The blood moon was covered with blood, and the ground was covered with blood.

Now there are many Rakshasas in the city, and Chen Qing doesn't want to cause unnecessary trouble.

So this time Chen Qing chose to be outside the city.

The blood moon was covered with blood, like an eyeball that had been awake for several nights.

Under the reflection of the blood moon, the ground was faintly bloody, as if it was covered with a layer of blood.

After several golden lights, it was far enough away from Ximing City. Chen Qing took out the Golden Butcher and summoned the Abandoned Baby Tower and the Hanged Ghost.

At the same time, he asked Wu Zhuangyuan and the Ghost Car to protect the law.

The Ghost Car was the character of the Ghost Fire Boy, and immediately began to race around the crowd. The soil was excited to shoot everywhere, and the land was soon full of ruts.

Just like the wisdom of driving a car across the grassland.

He looked at the abandoned baby tower. Logically, it should have absorbed enough ghosts and turned into a tomb tower.

But I don’t know if it’s because of the gold transformation. It is just like Zhong Kui, refusing to advance, and moving forward on the road of wandering souls. Now it is only a step away from SSS.

With the attraction of the abandoned baby tower, the first ghost came running in a moment.

How could it be a toilet ghost...

There is still fresh food on the mouth of this thing. It must have just eaten happily.

Forget it... Chen Qing forced himself not to look at it.

Chen Qing still doesn’t know whether the hanged ghost is a man or a woman.

If he is a man, his fingers are thin, tender and white, and he is definitely a top finger model.

If he is a woman, his chest is flat, and the cup size is at most 0.2A.

The hanged ghost obviously didn’t want the toilet ghost to dirty the holy and lovely white silk, so he turned a blind eye.

Only the Abandoned Infant Tower accepts everyone, with a mentality of "everyone is a guest", and it is always open.

The second ghost appeared.

The air-eating ghost.

The white silk of the hanged ghost immediately wrapped around it and wrapped it tightly. Try to digest.

There seems to be no evil ghosts in the suburbs, all of which are the most common ghosts.

The air-eating ghosts, toilet ghosts, and skeletons are the most common.

Chen Qing looked at it and suddenly saw a blue ghost fire flashing in the distance.

"Is this a ghost fire or a karma fire?"

"Master, this is a ghost fire. It's not very dangerous, but you can't let it get on you." Knowing what Chen Qing was thinking, Painted Skin said, "Except for the great god Zhong Kui, none of us can keep it."

The wandering soul level is called a ghost fire, and the evil ghost level is called a karma fire.

Chen Qing was very envious of the "karma fire skeleton" that Chen Kuan mentioned, but he had no choice but to leave it.

People come when they want and leave when they want.

Just thinking about it, the ghost fire flashed into the interior of the Abandoned Infant Tower.

Chen Qing was stunned, and immediately looked towards the entrance of the abandoned baby tower, but it was pitch black and nothing could be seen.

Chen Qing was a little confused: "This... can it come out?"

Painted Skin was also a little confused: "No, right?"

The abandoned baby tower means "No one can leave once you come here", and the ghost fire means "I want to leave and I will leave."

The two kept looking around, and they didn't see the ghost fire for a long time.

"Collect it?"

"It should be..."

The abandoned baby tower is the golden body of the Yuan embryo, which is too attractive to ghosts.

Hundreds of ghosts gathered in a moment, and they were blocked again.

Summon the Luanting to direct traffic, and occasionally let the Wu Zhuangyuan deal with those who are too big.

The ghost fire didn't come out for a long time, it should be really refined inside.

The fingers of the third hand on the neck of the Golden Butcher moved slightly and began to awaken.

Just when he was busy and happy, he suddenly heard a long cry.

"Master, it's Guhuo Bird!"

Painted Skin was immediately excited and looked around.

Chen Qing also looked up and saw a strange scene.

In the sky, countless white dots were falling, as if it was snowing.

The white dots fell quickly, and when they got closer, they found that they were one after another paper cranes.

After a while, Chen Qing finally saw a paper crane as big as a house, struggling to escape, and behind it, there was a big bird bathed in fire.

The paper crane was dozens of times larger than the Guhuo Bird, but it had been burned with holes everywhere and fled desperately.

"Guhuo Bird! It's really a Guhuo Bird!"

Painted Skin was very excited.

Chen Qing was puzzled: "What is it?"

"Guhuo Bird, it is said that it is the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven, and you will have good luck if you see it!"

"What is the one she is chasing?"

"That is a thousand paper cranes, um, it is the evil ghost level of paper people, the wandering soul level is paper people, the evil ghost level is a thousand paper cranes, and if I am not mistaken, the evil spirit level should be the big sun paper bird. It is the paper bird as big as a mountain that we saw in the clouds last time."

Chen Qing suddenly realized.

Wonderful: "How can a wandering soul chase an evil ghost?"

"First of all, the Guhuo Bird is extremely noble, and secondly, the Guhuo Bird is of the five elements.

Fire. "

The small paper cranes in the sky fell like snowflakes, and the paper crane as big as a house had been caught up by the Guhuo bird.

The flames on the Guhuo bird rose sharply.

The body turned into a beam of fire, piercing through, piercing the paper cranes with holes.

The paper crane quickly caught fire, and after a few breaths, it exploded with a bang!

It fluttered straight to the ground.

And during this process, countless small paper cranes fell from its body, as if this was its blood.

Chen Qing's heart moved, collected dozens of paper cranes, asked Luan Ting to throw away the ghosts surrounding the abandoned baby tower, and stuffed all the paper cranes in.

"Master, this is actually not the correct way to use the abandoned baby tower..."

Huapi said leisurely: "After those ghost kings get the abandoned baby tower, they will specially stuff specific ghost species into it."

"Really? "

Chen Qing understood immediately, that is to say, if he kept stuffing butchers into it, it would only produce butchers.

But each abandoned baby tower was formed after thousands of babies died, so the vast majority of its output were still baby girls.

The denominator was too large, and it didn't mean much.

As he was talking, the hanged ghost slowly floated up.

Here it comes!

Chen Qing was delighted and looked over immediately.

The hanged ghost's long hair that covered his entire face and half of his body slowly parted, revealing a very handsome face.

It was so white and clean that it was still impossible to tell whether it was a boy or a girl.

His white silk slowly retracted and casually draped over his shoulders, but he had something in his hands. Two long white whips.

Chen Qing followed the hanged ghost... no, now it was the soul-binding, and slowly looked along the soul-binding hand. The whip was full of fine lines, a bit like scales.

Looking at the whip head, he saw a snake head, opening its mouth and hissing.

Chen Qing was shocked!

The soul-binding was still unwilling to land, and the two whips... or white snake whips, gently placed on the ground, lifted him up.

The two white snakes were thin and long, the front half of the body moved quickly, and the back half of the body lifted the soul-binding high, as if walking on stilts.

The picture was very unscientific.

"Hanged... no, soul-binding, what ability do you have now? "

The Soul Binding whipped a burnt ghost ten meters away.

At the moment the white snake whip was pulled out, the white snake suddenly opened its mouth and bit into the void.

It was like biting on an invisible fulcrum in the void...

The next moment, the Soul Binding pulled violently!

The burnt ghost was frozen, and an illusory burnt ghost was pulled away from the body.

What was pulled out was the soul of the burnt ghost!

6 Ah!!

Chen Qing was overjoyed!

No wonder it was called the Soul Binding!


And the news that can be announced:

Paper Man→Thousand Paper Cranes→Big Sun Paper Sparrow (suspected)

Will-o'-the-wisp→Karma Fire→?

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