The water was still flowing, and the water was still flowing.

Looking closely, the Lava River and the Dirty Earth River intersect in a "human" shape, and the intersection is about one kilometer long.

But except for the place just now, other places are like water and fire are incompatible.

After continuous exploration, he felt that it might be because the water and fire here are in a certain balance.

"Master, what are you doing?"

The hidden sedan was floating on the water, and was asking curiously.

Chen Qing then remembered that the hidden sedan had applied to the fourth floor to have fun.

A golden light sat on the top of Yin Jiao's head, "The fourth floor is fun, right!"

"Hehe, fun, fun!" Yin Jiao laughed: "There are many magma monsters, I made them angry."

"Magma monsters?" Chen Qing was stunned. Although he didn't spend much time on the fourth floor of the Fire Tower last time, he had never seen any magma monsters.

"They are sleeping in the magma!"

"I filled a lot of water and poured it on them from the top of my head, hahahahahaha, they are so angry, but they just can't catch up with me, hahahahahaha..."

You are really cheap!

Chen Qing was speechless.

Fortunately, the speed of Yin Jiao was fast enough, and those things couldn't catch up with it.

The range of Fire and Earth is about one thousand kilometers, which is already very large. It's good to let this guy gather intelligence for me.

He sent him away and returned to the third floor.

The crazy ghost was fighting fiercely with Wanren Di at this time.

The clash of swords and spears made clanging sounds, and the fight was actually going back and forth.

Wanren Di naturally didn't use strength. If he had, the mad ghost would have been shattered into pieces with one spear strike. At this moment, it was just a pure competition of skills.

Liuer Mihou watched from the side, and from time to time he seemed to understand something, and his face flushed and he gestured for a while.

"You three seem to have understood it?"

"That's right, master!" Liuer Mihou threw a few punches, looking at Chen Qing with respect in his eyes: "I didn't expect there is such a skill in the world! In just a few simple sentences, the most exquisite sword and stick techniques have been explained clearly and thoroughly."

He was talking about Chen Qing, but Chen Qing thought he was talking about Wanren Di, and nodded and said: "This is just the beginning, you should learn it well."

Liuer Mihou was startled, and overjoyed: "Yes! Master!"

Wanren Di and Mad Ghost fought for more than an hour, and they fought against each other with exquisite moves.

Finally stopped.

The mad ghost bowed and said, "Your Excellency has great kung fu!"

Wanren Di was about to say something, but suddenly remembered that he was playing a kung fu robot. So he could only remain silent.

Chen Qing waved to the mad ghost: "Disciple, the Demon Cult is evil and bullies the people. What do you think we should do?"

The mad ghost glared: "The evildoers of the Demon Cult should be killed by everyone!"

"Then do you dare to go to the Black Wood Cliff and kill the evil villain Dongfang Bubai?"

"I will die!"

"Then it depends on you. In the past, all the masters in the world gathered at Huashan and agreed that no matter what happened in the future, the master could not take action, so I can only rely on you."

Chen Qing found a reason.

First, he had to maintain his invincible image in the mad ghost's heart.

Second, with an invincible person around him, the mad ghost would inevitably rely on himself. He was the one who tempered him, not himself.

When the mad ghost heard this, he said, "Those hypocrites!"

"Then you can start your journey."

Chen Qing took the mad ghost to the entrance of the fourth floor.

"Take care of yourself!"

"I understand!"

The mad ghost grabbed a plastic toy sword, put on a psychiatric suit, and set off.

A flash of golden light appeared, and Chen Qing was already waiting in front of him.

"Xiao Qian, I'll leave it to you next."

The Thousand-Faced Lady nodded, and turned into a thin, disheveled woman, squatting behind a tree and crying.

After a while, the mad ghost came to her.

He immediately squatted beside Qianmian Niang: "Girl, what's wrong with you?"

"The Demon Cult killed all the men, women, old and young in our village! My father is dead, my mother is dead, my husband is dead, all dead..."

