Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1661: Reverse black and white

Saying that Cao Chunhui continued: "But there are too many zombies in the world. It is not a way to always put it. The environment is not good and it affects the air of breathing, so we should reduce the number of them as much as possible."

"The antidote to the virus is of course used by those who work for the Luo family! For example, the elite soldiers who have been trained have finally arrived at the 8th and 9th steps, but they accidentally infected. At this time, the antidote is Useful!"

In Cao Chunhui's endless remarks, Chu Yuntian was present as a lightning strike, because he heard a name and instantly touched his unstoppable eruption.

Chu Han?

What Cao Chunhui just said is Chu Han? !

Hu Menghao has been paying attention to the look of Chu Yuntian. Now he sees his face changing, and the reaction is extremely fast. He said at the moment: "The city of Anro in the jurisdiction of the Spikes, the zombie cleaning of the city has been completed very early, so I guess The time of the zombie attractant may appear earlier than we know."

"It can be seen that Chu Han has long used a lot of resources in the research department of the Spike. The rise of this department is not coincidental. There must be many researchers with superior ability, and the research department of the Spike The ability, there is no news on the antidote, there is no progress, and the possibility of its development is still very small."

Hu Menghao said that the city of Anro, not the current city of Anro, was not aware of the mistakes in this detail, but he deliberately did so. The purpose was to remind Chu Yuntian of the relationship between the city of Anro and the Spike, let it be sure to listen. The Chuhan that arrived is his son.

"What do you mean by this? You think that our Cao's Institute is not as good as his Spike Research Department?!" Cao Chunhui was black and could not wait to hack Hu Menghao on the spot.

He had already pulled the topic to the right track. At this time, Hu Menghao’s slap in the face turned the situation back to the original state, and even blackened the Cao’s Institute.

Hu Menghao was a little scared and didn't dare to speak after glance at Roger.

Roger took a panoramic view of the two, and then sneered: "Every time the vice president said, I spent a lot of money to let you develop the Cao Institute, but it is not comparable to Chu Han’s Research Department. You Cao Chunhui is not a powerful person. Looking for so many researchers, each is famous, but the names of those in the research department of the Spikes are not obvious. How can you develop something that you have no clue?"

Cao Chunhui was speechless and unable to cope. He had Hu Menghao in his heart for thousands of times.

Hu Menghao, who is not pure, knows how to grasp the rhythm. At this time, it seems to have the courage to say: "In fact, I think, as the adult said, it is useless to develop antidote even if it is really needed. These things? We might as well change the direction of research into the principle of communication between zombies, and whether we can completely control it, just as heterogeneous can do it."

As soon as this was said, Cao Chunhui stayed in the same place and looked at Hu Menghao with surprise. He did not understand the deputy dean who was usually silent and silent. How could he suddenly feel so agile today?

Roger did not expect these people to say anything that would interest him, but he couldn’t help but look at Hu Menghao when he heard this.

Cao Chunhui’s proposal is completely a fart, and Hu Menghao’s idea really fits into his ambition.


What does he want for this kind of thing? What is the life and death of ordinary people?

But if you can rule the zombies, the trend is to have the largest number of living dead army groups in the world, and they can be ranked higher among the four mysterious families.

"What is your name?" Roger looked at the young man who had broken his legs and was in a wheelchair.

“Hu Menghao.” Hu Menghao answered truthfully, and then added another sentence: “It is the deputy dean of the Cao’s Institute and the deputy of Dr. Cao.”

Cao Chunhui slammed a fierce spirit and had a bad premonition. He quickly said: "Master Roger! This Hu Menghao has no ability at all. It has been so long for no progress in the research and development project that I handed him. The idea is that he casually said, I am afraid that the direction is not yet!"

Roger dissatisfied and looked at Cao Chunhui: "When I was talking, when did you get your fingertips?"

Cao Chunhui was shocked and hurriedly shut up and did not dare to speak again.

However, after Cao Chunhui’s reminder, Roger also made a temptation at this time. He looked at Hu Menghao and asked: “What direction do you have for the study of controlling zombies?”

This question is completely amateur, but the answer is not good, and it is easy to subvert the good image that was previously established in Roger's mind.

Cao Chunhui lowered his head and taunted his mouth. He did not think that Hu Menghao really had a direction. After all, this temporary proposal, their research institute did not think about it before, did not think about new projects, where is the research direction?

But what everyone did not expect was that Hu Menghao replied almost without any delay: "Yes."

Cao Chunhui suddenly looked up and his eyes were full of incredulity.

Chu Yuntian, who just returned from the eruption of emotions, couldn’t help but be attracted by Hu Menghao.

Roger brows and picks: "Go ahead."

Although Hu Menghao immediately gave an affirmative answer, it was actually just delaying the time. Just as Cao Chunhui’s speculation, it’s just that he just said it casually. The purpose is not here. The original intention is just to remind Chu Yuntian. I did not expect to attract the Luo family's fancy.

Under the urgency, Hu Menghao suddenly blurted out: "The direction is in Chuhan, in the wolf."

If you have no brains, let the house be quiet. The expression on Roger's face is very bad, and you will lose patience.

Chu Yuntian is in the word "Chu Han" mentioned by Hu Menghao. It is more and more certain that this Chu Han is not the same name, I am afraid that his son, and Hu Menghao is still an insider, otherwise it will not be mentioned repeatedly at such a critical moment. .

Cao Chunhui grinned and revealed a sullen smile. He said: "Hu Menghao, if you can't think of it, you can't think of it. Don't make a fool here."

Hu Menghao’s heart beats a little faster, but still maintains calmness and looks straight ahead at Roger’s opening: “I said everything is true. Although you are too expensive to be an adult, you are too embarrassed to study this aspect and cannot understand me. The meaning of the original is excusable, but the director of Cao Chunhui did not understand it, it made me a little disappointed."

There is no clue, and I don’t forget to blacken Cao Chunhui again. Hu Menghao’s hand will directly make the peak of the game.

Being said to be a layman, Roger was furious on the spot: "You can be bold enough! Well, then you have to explain the explanation and let me know what direction you are talking about in Chuhan."

:. :

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