Apocalypse Rebirth: Chief, Don’t Move!

Chapter 1056: Powerful abilities

Powerful abilities, at this time, many people are carrying specific mutant beasts that can fight.

Beast pets are naturally divided into many types in addition to their types. Some pets are more advanced, the smaller their size, and some have maintained a huge body shape. As for how to distinguish them, they naturally perceive their differences. The level of energy is clear.

Bai Ling wanted to find a place to sit down at random, but didn't want her to go to a place, the abilities over there expelled her and said that this was their territory.

"Cut, an ordinary person who still dares the ability to act like a pretender." I thought it was a person from the base of Yaocheng. The co-author really came for the purpose of longevity. An ordinary person would still want to be with them. People rob?

They do n’t look at their own virtue. Besides, they come here to take the platform task. If they get the longevity formula, they will naturally get a copy.

When Bai Ling was driven away again, he clearly heard the disdain and yell from behind.

"Maybe she wants to follow us into the forest and pick up leaks. If you can call an egg of a specific mutant beast, even ordinary people can have beasts." A slightly sharp voice came from behind.

The level of human promotion is not yet restricted, and the same is true of natural specific mutant beasts. It does not matter if the level is low, as long as there are crystal nuclei feeding, sooner or later will become a powerful animal pet.

However, the further back, the more difficult it is to promote, just like they can still be promoted, if they do n’t go to the deep forest to take risks, they ca n’t get the auxiliary nucleus suitable for their promotion. It may not be possible to rise one level in ten years.

Although the human body is stronger, scientists have given research. The 30-level power level, if there is no accident, can only guarantee that you will live to a hundred years old. Of course, people who can live to a hundred years old before the end of the world do indeed. not much.

But for them this is the life span of human beings.

Besides, as the world becomes more and more dangerous, the number of people surviving is decreasing every day. What about the children that can be born? There are absolutely no more than a thousand so far, and the probability that the key abilities and abilities can have children is extremely low, and they have to accept this reality.

Living longer will also ensure that humans will not be destroyed at least as soon as their offspring grow up. Of course, the most feared thing is that they all want abilities. If there are no ordinary people in the future, where should the children go? do?

If Bai Ling knows that some people are holding this banner in order to earn longevity, I am afraid that they will laugh and die. The probability of the ability person and the ordinary life child, the ability person and the ordinary person is also divided into 50%.

As long as you do n’t kill ordinary people, humanity will not perish.

But so far, it is said that there have been 50 life-span studies accepted by scientists, but it can only rise to 110 years old.

For Bai Ling, the age is already many times better than before the end of the world.

But human beings will never be satisfied.

Thinking of this, Bai Ling's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the emotions of the crowd around the whispering whisper, and they looked sideways at them and found that they all stopped the work at hand?

It seemed to have thought of something. They followed their eyes in a reflective way. On the road covered with a lot of weeds among the tall mutant trees outside Yaocheng, a group of people came in a mighty way.

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