The dead body was tied up in the warehouse.

Ji Luo sneered at Ma Jingyu, who was tied up tightly in the warehouse.

"Chief Ji Ji, please give me a chance! I was wrong! Really wrong!"

"Give me a piece of clothing, I will freeze to death!"

Ji Luo ignored him, "Lock the door! You are lucky if you can survive!"

Wang Da and others looked at each other and slowly closed the shutter door.

Ma Jingyu screamed in horror: "You are deliberately killing people!!!"

"You will go to jail!!"



There are too many empty rooms in the community now, so I just found one to be the headquarters.

Ji Luo and his six younger brothers were discussing.

Looking around, there was also a chill in my heart.

Hong Ya and Chen Kun are gone.

Originally I was planning to have a big fight with them...

"After the Ganyu incident, I'm afraid it will be difficult to even out the grain."

Since yesterday, they have been planning one thing: to divide the grain equally.

It's unknown how long the ghost tide will last. Some people have more food at home, some have less, and some have even run out of food.

As the defense officer of the community, he can't watch someone starve to death.

But he also knows that everyone has selfishness, and this matter is bound to be difficult.

Especially after the Ganyu incident.

"Stinky bitch!"

Ji Luo cursed in a low voice and asked, "How is your public opinion survey?"

"It's just like that. Those who are running out of food agree, and those who have food at home refuse to agree."

Ji Luo is still hesitating...

At this time, the phone rang.

There is a friend request.

At a glance, it's Gao Fei.

Ji Luo has a deep impression of this woman who has always targeted Chen Qing, and he also has a good impression of her.

"Hello, sir. I am reporting under my real name. Chen Qing's family has hidden a lot of food and medicine!"


Ji Luo's eyes lit up.

He knew that Chen Qing's family had abundant supplies, but if he really wanted to fight the local tyrants, he had to have a reason.

This is called having a legitimate reason.

He was not afraid of Chen Qing.

In Ji Luo's opinion, Chen Qing and he were about the same.

And there were still many people on his side. If it really didn't work, he would catch the fat boy in Chen Qing's family. He was not afraid that Chen Qing would not compromise.

Eleven people died in front of Chen Qing's house last time. It was his bad luck that he encountered that weird female ghost. It might be a female ghost of the evil ghost level!

After a long time, Ji Luo finally made a decision:

"Okay! Let's start with Chen Qing!"

As long as Chen Qing was dealt with, would anyone else dare to say no?

At that moment, Ji Luo began to give orders: "You guys, go ask if there is anyone who can shoot, preferably a veteran or something like that."

When everyone heard that Ji Luo had a gun, they immediately became excited!

He has a gun!

If I can't deal with the ghost, can I deal with you?

Ji Luo called Gao Fei again, "... Do you understand? We just want to occupy the moral high ground, to have a legitimate reason! Follow the will of the people."

"Understand, sir! This matter was originally Chen Qing who was wrong! Too greedy! Indirectly killed so many people!"

Gao Fei immediately agreed: "I understand what you mean."

An hour later, in the largest group, someone suddenly sent a message:

"Some people have run out of food, but some people have a serious surplus at home. I think in special times, everyone should share it with each other. The ghost tide has weakened so much today, and it will be over in three or four days at most. Are you still afraid of starving to death by then?"

"I agree! Distribute everyone's food uniformly, so that the nutrition will be more balanced."

"Yes! For the neighbors who have made contributions, the community will not forget his merits and contributions!"

Most people were watching coldly, and only these four or five people sang the same tune.

But soon someone with less food reserves at home spoke up:

8-3-103 Lao Zhou: "That's exactly what we should do. With equal distribution, we can definitely get through this difficult time together. In this special period, we must be aware, resilient, and humane! With a selfless spirit, unite all neighbors, share all supplies, and build an indestructible Great Wall against ghosts!"

Chen Qing sneered: "Director Zhou, when my family was so poor and my brother and I almost starved to death, you didn't even want to distribute the money equally. What's the matter? Now the extra food reserves in my family are going to be distributed equally to you?"

Lao Zhou: "Young man, a person lives a lifetime, not just a body, but also a reputation! When you reach my age, you will understand that what is left in this world after death is the real you!"

"Fuck you." Chen Qing cursed: "Old beast, six years ago, I was so humble and servile to you.

I went to borrow money from other places, and I went to your house, right? For three times, you kept asking your son to open the door, saying you were not there. "

"You old beast, you want to be equal now, you are equal, you are equal."

"You still have the face to name names? You even fucked a slut like Liu Yanhong, and you forgot that they had been fighting for several days? Do you know what your nickname is in the community? "

"It's called ***! This is your reputation in this world!"

Chen Qing cursed in one breath, and it was so refreshing!

He found that he could be so happy when he was immoral!

Just on the first floor of Chen Qing, a retired middle-aged man was looking at his mobile phone, and a stream of blood rushed up. The whole person trembled.

"This...this, this, this beast! ! Beast! ! "Old Zhou stood up suddenly, "I, I, I will kill him! ! "

The middle-aged woman on the side watched coldly.

Old Zhou suddenly said angrily: "Why don't you stop me? ”

“Stop? Why should I stop? Weren’t you very good at fighting when you hit me?”

The middle-aged woman sneered: “I said I was going to stock up a week ago, how did you scold me? Long hair and short knowledge, women are all idiots, listen to the wind and rain, right! I am an idiot, the idiot is the one who listened to you! Now it’s all right, haha. I will starve to death with you!”

Old Zhou was so angry that he was shaking all over, pointing at the phone: “This…this nickname of Licking Cultivation, you know it! You must know it! ! Why didn’t you tell me! ! ”

The woman laughed: “Zhou Jincheng, is this nickname wrong? Don’t you know what you are doing? "

Liu Yanhong, who was at home, was gritting her teeth.

What did she do to anyone?! The old shit is brought up again!

This Chen Qing and that monster brother beat her family to the point of almost becoming disabled, and now they are provoking her!?

She looked at Huang Jian guiltily, fearing that Huang Jian would see the content.

She limped over and was about to pick up her phone to delete the message, but Huang Jian suddenly grabbed her hand: "What are you doing?"

Huang Jian sneered and looked at the phone, his expression quickly changed.

"It's all over..." Liu Yanhong looked ugly.

Huang Jian sneered: "Come, let me see your cleavage."

Liu Yanhong took off her pants in fear, and Huang Jian punched her hard at a certain place!

"Ah! ! ! ! "

That noise, describing one-ninth of them will be banned!

And the group became lively again.

Because Chen Qing sent several photos.

In each photo, there was a big meal, and Chen Qing even put a mobile phone next to the big meal to prove that it was now, and the mobile phone screen showed the current time.

Most people actually disagreed with this "average".

At this moment, they were all cheering: "Wow, this food is good!"

"Why don't you send it to Director Zhou downstairs?"

"That makes sense!" Chen Qing nodded, and soon sent another video in the group.

When they saw this video, many people gritted their teeth.

In the video, Chen Qing cut the lobster into two halves, came to the window, and threw the other half out.

Then all the dishes were thrown away in half.

Chen Qing said a few words at the end of the video:

"My things, I decide. ”

“If you are not happy with me or want to rob me, come to 8-1-601 to find me.”

“But if you step into this floor, don’t blame me for being ruthless!”

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