The five armored military vehicles rushed up the mountain and arrived in front of the Wugui Temple in just a moment.

Everyone was very familiar with the formation, and they immediately divided into several teams of three people after getting off the car.

Most of them held Kunwu swords, and those holding Kunlun crossbows were at the back.

There was another one holding a sniper rifle, looking for a position.

Han Yuan was in the middle and suddenly pulled out the Kunwu sword.

A red light flashed, and the Kunwu sword burst into a raging flame. Covering half of Han Yuan's body.


With an order, everyone rushed into the Wugui Temple, some went through the door, and some climbed over the wall to enter, all at a very fast speed.

Chen Qing held the Kunwu sword tightly and rushed over.

At this time, a figure appeared in front of everyone.

He was extremely thin, with a pale face and many festering sores on his body. He walked slowly and coughed violently.

He sounded as if he would die in the next moment.

A ghost-controlling soldier rushed forward in a few steps, and the light on the Kunwu knife in his hand flashed...


The knife flashed, and the ghost was cut in half from the waist.

"Cough... cough..."

The upper body of the ghost coughed violently while struggling to crawl forward.

The soldier stepped forward and cut off the head.


With a loud bang, Han Yuan jumped from nowhere.

The Kunwu knife burning with blazing flames inserted into the ghost's body.

The fire burned the ghost's body in a moment.

Han Yuan frowned: "This is a sick ghost."

"You quit this mission and go back for disinfection and inspection."

The soldier was stunned, nodded immediately, and quickly ran out of the Ghostless Temple.

A little further ahead, the three warriors in the lead were entangled with a female ghost holding a child.

The female ghost kept mumbling something.

Her legs were spread apart, and a large mass of something like intestines and meat was dragging from her lower body, blood was gushing out, and there was a huge wound on her stomach, and a child inside was sucking his thumb and looking out calmly.

The female ghost was dragging so many bloody things from her lower body, but she was very fast, and every step was like an arrow shot out.

The three people had surrounded the female ghost,

As long as she attacked someone, the Kunwu knives of the other two would quickly cut out!


The female ghost moved again!

The sharp claws grabbed the warrior's face,

The warrior was shocked!

He suddenly fell backwards with an iron bridge.

Two knives were chopped out from the side, one to the neck and one to the abdomen.

Ding! Ding!

With two crisp sounds, both knives were caught.

One knife was grabbed by the ghost,

One knife was grabbed by the fetus in the ghost's belly,

The baby in the ghost's hand suddenly jumped towards the warrior on the ground,

and her claws swept across the two warriors.


A silver bullet suddenly exploded in front of the ghost's chest!

The ghost's body flew out rapidly as if hit by a heavy truck.

The two warriors seized the opportunity, one on the left and one on the right, and cut the ghost into three halves with two knives!

The baby in the ghost's belly fell out, screaming miserably, but still struggling to come to the ghost, hugging her tightly and crying loudly.

Then, the body slowly melted.

"Is this the legendary ghost giving birth?"

The warrior was still frightened.

"This is just the Wandering Soul level! Damn outrageous! If it advances to the Evil Ghost level, I'm afraid several people will be killed."

The soldier on the ground has stood up and touched the wound on his neck: "Isn't this thing poisonous?"

"I've never heard of it."

Chen Qing saw everything, his heart pounding.

He saw this scene again!

He spit to the side, and heard a voice coming from the side:

"You have good courage."

"Ah?" Chen Qing was stunned.

"This is the first time I've seen such a scene. My mouth is not dry and there is saliva. Not bad."

At this moment, the two of them were standing on a bell platform, and they could see everything around them.

Han Yuan did not participate in the battle again, but just watched the battle around him.

The average strength of the Anti-Ghost Army seems to be somewhat different from that of the ghosts, but everyone cooperates very well. Although there are injuries, they are not serious.

The number of ghosts is decreasing sharply.

Chen Qing suddenly asked: "Captain, the Black Prison Ghost Contract Technique should not follow the rule of 'only half of the contracted ghost', right?"

