The old man was so tired that he had to go to the subway.

Carrying a military shovel, Chen Qing entered the subway.

Ximing City has only one subway line.

It was crowded, and Chen Qing was busy transferring the data from his old phone to his new phone.


A girl stomped her feet in front of him, not knowing whether she was acting coquettishly or angry, but Chen Qing didn't care.

But this girl was angry!

No, didn't you want to lick the soles of your shoes before?

Why don't you pay attention to her now that she has been sent to you?

She is naturally Chenxi.

She is not a person who gives up easily, especially after she determined that Chen Qing is a super super super blue chip stock.

Chen Qing, I'm sure of it!

Even Jesus can't keep him, I said!

Chen Qing didn't look up, concentrating on transferring data.

The next stop arrived.

Chen Qing still didn't look up, anyway, he was the terminal.


Chen Xi snatched the phone and rushed out of the subway.

Chen Qing was about to chase, but the figure was just in time, and the subway door just closed, separating the two on both sides.

Chen Xi put her feet together, leaned slightly, put one hand behind her back, and shook the phone with the other hand, smiling like a flower.

She chuckled and said, "Tomorrow, I'll return your phone to you if you're still here~"

Several boys in the subway exclaimed "Wow".

This face and figure are too attractive!

Who can resist it! ?

They looked at Chen Qing in surprise, with great envy.

More questions, what kind of person can get the favor of such a girl?

Chen Qing sneered.

Directly dialed the police number.

"At Changhu Station, a thief stole my new phone."

"Worth? A satellite phone of 14,999 yuan."

"Yes, call this number."

After saying that, Chen Qing stopped caring.

Acting like a spoiled child?


Maybe you were fooled in your last life, so you like this kind of stuff.

Now go act like a spoiled child to the police!

Everyone in the subway was confused.


This is no longer something a straight man can describe.

This is simply a Transformer!

This beautiful woman is obviously interested in you?

What's the matter with calling the police?


Datang's surveillance is world-famous!

Soon, the police locked on the suspect.

The facts of the crime could not be clearer.

After a short while, the police found Chenxi who was waiting for the bus.

She was confused.

"Please come with us."

"Uncle police, you got the wrong person, didn't you?"

"No, you stole someone's phone, the surveillance camera shows it clearly, isn't this the one in your hand?"


Chenxi was speechless!


"This... this... he, he... is sick!"

The mind was in a mess.

"How dare he?"

"How dare he?!"

"He actually did this?!"

The scene she just saw was not a whim.

This was the best plot she had rehearsed many times in her mind.

Girlishness MAX, vitality MAX, she didn't believe she couldn't take Chen Qing down.

Even if Chen Qing was angry, wouldn't it be just a matter of acting coquettishly?

Grab his arm and pretend to rub it against his chest accidentally,

One doesn't work, two will.

Among the countless subsequent developments, she didn't expect this scene.

"Let's go!"

Chenxi was really confused, the police grabbed her arm.

She broke free from the police's hand, her eyes reddened: "I... I... We were just joking!"

"Chen Qing is my friend... No, he's my boyfriend, don't believe me? I still have his phone number! WeChat, WeChat too!"

"Please come with us."

The police didn't get used to her, cleaning up nightclubs, there are too many such routines.

Some grabbed her hands and touched her private parts, some stripped naked and said "As long as you let me go, I can do anything."

What's this level?


If you really want to explain, you can explain it when you get to the police station.

Chenxi was really panicked, and was put on the police car, her eyes full of tears.


Really wronged.

As soon as she arrived at the police station, she found Chen Qing's phone and dialed it.

She really wanted to ask, what's going on!

Is it that serious? !

It's just... turned off.

"He is really my boyfriend, we were just joking!"

She cried while taking the statement.

"Let's not talk about whether he is your boyfriend or not. Even if he is true, it is a crime."

Another policeman glanced at her and said, "This phone is worth 15,000 yuan, and it is a robbery...more than three years and less than ten years."


Chenxi froze!

