The money was so much that it was not worth it.

So this is ten yuan...

No wonder Chen Kuan said "I can't tell you" when I asked him.

If I had said it earlier, I would have deliberately pursued my own "Tao".

And this "deliberate" is definitely not my "original intention".

Everything now comes so naturally.

It's like I've let my mind go, letting my thoughts run wild, wherever they go, that's where they go.

My mind is more comfortable than ever before.

Of course, there are also a few small regrets.

I made a big wish like "I will not become a Buddha until hell is empty", although the road ahead is more difficult, but the upper limit is also higher.

My own Tao is a bit petty.

Of course, breakthroughs are worth celebrating.

It is not appropriate to worry about whether the money is new or old after picking it up.

Chen Qing flashed two golden lights in succession and returned to the community.

Luosha had disappeared.

With Chen Qing as his relationship, Lan Gan did not continue to kill people.

Of course, everyone suffered a lot of physical pain.

This is Luosha's "first power", that is, the first step.

At this moment, everyone was discussing in the community, but most of them were silent.

The plan discussed by a few activists was meaningless.

If the government had made a mistake in the past, they would write a joint letter, or go further to petition, or find their own connections, and they would always be able to solve it.

But now...

There is no way.

There is no way at all.



That is courting death!

Just a Luosha, like cutting melons and vegetables, will kill them all, and see who dares to say no.

Seeing Chen Qing coming, He Yiru, who had been prepared for a long time, greeted him.

"Chen Qing, please, just treat it as saving us! Become the centurion of our community! We don't have much, but if you like it, I will definitely give it to you! Furniture, money, food, women!"

Chen Qing did not stop.

Everyone was begging, and after Chen Qing ordered Luosha to drag Liu Xue away, no one dared to be sarcastic anymore.

They lowered their posture and said all kinds of nice things.

"Chen Qing, this is the key to my Z4 convertible. You should have a way to get around now."

Chen Qing waved his hand: "I can't drive."

"Chen Qing, this box of Moutai was bought on the Mid-Autumn Festival in 23 years. It's been more than 30 years. It's a first-class wine!"

Chen Qing opened it and saw a greeting card inside, which read:

"Yi Ren Fireworks wishes all readers a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Happy life! Annual salary of one million! Eat delicious food! September 29, 2023."

Chen Qing still waved his hand: "I can't drink."

Someone else gave him a big gold watch inlaid with jade, but Chen Qing was not interested.

At this time, He Yiru said again: "Chen Qing, should go out more often, right? Xiaoman also needs someone to take care of her. I can cook well! You..."

"No need." Chen Qing shook his head.

1,600 tables of dishes, enough for Xiaoman, Uncle Xia and himself to eat for decades.

As he said, he had entered the house.

Everyone was at a loss.

After much thought, they realized that the only person who could ensure that they were safe under Luosha's control was Chen Qing.

"Damn it! Blame those bitches! And that stupid defense officer! If they hadn't made Chen Qing feel cold, he wouldn't have ignored us."

The young man who spoke was in his thirties. His name was Qiao Bin. He was already the vice president of a listed company and was very capable.

When the blood moon arrived, he hid at home, didn't go out, didn't talk in the group, and waited for things to develop.

Another person said: "It's not that he didn't care. Although Chen Qing didn't speak for us today, he came downstairs, which actually gave us a talisman. Didn't you see? Although Chen Qing left, that Rakshasa didn't kill anyone again."

"Yes! My old classmates in the neighborhood next door sent me photos. They lost a lot of people! Those beasts really killed people to death!"

"Yes! There were also people who raped women in front of everyone, which didn't happen here."

"It's Yao Ci. It's a pity that he died. Alas, he was really a good person."

Qiao Bin said: "Let's bury him properly later. Let's still talk about the proposal just now. The community needs to set up a district committee. This time, everyone really needs to work together, unite, find food, and repair the community. People are needed for all these."

"Is Chen Qing still the director?"

"Well! As long as he doesn't object, his name must be listed. If he really wants to be the director one day, it will be great.


"Xiao Rou, you are the prettiest in the whole community, and you have never provoked Chen Qing from the beginning. He should have a good impression of you. You can only go out more often."

He Yirou nodded: "I am definitely willing, but... well, let's take it slowly anyway."

Qiao Bin suddenly lowered his voice: "Everyone pay attention to the movements in the group at all times. If there are still people who dare to hit Chen Qing, we will take the lead! Tie him to Chen Qing and let him kill and beat him!"

"We must reach this consensus: Chen Qing is the only key to whether Jiangpan Community can survive under the rule of Luosha!"

"We must worship him like a grandfather, understand!"


"I know!"

Everyone responded in unison.

When everyone dispersed, Qiao Bin left He Yirou.

"Xiao Rou... uh, it may not sound good, but I'll say it straight," Qiao Bin whispered: "As far as I know, Chen Qing doesn't have a girlfriend yet, do you... understand what I mean?"

"I understand. "He Yirou nodded, then shook her head: "But Brother Qiao, in fact, there is a beautiful woman in Chen Qing's family. I have been very confident about my appearance since I was a child, but... but there is really no comparison. There is absolutely no comparison." Qiao Bin was stunned. This answer was something he never expected. After a while, he said: "Even if it is better than you, it won't be much better, right? And everyone has their own preferences..." "No," He Yirou shook her head: "As long as Chen Qing is willing, I can sleep with him, but with that kind of woman around, Chen Qing may not be interested in me." He Yirou thought of the appearance and figure of the day when she was painted skin, and sighed: "That was the only woman I have ever seen who could not find a single flaw in her body." When he returned home, Chen Man saw Chen Qing and said expressionlessly: "Chen Qing, you have become more powerful again." Chen Qing was stunned, squatted down and touched his head: "Xiao Man, how did you see it?" "What?" "How did you see that I am more powerful?" "Because you are powerful. ”


Well, this answer fits Chen Man very well.

“Master, even my fake form can’t be hidden from you.”


Last time he went to the underworld, Chen Man burst out with golden light. With the attitude of Mr. Bai and Chen Kuan, Chen Qing knew that Chen Man’s identity would definitely not be simple.

“Chen Qing, I have completed the bone tempering and am now tempering the bones for the second time.”

Chen Qing was stunned: “Finished?!”

Unlike ghost cultivation, there is no shortcut for physical cultivation.

Ghost cultivation, if the opportunity comes, may contract a powerful ghost pet, or may get a high-level ghost bead.

But physical cultivation can only take one step at a time, accumulating blood, tempering the skin, tempering the bones...

Although Chen Qing is not a physical cultivator, he knows about physical cultivation. He estimated that Chen Man would need at least half a year, but he didn’t expect to complete the bone tempering in one month!

After a moment of silence, Chen Qing frowned: “Second bone tempering, what is it? "

Can bone hardening be done twice?

I've never heard of it!

"I don't know." Chen Man shook his head: "But I feel that if I harden it again, I will become even stronger."

Chen Qing takes Chen Man's affairs very seriously.

After thinking for a while, he took out the leather used to communicate with the commander and wrote:

"What is secondary bone hardening?"

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