It is difficult to persuade the damned ghosts with kind words.

The lives of these people have nothing to do with Chen Qing.

On the way back to the hotel, Chen Qing came to the outdoor camping store again.

The owner naturally welcomed him in like the God of Wealth.

"Do you have... a necklace or something else that you can put half a cigarette in and carry with you."

Chen Qing showed half a cigarette for comparison.

He did not take out the shrunken Demon Tower, although no one recognized it, but it is better to be safe than sorry.

The human heart in the end times is too terrifying.

"It must be strong, can't be cut by a knife, and is not afraid of water or fire."


The owner immediately found a braided rope:

"This is called Dyneema, a super-strong polyethylene fiber, 15 times stronger than steel and stronger than aromatic fiber. Don't look at how thin this rope is, it can easily tow a five-ton car."

He then took out a finger-sized mummy.

Press the bottom and turn it counterclockwise to open it.

There is a groove inside, big enough to hold half a cigarette.

"This is called a death necklace. It is said that it was worn by agents in the past. It contains a highly toxic substance that can kill people or commit suicide."

"Now I heard that extreme enthusiasts will release adrenaline. It can save lives at critical moments."

Chen Qing took a look and found that it was just enough to hold the shrunken Demon Tower.

He asked the boss to put it on his neck and said, "weld it to my neck."

"Handsome man, think it over. If it's fixed, it will take several days to get it off without professional tools."


Everything is done.

"How much?"

"You are our most valued customer, so it doesn't matter how much money you have."

Chen Qing didn't force him. He left directly.

Downstairs in the hotel, Chen Qing received a call.

It was from Chenxi.

As soon as the call was connected, Chenxi's voice of collapse came out:

"Chen Qing! You...what do you mean! bastard!"

You dare to curse?

Chen Qing sneered in his heart and hung up directly.

The phone rang again.

"Chen Qing! Chen Qing! Don't hang up! Don't hang up! Please don't hang up!"

Chen Xi's voice was already broken: "Please! I was wrong! Come and explain..."

Chen Qing pretended to be confused: "What do you mean?"

Another voice came from the phone:

"Today you called the police and said someone stole your phone, but this lady said you were boyfriend and girlfriend and were just joking. Please come to the police station. Otherwise, this lady will be sentenced to three years at least."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Qing was a little surprised.

He didn't expect it to be so serious. He thought it would only be detained for 15 days, but he didn't expect it to start from three years?

Doesn't this mean that she will die in there?

That's not a bargain for her!

Among the hideous faces in the previous life, only Chen Xi and Chen Kun can't die easily!

What's more, this woman Chen Qing is still useful, very useful. Absolutely! Can't! Let her die in the police station!


It's really fucking unlucky.

Arriving at the station, Chen Qing saw Chenxi, whose eyes were red and swollen from crying and whose makeup was as smudged as dirt.

As soon as she saw Chen Qing, she rushed over.

Chen Qing dodged to the side and pushed her hard onto the table beside her, shouting, "What the hell!"

Chenxi's hip hit the corner of the table, and her face twitched in pain.

"Chen... Chen Qing, it's me." Chenxi tried to force a smile, but it was uglier than crying.

"Hey? Chenxi?! Is your family in financial difficulty? Why are you stealing?" Chen Qing looked very disgusted: "Robbery?"

"Misunderstanding!" Chenxi grimaced in pain.

At this time, a middle-aged woman just came out of the toilet and was furious when she saw Chen Qing!

"Ah! It's you, you bastard!!"

The middle-aged woman screamed and started to scratch Chen Qing: "It's you who caused Xiaoxi to be locked up! You bastard!!"

She was immediately held down.

Chen Qing turned around and walked away without saying a word.

Chenxi was anxious!

The middle-aged woman was also anxious!



The police also stopped Chen Qing.


Chen Qing frowned.

"You called the police, and this lady said you were friends and were just joking..."

"Robbery, three years. Just do it according to this. I get annoyed when I see this woman."

Chen Qing pointed at the middle-aged woman who was throwing a tantrum, and was too lazy to argue, and walked away again.

"You!! You just want to extort money!! We'll give it to you!"

