did not come back?" Duan Jiangwei whispered in the ear of Chen Shaoye.

He always thinks that this is Chu Han’s bombing. Even if it’s not in the wolf, should you always hear the wind come back?

Unfortunately, no!

Chu Han did not appear until the beginning of the meeting, which made Duan Jiangwei once again guess the meaning of Chu Han, what the **** is doing.

Master Chen did not know that he was being constantly discussed by everyone. He answered with a serious face: "I really didn't come back. In order to select the candidates to attend the meeting, the core staff of the wolf almost quarreled!"

Duan Jiangwei frowned, completely losing the direction of reasoning for this news.

At this time, in the hall full of people, the people of the veteran group arrived at the scene one by one, and they sat down on the stage in a quiet place. Facing the crowd full of people sitting underneath, everyone in the veteran group was not stunned and dressed. It is even more meticulous.

It is only worth noting that in the place next to the venue, there are several special two-storey private rooms, which are covered by a layer of draped gauze. It is faint to see the luxury in the private room, whether it is the perspective or the decoration. It was completely separate from the rest of the audience, so it did not meet the layout of this serious meeting, but no one questioned.

Everyone knows that it is the location reserved for members of the mysterious family.

In a noise, a shadow appears in a private room on the second floor. It is obviously coming in from the rear. It is completely staggered with the rest of the people, eliminating the possibility of people seeing this person.

The sound of the meeting suddenly fell by half, and then in the eyes of the public, there were two figures in the two private rooms next to each other. Because of the curtains, everyone could only see the figure and could not see the specific appearance. Can't guess which three families are in the family.

After the arrival of the three mysterious family members, the voices of the people in the conference hall gradually disappeared, and it will become quiet and solemn in a short time.

The veterans on the main table were quickly entering the charter of the conference at this time, and it was the commander who spoke first.

After a large period of opening remarks, the priest commander paused and began to enter the theme: "This time you are invited to come together to discuss the joint base attack of the heterogeneous base camp. After the veteran group discussed it together, the war was named as the nesting. war!"

The quiet and silent venue suddenly exploded, and everyone started. The many generals, lieutenants, generals, and attendees at the meeting were horrified to understand why this conference was so Serious and confidential reasons.

Fighting, I have to fight!

In this world full of sorrow, in this era of uncertainty, in this era of violent era, the Beijing base has made such an amazing and deadly decision:

Attack the heterogeneous base camp!

It’s not a small fight, it’s not a base against zombies, but all the bases of all the bases are out of the nest, uniting everyone against the creation war of the number one human enemy in the last century!

From the naming of the battle for the veteran group, it can be seen that the battle of nesting is the first time that human beings have taken the initiative to fight against the end of the world!

Since the outbreak of the last days to the present, the zombies are everywhere, and the aliens are rampant, which has pushed humans to the point where they are lingering.

They need a counterattack, and they need a most direct collision!

Under such a grand decision, the bases that are not in peace will have to put down their grievances, and then the opposing generals will have to shake hands and talk, and no one can be born here in this war of all mankind against the aliens!

In the row of seats, in addition to the thirteen admirals who sat outside of Chen Shaoye, in the moment when the pastor’s command broke the theme of this conference, they all stood up in unison. The shock on their faces was not a fake, and the shock in their hearts was even more shocking. Unspeakable.

No one thought that the Chinese veteran group had such a courage!

All bases unite to attack the heterogeneous base camp?

Just listening to it makes people excited!

Among the people in this row, only the young Master Chen did not get up, and even some of them did not know why they looked at the thirteen generals who stood up next to each other. Finally, he thought about it. If Chu Han’s boss is not estimated here, Will stand, then simply continue to sit and be a fat man.

After the rest of the thirteenth generals were shocked for a long time, the venue that began to open with the explosion gradually fell into discussion with others.

Like the second base of the Tianyang base, the leader of the Tianyang base, Admiral Kim Yang-soo, at this time did not care about a few seats, went directly to the other side of the Chuanyu base leader Wen Qisheng.


Jin Yangyi grasped the hand of Wen Qisheng and was excited: "Wen Lao! This is going to be smashed!"

Wen Qisheng is equally excited. He holds the hand of Jin Yangshao: "Daddy! I have been fighting for so many years, and I should let go of that little grievance."

"Good! Consistent!"

The leader of the Nandu base, Shangguan Rong, was even more chattered with a few of the usual generals who were not in contact with each other.

"Shangguan general, although you are considered to be a young person among us, I don't rely on old sellers. This time, everyone is united!"

"Yes! Admiral Shangguan, the last time I added a prejudice to you, you sell my old man a face, don't care!"

"Hey! All of you are seniors. What do you say about these important days?"

Duan Jiangwei is the only one who has not participated in the excitement of these twelve old men. It is not that the other generals do not put him in the heart, mainly because he is too young, and the rest are old colleagues for decades. At this time, the news of the big bang came out, and the emotion was too excited, but he still took care of him!

So Duan Jiangwei, who was left out of the group by the generals, could only turn his head and look at Chen Shaoye in the seat next to him. It was just that, he was stupid.

Lying trough?

The whole meeting place stood up, and Chen’s young man was sitting there and did not respond!

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