Three... three years?

Tears burst out of his eyes. His hands were shaking slightly.

On the other side, Chen Qing had already arrived in the east of the city.

The yin energy was very heavy.

It was like wearing only a thin coat in the early morning of autumn, or suddenly opening the quilt in winter.

Having experienced the ghost tide, he knew clearly that it was possible to encounter ghosts even during the day. It was just that the probability was very small.

At the beginning of the blood moon ghost tide, the big men in the city planned a counterattack, and this princess's tomb was among them, so Chen Qing knew the route very well.

Nowadays, most people have moved into the city, but there are still many villages and people outside the city.

There is no way, I can't afford a house in the city! I can't sleep on the street, right?

After walking straight for half an hour, Chen Qing came to an abandoned village.

Not far from the village, there is a mound with a huge dead locust tree on it.

Under this mound is the princess's tomb.

"Please, please, just borrow a little ghost energy..."

Chen Qing thought to himself, folded the military shovel into a hoe shape, and started digging.

The top layer of loose soil is easy to dig, but the deeper you go, the more compact the soil becomes.

Every time you shovel down, there is a clang, like knocking on a stone.

The tombs of big figures are relatively deep, and Chen Qing has made preparations to work for several days in a row.

This work soon came to noon.

After another shovel, his hand suddenly loosened.

Did you dig a hole?

Quickly clearing the soil layer, Chen Qing found a hole that was slanting downwards and could accommodate one person.

A chill spread out of the hole, and goose bumps all over his body stood up collectively. This is ghost energy!

Robbery hole.

This tomb has obviously been visited by a master.

If it were a serious tomb robber, he would cry at this moment, but Chen Qing was full of surprises!

The workload that was originally at least three or four days was done in an instant!

There were two ghost tides, one in the south and one in the blood moon. The awakening of the ancients occurred in the blood moon ghost tide.

When the ghost tide broke out in the south, the ancients did not awaken.

The ancients awakened only when the blood moon came. Now the blood moon monitors, the ghost energy of the major ghost tide points can also awaken the ancients. ——These were confirmed by people later.

Looking at the ghost energy of this ancient tomb, it should be enough to awaken the Demon Suppression Tower!

At the moment, he placed the Demon Suppression Tower at the entrance of the robbery hole and ate compressed biscuits leisurely.

Go down?

He dared not.

Now he is just an ordinary person inside and out. Looking at this ghost energy, there are definitely many wandering souls in it, and there may even be evil ghosts.

Wandering souls → evil ghosts → evil spirits.

Wandering souls, especially the first level, can be regarded as newborns of ghosts, chaotic and ignorant, acting on instinct, and rarely hurting people.

Compared with wandering souls, evil ghosts have greatly improved their strength and have stronger wisdom. They begin to hunt humans purposefully - because this is their way to improve.

For example, after a baby dies, it will become a wandering soul-level [child ghost], and if the conditions are met, it will evolve into an evil ghost-level [night cryer]. They like to eat children the most.

There must be a lot of wandering souls in this tomb, and the owner of the tomb is likely to be an evil ghost.

Thinking of this, Chen Qing suddenly saw a middle-aged woman not far away looking at him intently.

Carrying a backpack and a hoe, she should have just come back from digging wild vegetables.

She looked at Chen Qing for a long time, but still left.

Chen Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

There was no signal on the phone, and I was bored waiting, so I took a nap and dazedly heard someone making noise.

Chen Qing looked over and saw a middle-aged woman with a group of people, walking here aggressively.

"Yes! It's here! I can see it clearly!"

"Is this the tomb robber?"

"You dare to steal our things? You must be tired of living!"

More than a dozen people, most of them holding hoes, were aggressive.

Chen Qing thought it was not good, but he stood up calmly, not panicking at all.

Having experienced the end of the world, he especially understood a truth: if your momentum is weaker, the opponent will be ten times stronger.

He silently covered the Demon Suppression Tower and looked at them expressionlessly: "What's the matter?"

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