The interrogation lasted for a long time.

Chen Qing asked about the Taiping Dao's plot in detail.

Especially the exit of the ghost world to Ximing City.

But You Bei was too seriously injured and gradually couldn't hold on.

After a few more minutes of interrogation, he was already out of breath.

A life cannot be wasted.

Chen Qing immediately summoned the drowned ghost.

This guy's ghost energy value has been at 100 for a long time, and his promotion spirit is "drowned 9 people", 8 of which have been completed, only the last one is missing.

"Drowned him."

The drowned ghost was overjoyed!

The long tail wrapped around You Bei and quickly ran into a stream not far away.

The stream was only knee-deep, but it was more than enough to drown a person.

You Bei flapped his wings twice and then stopped moving.

The drowning ghost shuddered!

His body twisted and twitched in the water.

Its body changed, its limbs kept growing longer, and its palms and soles kept growing bigger.

The last bit of human characteristics disappeared, and now it looked more like a gibbon.

Thick hairs sprouted all over its body, and they grew rapidly, and soon they were as long as a palm.

After a while, the promotion was finally completed.

The wandering soul-level [Drowned Ghost] was promoted to the evil ghost-level [Water Monkey].

The black hair seemed to have some kind of concealing effect in the water. It was clearly in front of him, but it almost merged with the water, and it took a lot of effort to see its figure clearly.

The water monkey was extremely swift in the water, and with a slight slide of its long tail, it jumped out more than ten meters.

A test of the ghost meter:

118. E-level evil ghost.

Chen Qing was very satisfied. The battle just now was quite noisy. He was afraid of attracting powerful beings in the city, so he immediately put away many ghost pets and quickly returned to the base.

This time the harvest was too great!

The promotion sequence of the White Bone Spirit and the promotion sequence of Jin Buhuan!

The money increased by 600 million at one time. This money must be exchanged for supplies as soon as possible.

But now there is nothing missing, so I can only buy some more bulk goods.

Lying on the bed, Chen Qing entered the second level of the Demon Suppression Tower.

Started to check the three new ghost pets.

The hairy zombie and the back of the head and the back of the neck were bald by Zhong Kui, but the injury was not too serious. The ghost meter was tested:

332. D-level evil ghost!

The White Bone Spirit was the most seriously injured. Zhong Kui seemed to have a lot of opinions about this ghost species and beat it to pieces.

At this moment, the skull and sternum were very broken and felt like they would break at any time.

First test: 107, E-level evil ghost...

Chen Qing is so upset!

Originally, the White Bone Demon should be the strongest among the three ghosts, but now it can fall back to the wandering soul level at any time.

The Embroidery Girl was the least injured.

First test, 98.

It has reached the edge of promotion, but the spirit guide is "sewing a human skin wedding dress", which is somewhat anti-human.

Moreover, her embroidery needle is very useful as an auxiliary skill. It is not known what ability the evil ghost level state [Flower Waist Bride] has. Maybe after the promotion, the "embroidery needle" ability will be lost, which is not worth the loss. I will not consider promotion for the time being.

Current ghost pets:

There are three evil ghosts:

Hairy Zombie 332, D-level evil ghost.

Water Monkey 118, E-level evil ghost.

White Bone Demon 107, E-level evil ghost.

There are nine wandering souls:

Embroidery Girl 98, A-level wandering soul.

Child Ghost 90, A-level wandering soul.

Warrior 84, A-level wandering soul.

Hanged ghost 69, B-level wandering soul.

Soldier ghost 43, C-level wandering soul.

Plus four garbage that have not been replaced yet: Crazy ghost, toilet ghost, breath-eating ghost, and gambling ghost.

Surprisingly, since the golden body was placed on the second floor, these ghosts have been upgraded very quickly.

Gambling ghost and crazy ghost have both been upgraded to E-level.

Of course, they are still garbage that will break at the touch.

In the battle with Youbei, the ghosts' ghost spirit values ​​have dropped to varying degrees.

Especially the soldier ghost, who was the most seriously injured and dropped from B-level to C-level.

The total ghost spirit value of the twelve ghosts has reached 998!

Then Zhong Kui...

Chen Qing is looking forward to it.

"Zhong Kui!"

Summon immediately, but Zhong Kui seems to be exploring the upper floors of the Demon Suppression Tower, which is still a void these days.

Although there is still a sense, there is no way to force it to come.

"Zhong Kui!"

Chen Qing summoned again.

Zhong Kui finally appeared.

All the ghosts trembled in fear the moment Zhong Kui appeared.

Even the strongest hairy zombie squatted on the ground, holding his head and not daring to look up.

Chen Qing tested the ghost meter...


SS-level wandering soul.

Double S? !

Chen Qing was overjoyed.

"Zhong Kui, how do you feel?"

Zhong Kui looked up at the sky with one eye and

He looked at the ground and said a word that fits his temperament very well: "Ah?"

"You! You've surpassed the level! Two S's! I ask you how you feel!"

Chen Qing repeated loudly, word by word.

Zhong Kui covered his ears: "Why are you so loud?"

"Master, the great god Zhong Kui is crazy, not deaf..."


However, Chen Qing asked left and right.

He still couldn't get the answer.

He could only give up.

He was also a little shocked.

Zhong Kui already has more than 500 ghost energy points, but he is still stuck at the wandering soul level.

And the hairy zombies that are half lower than him are already D-level evil ghosts.

After counting, Zhong Kui has currently used four magical powers:

[Immobilization], [Breaking the Law], and [Straight Talk].

These three are among the 72 great magical powers.

And that [Words Follow the Law], according to the words of Painted Skin, has an even more terrifying origin.

Painted Skin has one and a half magical powers: [False Shape], half [Indestructible Vajra].

As for Hairy Zombie, it can be said that it has 0.7 magical powers: 0.3 [Indestructible Vajra], 0.4 [Great Power].

Although they are both half-baked, these two are extremely useful magical powers and can be cultivated slowly.

Especially [Great Power]. Almost no one at the same stage can withstand a blow from Hairy Zombie.

He sorted out the power in his hands and deduced in his mind how to cooperate and fight with each other.

Others racked their brains to deduce between two or three ghost species, but he had too many ghost pets, and catching two of them at random would have a very powerful effect.

For example, Hanged Ghost + Hairy Zombie. One hit will definitely kill one!

For example, Hanged Ghost + Warrior, Embroidered Girl + Warrior, Embroidered Girl + White Bone Demon...

And so on.

If they all attack together, it will be even more abnormal...

Thinking of this, he took out the Jade Sceptre of Duobao Daotong.

The treasure that You Bei valued so much must not be simple.

Spiritual energy poured into it.

A thought rushed into Chen Qing's mind:

"The Tao of Duobao is not the Tao. Seize the creation of heaven and earth, strengthen the ordinary bones. Heavy is the root of light, fast and slow follow..."

"Know the world without leaving the house, and the Tao follows with a word..."

The history of this technique is very old. It is obscure and difficult to understand.

But for some reason, Chen Qing can understand it.

Then he felt that the tone was too arrogant...

It can no longer be described as "middle school".

According to Yugui's description, if it succeeds, the world will serve you, and you will be at your service.

The method of cultivation is also extremely simple:

Collect treasures and refine them into your body.

As long as there are enough treasures, you can become an invincible existence.

Move your hands and feet to split the sky and the earth.

Chen Qing pondered...

Spiritual treasures, I have a warehouse.

This... seems to be prepared for myself?

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