After leaving Wu's house, Chen Qing was so happy that he almost jumped up!

Mrs. Wu, what a great help!

It can be seen that Wu Xiaomin didn't want to sell it, and if he said the price, it might be much higher and difficult to bargain.

And Mrs. Wu's operation of trying to take advantage of it gave herself a huge bargain!

When she returned to the community happily, she saw a group of children circling around Chen Man.

"Wild child, wild child, no one loves you when you are born!"

"Wild child, wild child, picking up steamed buns from the garbage dump!"

"I don't pick up steamed buns," Chen Man, who must have been punched a few times, had a bleeding nose: "I only pick up bottles and exchange them for money to buy steamed buns to eat."


The other children laughed.

The oldest child was about ten years old, named Huang Can, a child from the neighbor's family.

He grabbed Chen Man's cheek and twisted it hard a few times, "See! This little rubbish! He won't hide when you hit him, and he won't talk back when you scold him! He is a natural punching bag! Haha! Ha!"

Chen Qing gritted his teeth, rushed forward a few steps, grabbed Huang Can's hand, and chuckled.

"It hurts! It hurts!" Huang Can's face changed, and tears immediately came out.

"Chen Qing, are you crazy! You hit a child!" A woman rushed out of the store next to her and pushed Chen Qing hard.

Chen Qing's body shook, but he didn't let go. He looked at the woman coldly.

Liu Yanhong. Owner of a snack bar in Jiangpan Community.

She was one of the people who killed her.

"When he beat my brother, you didn't care in the store. Now you say he is a child?"

"Let go! I'll tear you apart!" Liu Yanhong screamed.

Her dry, ridged nails pinched the back of Chen Qing's hand tightly, tearing a hole.

Blood flowed all over his hand.

But Chen Qing still didn't let go. His hand strength was even stronger.

Huang Can cried loudly!

Liu Yanhong was even more anxious: "Let go! I'll tear you apart, believe it or not!!"

At this time, she suddenly let go of Chen Qing's hand and stabbed Chen Qing's eyes with her ten fingers.

Chen Qing dodged to the side and avoided her claws.

Let go of her hand and smiled: "Very good."

Turned around and left with Chen Man.

Chen Man dragged a big bag, which was banging and clanging inside, and there were many empty bottles.

Chen Qing squatted down, touched his head, and was full of heartache: "Xiao Man, you don't have to pick up bottles anymore."

"But the money left by Chen Shan is almost used up."

"Well, but I have earned a lot of money." Chen Qing opened the envelope given by Mrs. Wu, which was full of big red banknotes: "Look, is it much?"

Chen Man leaned over and looked carefully, shook his head: "I can't count so many."

"Anyway, you don't have to pick up bottles. Do you understand?"

Chen Man still had a blank expression and was still serious: "Okay."

The two were lonely, and while they spent every penny, they always tried to earn every penny with their own limited methods.

As long as it can be exchanged for a steamed bun, as long as it can be exchanged for an eraser, it is worth picking up.


Only children who are held in the palm of their hands have the confidence to make noise.

They have always been sensible.

"No matter who hits you in the future, tell me, understand?"

"I know."

"Go home first."


Chen Man went back.

Chen Qing walked to the trash can, where three homeless children were rummaging through things.

The ghost tide in the north was very light, but many people still died, and many homeless children who lived like rats were born.

The three children were all covered in dirt and stinking, and looked at Chen Qing vigilantly.

Chen Qing took out a big red banknote, gave it to a homeless child, and pointed to Liu Yanhong's store: "Go to that snack bar and make trouble."

The homeless child was overjoyed!

Chen Qing took out two more big red banknotes, handed them to the other two children, and pointed to Huang Can who was acting: "Go beat him up, this is yours."

The three were overjoyed.

One of them grabbed a brick and cautiously came to the door of "Yanhong Snack Shop".

The oil pan was bubbling, and the occasional burst of oil splashed painfully.

