The truth is that it is a crime.

When Bai Qing found Chen Xi's house, Huapi notified Chen Qing immediately.

Chen Qing watched the entire live broadcast.

He didn't know the cause and effect, but it was not difficult to guess.

Bai Qing had obviously become a crazy ghost.

Combined with the instant noodles in his hand and Chen Xi sending messages all over the world asking for food...

The truth was too simple.

"It's your own fault."

Chen Xi fell into a freezing reaction under extreme fear, allowing Bai Qing to finally succeed.

It's also interesting that Bai Qing licked until he died, but got what he wanted after death.

"I wonder if this bitch can get pregnant with a ghost baby." Huapi said.

Chen Qing was startled: "Can people still have the ability to sow seeds after death?"

"Although there are few, there are some. However, from the day of conception, the fetus is dead and will absorb the mother's essence. Generally, the mother will die after being sucked for a few days. But if it can really hold on until the ghost baby is born, it will be a 'blood baby'."

"Some pregnant women give birth after death, and there is a chance that they will give birth to blood babies."

Chen Qing has heard of giving birth after death, especially in the news of pregnant women getting into car accidents.

There are even cases where giants appear after the death of pregnant women, and the body produces a lot of pressure to expel the baby, which may also be considered a type.

"Blood baby? What about the subsequent promotion form?"

"The evil ghost level is called 'blood boy', and I don't know about the evil spirit level."

"Is it powerful?"

"The ability is to control blood, and the strength is very strong."

Control blood?

This is awesome!

Chen Qing subconsciously wanted to get another one to play with, but then remembered that his ghost pet position was full.

Suddenly it was a bit boring.

Finally, he drank a cup, "I'm going to practice."

I have reached the peak of the spirit realm, and it's time to advance to the Youquan realm.

At least I can contract one more ghost pet, right?

Youquan is the deepest part of the soul sea, where the three souls and seven spirits of people are hidden:

The three souls are Taiguang, Shuangling, and Youjing.

Among them, Taiguang is pure yang, also called Tianhun and Tianshenhun.

Shuangling is the human soul.

Youjing is a pure Yin soul, also called Dihun and Yinshenhun. Ghosts have only one soul, which refers to the Dihun.

The seven spirits are Corpse Dog, Non-Poison, Swallowing Thieves, Hiding Arrows, Sparrow Yin, Removing Filth, and Stinky Lungs.

They are respectively responsible for joy, anger, worry, thought, fear, shock, and sadness.

They are collectively called Ten Yuan.

Connecting all ten yuan to the spirit network is the Youquan realm.

To put it simply, gather enough soul power and activate it.

The accumulation of soul power is a long process, but with the blood contract with Zhong Kui, this long step was easily taken.

Entering the Nether Spring is an extremely dangerous process.

If one is not well controlled, no matter which one is moved, it will cause irreversible serious consequences.

But with the experience of controlling thirty-two soul powers with distraction, Chen Qing is even confident that he can advance to the Nether Spring within a day.

Of course, he will try to slow himself down and move forward slowly.

As soon as he entered the third floor, the densely packed ghost pets squatting in the stream stood up, and those who could speak and those who couldn't speak shouted in unison: "Long live the master!"

Chen Qing was startled and suddenly laughed!

Yesterday, the girl in the abandoned baby tower shouted like this, and she was arranged to sit in the front. They probably thought about this too.

There are too many ghost pets here, and Chen Qing came to the far distance with a few golden lights for fear of being disturbed.

Then he sat cross-legged and began to practice.

The Nether Spring is hidden in the deepest part. Chen Qing controlled the soul power to slowly approach, layer by layer.

Soon, he arrived at Youquan.

This is a very dark and extremely quiet place.

At first, he saw a mass of something, like fog, but emitting a golden light, like a small sun, very warm.

This is the Heavenly Soul...

He thought to himself, and then looked not far away, there was a dark fog, slowly wriggling and twisting.

This is the Earthly Soul, or the Yin Soul.

Ghosts only have this one soul, so Chen Qing naturally looked at it very seriously, and studied it for a while before looking at the third soul.

Human soul.


This was Chen Qing's first reaction.

Then he looked at the seven souls. Although he saw them for the first time, he could easily distinguish them.

When he came to the first soul, he felt an inexplicable joy. There was no doubt that this was the corpse dog of Zhuxi.

And so on.

After determining their respective positions, they began to build spiritual networks, and led the soul power to Ten Yuan little by little.

Chen Qing was familiar with this matter and built it very quickly.

Time passed quickly, and the third floor of the Demon Suppression Tower began to vibrate faintly.

The dust in the entire space slowly rose up, and the chaotic fog in the sky rolled up, and a stream of ghost energy came from above.

Flowing down, spreading everywhere.

The coroner, martial arts champion, and others all stood up: "The fourth floor seems to be open."

"The master has broken through!"

All the ghost pets were overjoyed!

In the sky, the chaotic fog slowly opened up, revealing a deep and huge cave.

As everyone was watching, a breath-eating ghost slowly floated out of the cave.

Without hesitation, it pounced directly on the golden body on the ground.

Then, it was the second, third, and fourth...

Those who could fly flew down directly, while others were at the entrance of the cave, looking down with fiery eyes.

Similar things happened everywhere on the third floor of the Demon Suppression Tower.

A cave also appeared above Chen Qing's head.

Many ghosts popped up, ignored Chen Qing, and flew directly to the direction of the Yuan embryo golden body.

Chen Qing frowned, and did not have time to take a closer look at the changes after he arrived at Youquan. He summoned the painted skin with a thought and put it on.

"Master, is the fourth floor above a ghost realm?"

"I don't know."

After a few golden lights, Chen Qing had already arrived beside the ghost pets.

The ghosts that kept falling from the sky were not powerful for the time being, but only wandering soul-level air-eating ghosts. With the current strength of the twelve ghost pets, they were not a threat at all.

After two golden lights, Chen Qing had already arrived at the cave entrance.

This was a dark cave, with a diameter of 20 meters, and it was unclear where it led to.

Dozens of skeletons and soldier ghosts overlapped, and the skeleton armors made a clacking sound when they collided.

The breath of the Yuan embryo golden body below had already driven them crazy.

But this place was a thousand meters above the ground. If they jumped down, they would definitely fall to pieces.

Chen Qing summoned a flying horse and sat firmly on it.

Nine relics and 36 golden coffin nails appeared behind him.

The relics were fine, but the golden coffin nails were soaked in Zhong Kui's blood!

The skeletons and soldier ghosts were all horrified.


Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish...

The coffin nails shot out like bullets.

The law of time covered his eyes... Everything was slowed down in his eyes.

The coffin nails touched the hard bones of the skeleton, and almost without a pause, they had already exploded the skeleton. Broken bones flew everywhere.

The same scene was played everywhere in this huge hole.

Almost just a glance, all the skeletons and soldier ghosts died in front of him.

At this time, Chen Qing's eyes condensed slightly!

He saw a general wearing heavy armor!

Surrounded by eighteen brave guards wearing silver armor.

And hundreds of thousands of soldier ghosts kept coming.

The eighteen silver-armored guards shouted in unison, and the sound resounded throughout the third floor:

"Who dares to be presumptuous in front of the general!"

Chen Qing suddenly understood!

What is the form behind the Eighteen Riders of Yanyun - the general!


Information that can be released now:

Blood Infant→Blood Boy→?

Soldier Ghost→Eighteen Riders of Yanyun→General→?

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