The young master was also stunned.

Chen Qing was also stunned.

The coroner was shocked and said, "Master, what happened to the young master?"

Who knows what happened!

"I don't know," Chen Qing was a little anxious: "Can't you do anything?"

"The young master somehow burned all his soul power at this moment, and I am useless..."

Hearing this, Chen Qing picked up Chen Man, and a golden light disappeared here.

After two consecutive golden lights, he had arrived at the First Hospital.

He didn't expect the hospital to operate normally, but he just wanted to try.

In the emergency department, there was no one. Only corpses and ghosts.

In the inpatient department, there was no one. Only corpses and ghosts.

Even the medical technology building was visited, but there was still no one.

After thinking for a while, two golden lights came to the mental hospital.

I saw the five people from last time in the pharmacy.

When they came to ask about Feng Qingyang's condition last time, everyone was swollen, but now they seem to be in good condition, perhaps because Chen Qing left two boxes of bread.

Chen Qing appeared too suddenly, and they all screamed.

But when they saw that it was the guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes and a righteous face they met last time, they were overjoyed.

"See what's wrong with him."

Several people immediately surrounded him eagerly. They were not outpatient doctors, but they knew a lot about pharmacology.

"It looks like he has a fever."

"Quick! Quick! Measure the temperature, it feels like he has a high fever."

"Ouch! It's so hot!"

He took a handheld thermometer and scanned his forehead...

"Four... Forty-seven degrees! My God!"

This temperature can burn people to death.

Even a child with a high fever convulsion is only 39 degrees.

"Forty-seven degrees, isn't that the upper limit of the thermometer?"

The male doctor suddenly said something, and he didn't know what he was thinking of. He took another thermometer and scanned it...

83 degrees.

Several people opened their mouths wide.

This can no longer be called a high fever, this should be called a mature fever!

"What are you doing, hurry up!"

But several people stood there motionless.

The school has never taught about patients with 83 degrees!

I can't do this!

"How about wiping it with alcohol and physically cooling it down?"

Soon, the female doctor brought alcohol, but as soon as it was rubbed, the alcohol immediately burned.


Several people were in a hurry and almost set the pharmacy on fire.

A male doctor slapped his forehead, "The ignition point of alcohol is 75 degrees..."

After a flurry, Chen Qing frowned. In this situation...I'm afraid that the famous doctors in the country can't do anything.

He threw down a large bag of pig feed and returned home with Chen Man in his arms.

He took a large bucket of water and soaked Chen Man in it. After a while, the water was already very hot.

He changed another bucket of water and suddenly remembered that the abandoned baby tower had collected a lot of ghost pets before. Maybe there would be something that could cool it down.

In the Demon-Suppressing Tower, Prince Mai and a bunch of people were guarding beside Longgu.

Longgu seemed much more relaxed at this moment, as if everything was under control.

Seeing Chen Qing coming, Mai immediately stepped forward: "Master, Longgu has burned all the ghost seeds in the abandoned baby tower!"

Chen Qing was stunned.

"The ghost fire of the netherworld burns everything, and all the 'seeds' in the abandoned baby tower have been burned!"

Chen Qing didn't have time to say anything more, "Let's not talk about this first, is there any way to cool it down? Oh, right, right, hurry up! Ask for a fortune for my brother to see if it's good or bad!"

Mai naturally did as he was told.

Soon, the prince shook out the fortune, but everyone was stunned.


Still auspicious.


The stick was stuck straight into the ground.

"What does it mean?"

Ma Yi was stunned.

Who knows what it means!

I've learned this before!

"Forget it, it's just a Thai stick!"

Chen Qing was anxious and returned home.

Chen Man's clothes had been burned and yellowed, so he took them off.

He was holding Chen Man in a daze.

He suddenly remembered that this was the first time Chen Man got sick.

Chen Man had fallen and was often bullied, but he had never gotten sick.

He sat there all night.

In the morning, Chen Man gradually got better.

Although he still had a fever, it was much better than before.