The homeless child slammed the brick into the pan! Turned around and ran.



The boiling oil splashed!

Liu Yanhong, who was frying potatoes, screamed miserably!

"Ah!!! Ah!!!"

She was shaking with pain, and a bunch of words with parents and genitals gushed out of her mouth, screaming and chasing after him.

How could a middle-aged woman with half of her body greasy catch a street child as slippery as a mouse?

Huang Can didn't know what happened, and looked at his mother who was screaming and running towards the street, a little suspicious.



A heavy slap stunned him!

Huang Can staggered and saw a dirty homeless child who was about the same age as him.


Huang Can covered his face and subconsciously took two steps back.

He was always afraid of these plague-like children.


Another slap!

At the same time, another homeless child punched him in the face.

"You are Huang Can!"

Huang Can's eyes were full of stars and blood gushed out.

He waved his hands in a daze and tried to push the two away, but was tripped and fell to the ground.

The two homeless children rode on him and beat him up.

Huang Can cried with his head in his hands.

The two homeless children saw many adults looking over and pinched his face!

They punched him hard in the mouth through the gap between his hands and then ran away like crazy.

Huang Can's nose and mouth were covered with blood, and he cried loudly: "Ah!!! Ah!!!"


Chen Qing looked at all this indifferently.

Compared with his own and Xiao Man's lives, this is nothing?

There is no interest!

I have to protect this group of people, and cut them bit by bit in the ghost tide!

Thinking of this, Chen Qing turned into the bank and took out the envelope:

"Deposit money."

Deposit the money, 10.75 million.

The lady at the counter asked Chen Qing to wait, and then chased out: "Hello, sir!"

She handed over a card very solemnly: "Sir, your deposit amount has reached the bank's silver card standard..."

A lot of benefits were mentioned.

Including gas discounts, half-price movie tickets, free car washes, free designated barber shops, etc.

Chen Qing was speechless.

Logically speaking, shouldn't these benefits be given to those poor people who deposit a thousand yuan?

I already have a silver card, why do I need this?

Why are all the good things given to the rich?

"I see." He took the bank card and was about to leave when the lady at the counter stopped him again.

This time, they were selling insurance and funds, saying that the guaranteed return was 8%, and it was very likely to reach 12%.

Not to mention 12%, even 1200% was not considered.

Chen Qing was a little impatient, and the lady at the counter saw it. She mechanically flipped open a booklet and said, "There is also a safe house to build."

At this point, she didn't want to introduce it anymore. She put away the booklet and smiled politely, "Sorry to bother you for so long."

"What did you say? Safe house?" Chen Qing was interested.

The bank also has this business?

The lady at the counter was delighted and made a gesture of invitation, "Sir, please go to the VIP room upstairs."

Wait for the two to go to the second floor.

There were three tall and beautiful girls doing business in the lobby on the first floor.

One of them had the most outstanding figure and appearance, and she was full of surprise when she looked at Chen Qing's back.

If Chen Qing saw it, he would definitely recognize it as the number one on the must-kill list!


Chenxi thought of something and came to the place where Chen Qing had just deposited money. She picked up the empty envelope and took a look.

There were four small golden characters "Ximing Securities" on the back.

Her eyes shrank instantly!

She always wanted to be with a rich man, so she naturally knew that places like securities were divided into different levels.

Ximing Securities' ordinary envelopes were in red.

Silver characters represented total assets of five million.

Gold characters represented fifty million!

Chen Qing was so rich?

She didn't know that this envelope came from the Wu family, and Chen Qing didn't even know where Ximing Securities was.

"Gold characters!" Fu Yueyue, who was next to Chenxi, looked at the second floor, "Am I seeing it wrong? The one just now seemed to be Chen... Chen..."

"Chen Qing."

Chenxi smiled, and smiled sweetly.

He emphasized: "Not only did he chase me, he is still chasing me now."

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