"If the ghost's energy value is about the same as mine, or a bit higher than mine, can I contract it?"

Han Yuan frowned and said: "It is not worthwhile to contract a ghost with only half of your own ghost energy value. Everyone knows this."

"But have you ever thought about why this rule became an iron rule in the end?"

Chen Qing was silent.

"Do you know that the previous few masters who practiced the 'Black Prison Ghost Contract Technique'

What happened to the people?"

"They are all amazingly talented! Their talents are far beyond your imagination!"

"And without exception, they are all dead!"

"It is very likely that you are the only one who knows this technique."

"The ferocity of ghosts is far beyond your imagination. When you put yourself in a ghost prison, you are actually forcing yourself into a desperate situation."

Han Yuan is not a talkative person, but he said a lot.

But he also answered Chen Qing's question.

The number of ghosts in the temple is decreasing sharply.


Suddenly, a knocking sound was heard.

It was like knocking on a bamboo tube.

Everyone's movements were stagnant.

The picture in front of Chen Qing turned black and white.

The consciousness was in chaos.


The knocking sound rang again.

A strange voice was stretched out very long: "The weather is dry, be careful of fire..."

With this sound , flames suddenly rose from all the frozen bodies!

Han Yuan also froze.

The flames on his body quickly burned his body.

Puffs of black smoke came out.

Flames rose from Chen Qing's body, but the Demon Suppression Tower shook slightly, and they disappeared in an instant.

The black and white picture in front of him shattered instantly and returned to the normal world.

Chen Qing could move!

But... he didn't know what to do!

He didn't even know where the enemy was.

He shook violently towards Han Yuan beside him.

"Captain! Wake up! "

Gritting his teeth, the Kunwu sword stabbed at Han Yuan's arm.

Han Yuan suddenly came to his senses, and the Kunwu sword in his hand burst into flames, and his body shot out like a cannonball!


Another sound!

Han Yuan, who was still in the air, froze, and fell heavily to the ground without losing his momentum.

The strange voice stretched out again:

"Close the doors and windows to prevent theft~"

In Chen Qing's eyes, a wooden lattice window quickly closed, and his body seemed to be locked by something, unable to move.

The Demon Suppression Tower shook slightly again.

The window in front of him shattered.

Chen Qing rushed towards Han Yuan regardless of everything, and stabbed him again Out!

In this situation, only he can save the situation!

Kunwu sword has the effect of breaking evil, Han Yuan wakes up instantly, and his body shoots out like a cannonball!

The ghost seemed to be thinking about something, but Han Yuan's body approached instantly!

One knife!

"Safe and sound..."

The voice stopped abruptly!

Everyone regained their ability to move, quickly took off their burning clothes, and screamed in pain.

Chen Qing rushed over and saw a ghost corpse nailed to the ground by Han Yuan's Kunwu sword, burning rapidly.

It can be vaguely distinguished that it is dressed as an ancient farmer, with a bamboo tube hanging around his waist.

"B-level evil ghost, night watchman."

Han Yuan frowned and took out a few portable hemostatic bandages to cover the wound: "I actually encountered this thing. "

Chen Qing was stunned!

This night watchman...

Isn't he one of the ones he released after taking out the Demon Suppression Tower?

Is it possible that the ghost tide in the Ghostless Temple was caused by himself?

Take a deep breath, Chen Qing comforted himself.

Anyway, when the blood moon comes, there will be a ghost tide here, and by then, I'm afraid that the number of deaths will be hundreds of times more.

He Qiang ran over at this time. His neck had been burned and several layers of skin had fallen off, but he nodded to Chen Qing:

"Chen Qing, you have done a great job this time."

As he said, He Qiang's face was a little solemn: "Boss, it seems that there is another evil ghost."

"Another one?"

"It seems to be... possessed!"

Han Yuan's face was excited: "Possessed? Attached to what?"

"Not sure."

"Let's go!"

As Han Yuan walked, he said: "Chen Qing, you can also practice your hand, be careful. Pick the weak point to attack."

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