Chen Man rubbed his eyes, "Chen Qing, I'm hungry."

Chen Qing breathed a sigh of relief: "What do you want to eat?"

"Um... Is there any KFC left?"

"Enough for you to eat for a lifetime." Chen Qing smiled and took out a family bucket.

It was still hot.

The time flow rate on the first floor of the Demon-Suppressing Tower is about one 15,000th of that in reality, which means that for every day in the real world, only 5 seconds pass inside.

Fried chicken can keep warm for about an hour, which is about seven years in the real world.

Seeing that Chen Man's condition has improved, Chen Qing left Qianmian Niang behind and entered the Demon-Suppressing Tower.

Chen Man looked up at the "Chen Qing" in front of him and asked, "What's your name?"

Qianmian Niang was a little shocked.

Now her "fake form" has become a complete magical power. Unless you have a fire eye, a golden eye, or something like that, it is impossible to see through it.

Shocked in the heart, he still said, "My name is Xiao Qian."

"This is for you." Chen Man handed over a chicken leg.

Qianmian Niang took it and accidentally touched Chen Man's hand. Her hand trembled and she almost didn't take the chicken leg.

Her Vajra Indestructibility has been mostly completed. Even if she is thrown into molten iron, she can easily swim back.

So what is the reason for Chen Man's behavior?

The third floor of the Demon-Suppressing Tower.

Chen Qing is inspecting the work.

Before, Mai said that the time was too urgent and she didn't think deeply. At this moment, she suddenly realized something.

The abandoned baby tower is a regular ghost species.

What it can spit out is determined by what it swallows.

Of course, the most spit out are definitely the abandoned baby girls in the old society.

This is also the fundamental reason why the abandoned baby tower is so resentful that it can turn into a ghost.

Secondly, there will be very few exceptions: disabled male babies, some weak babies who may not be able to survive.

The big girl who killed Hong Ya is a rare case.

Mai Yi was very excited: "Master, there are very few abandoned baby towers. The people who get the abandoned baby towers usually stuff the ghost species they want. The most common one is the soldier ghost."

"But due to the nature, seven or eight out of ten ghost species produced are baby girls, and our abandoned baby towers are different now! Whatever you put in, it will appear! And only this kind will appear!"

Chen Qing's heart is hot!

Not bad!

Not bad!

The abandoned baby tower is a veritable soldier tower.

But the "soldiers" that other people can produce are somewhat exaggerated, and what your own soldier tower produces is up to you!

Recalling the terrifying power of Han Yuan's soldier ghosts charging at Chuntaifang, Chen Qing's heart was burning.

Of course, this can't be rushed.

There is enough time to slowly think about what to put in.

If I also have a champion, the soldier ghost is the best choice, because it can become the Eighteen Riders of Yanyun.

What about the others?

What did Chen Qing think of, "Wanren Di, guard the abandoned baby tower, no one is allowed to approach!"

Although it is almost impossible, now I will never allow strange things to defile my pure little tower.

"Yes!" Wanren Di solemnly accepted the order and stood in front of the abandoned baby tower majestically.

Chen Qing hesitated and asked, "What do you think is the best thing to put in there?"

"If you want to conquer the world, then choose the soldier ghosts and archers. Of course, if you can catch a few powerful ghosts, that would be great," the prince interrupted, "If you want to be king in the wild, then choose the hunter."

"Similarly, if you want to open the world's largest brothel, then choose the prostitutes."

Makes sense!

"No, why not just put in the Eighteen Riders of Yanyun? That would be more direct!"

"Boss, you have to look at the time!"

"It only takes a few minutes to produce a soldier ghost, and a few hours to produce an evil ghost. Why spend that time?"

"Go to the fourth floor and catch the general, and make him a champion marquis. Then, when the time comes, one charge, 100,000 Yanyun Eighteen Riders... No, 100,000 Yanyun Riders charge, whether you are a Taoist corpse or a Yin God, will you be a match for it?"


Right, right, right, right!

The fourth floor, must take the fourth floor!

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