Chenxi quickly stopped her: "Mom! Mom! Don't make trouble! I'm not short of money!"

"I wanted to explain

I have been released, but I don't want to think about it now," Chen Qing sneered: "The facts are clear, the evidence is conclusive, just three years!"

The middle-aged woman was very angry!

The hand pointing at Chen Qing was shaking.


"If you say one more word, I will turn around and leave."

Chen Qing smiled and looked at the middle-aged woman: "Please apologize for your behavior just now."

"Apologize! No way! You are a dog that killed your parents!"

Chen Qing turned around and left again.

"Come back! !"

"Come back to me! !"

Chen Qing didn't indulge them.

Shut down the phone and returned to the hotel.

"Chen Qing, you are back."

Chen Man said expressionlessly.

He was doing his homework while gnawing on a chicken leg, and there was a waiter sitting next to him to tutor him.

A waiter smiled bitterly at Chen Qing. Sitting here to tutor Chen Man's homework was more tiring than working two night shifts!

"You've worked hard, you can go out. "Chen Qing casually took out two hundred-yuan bills.

The waiter took them and left with a smile.

Before Chen Qing and Chen Man could say a few words, there was a knock on the door.

Chen Qing looked and saw two policemen. One old and one young.

"Young man, don't be so impulsive!" The old policeman said kindly: "If you can mediate, mediate. Would you feel comfortable if you put a little girl in prison for a few years?"

Chen Qing thought seriously: "I would feel very comfortable."

"That's right...ah?" The old policeman paused.

One sentence disrupted all his subsequent words.

The tried-and-true rhetoric had a bug!

The scene became awkward for no reason.

The young policeman took over the conversation: "Excuse me, how do you want to solve it?"

Chen Qing saw someone hiding at the entrance of the corridor not far away.

"Definitely apologize."

"The daughter robbed, the mother beat and cursed, what kind of family would teach such an uneducated person? "

The figure not far away was shaking, so angry.

Chen Qing felt even more relieved.

"Did you see the menopausal woman today? She was so frightened! I thought a ghost was coming!"

"My cat is not so fierce when she is in heat!"

The figure was shaking even more.

"Cough! Cough!"

The policeman coughed awkwardly twice and waved his hands repeatedly: "Okay, okay, don't talk nonsense."

Waved to the back:

"Yu Jinxiu, come and apologize."

Sure enough!

It was the middle-aged woman.

Her face was flushed and her hands were shaking.

He said heavily: "I'm sorry."

Chen Qing closed the door directly.

"Hey hey hey hey hey!" The young policeman put his foot on the door and frowned: "What do you mean?"

"Didn't you see how she apologized? ”

Chen Qing sneered: “Who the hell are you trying to save face for?”

The old policeman looked dissatisfied, looked at Chen Qing, and then looked at the middle-aged woman: “If the mediation fails this time, I won’t care, and your daughter will really go to jail.”

The middle-aged woman’s face changed when she heard this, she took a few deep breaths, and gritted her teeth: “I’m sorry!”

Chen Qing cleaned the mud that got into her nails when digging the ground, and didn’t even look at her: “Not sincere enough.”

The middle-aged woman was so angry that her whole body was shaking, and she took a few deep breaths: “I was wrong about what happened today, I apologize to you, sorry!”

“What about scolding my parents?”

Chen Qing flicked out a few pieces of black mud: “You said I was a dog who killed my parents?”

The woman was slightly stunned, took a long breath, her body trembled, and her voice was crying:

“I... I am a dog! I am a dog!”

“I am the dog who killed my parents!”

“Is it done! "

She tried to look at Chen Qing calmly, her eyes red.

Chen Qing smiled: "No, you bastard, do you always apologize like you want to kill someone?"

The woman clenched her fists tightly, her nails digging into her flesh.

She wiped her face hard.

"I'm sorry, I have a foul mouth! I said something I shouldn't have said today, please forgive me!"


As she spoke, the woman slapped herself hard.



Chen Qing looked at her calmly, indifferent.

"Is that enough?" The old policeman frowned.

"Just make do with it," Chen Qing smiled, and said, "I'm more satisfied with this. Let's leave."

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