"Demon Cult! Demon Cult!" The mad ghost was furious: "It's simply lawless! Lawless!!"

The mad ghost held his hands in the air, without touching Qianmian Niang's body, and acted in a very upright manner: "Girl, tell me where the Demon Cult is? Feng will fight those villains!"

"You?" Qianmian Niang hesitated: "Young man, it's not that I look down on you, that group of villains has extremely high kung fu, they can fly into the sky and into the ground, and can take people's heads from a hundred meters away, especially the leader Dongfang Bubai, who can cause mountains to collapse and the earth to crack with a wave of his hand."

The mad ghost was stunned.

If we evaluate it intuitively, the martial arts value in "Swordsman" is still within the range of mortals. The top martial arts is only a thousand pounds of strength.

According to Qianmian Niang, Dongfang Bubai's martial arts value has entered the level of cultivating immortals, far exceeding Fenggui's plan.

This was done deliberately by Chen Qing.

Especially after he saw the "dream truth" of the actor, he felt that Fenggui's "satisfaction" and "satisfaction" were somewhat similar, so he tried to raise Fenggui's imagination.

Sure enough!

Fenggui believed it and was stunned.

This was far beyond his imagination!

He murmured: "Dongfang Bubai, the evil villain, has reached this level of strength!"

Qianmian Niang tried to say: "Young man, how about... forget it?"

The word "young man" made Fenggui excited.

The mad ghost stood up suddenly and said loudly: "I can't wipe away the hero's tears, and I can't forget the hatred of my country. I can't finish the wine in the cup, and I can't finish singing the farewell song. I can't put down the sword in my hand, and I can't kill all the evil heads."

"If you die, you die! Take care, girl, Feng is gone!"

These words made Qianmian Niang and Chen Qing's scalps numb.

Is this what a madman can say?

The melancholy and heroism in it are all about the hero's twilight years.

After a while, Qianmian Niang said: "Master, the mad ghost's words deserve the name of a hero."

"Who says it's not... Anyway, I can't say it."

A golden light appeared in front of the mad ghost again.

This time, it was an old monk with a broken bone.

Lying on the ground, dying, weak and powerless.

"Old man! What happened to you!?"

"I... I was originally a Shaolin disciple. The five major sects besieged the Sun Moon Sect this time. I never thought that Dongfang Bubai was too powerful. He stabbed half of the people to death with a single move of embroidery needle. We were forced to disperse and flee, but I was still seriously injured by the evil sect's hawks and dogs. I'm afraid I don't have much time left."

The mad ghost looked heavy.

The estimate of Dongfang Bubai's strength went up a few steps.

He sighed, "I'm afraid this trip is more dangerous than good. I can only live up to my master's expectations and shed my blood here!"

"Master, Feng is leaving!"

Just as he was about to leave, Qianmian Niang stopped him, revealing a strange look in her eyes, and murmured, "Young man, I see that you have amazing bones and are a rare martial arts genius... Go to pay homage to my Shaolin ancestor, I think he will teach you peerless martial arts."

The mad ghost was overjoyed!

But then he shook his head again: "Feng has already become my disciple. Even if there is a person in this world who is a million times better than my master, I will not become his disciple again."

"Old man, goodbye!"

Chen Qing was so angry!

He shouted: "Wait!"

Feng Gui looked back in doubt, and with his two eyeballs, he interpreted "doubt" vividly.

Chen Qing said with a stiff face: "Is your master called Dugu Qiubai?"

"Oh? Do you know my master?"

"I know!"

Chen Qing said immediately: "Your master asked me to say a word: You will worship nine people as your masters in this life, and Master Bodhidharma will be your second master."

This statement is full of loopholes and has no logic at all, but Feng Gui believed it.

He said in shock: "Master is also proficient in the art of tortoise divination! Then I will definitely overcome all difficulties and worship Master Bodhidharma as my master!"

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