And Bai Ling's eyes are bloodthirsty.

Who can think of it? At this time, a thousand-year-old ice wall appeared in front of their place. The sword in Bai Ling's hands danced quickly, babble, blaze from her katana. Go out and slammed into the ice wall.

But he didn't want the ice wall to be broken, but the arrow net formed by the ice cone came towards Bai Ling. Bai Ling's toes pointed a little, constantly waving the katana in his hand, knocking those ice arrows down.

Because she knew the rigidity of this ice arrow was the same as the rigidity of her body. If she couldn't stop it, she would be injured.

call out--

When the overwhelming ice arrow disappeared, a black shadow flashed and a spear of ice-cold ice turned into her, and Bai Ling immediately blocked it with a katana in her hand.

With sonorous sounds, he could see that the sharp place of the ice spear was stabbed on the Bailing three-finger broad samurai sword. If she had condensed sword energy on it, it was estimated that the samurai sword had been stabbed by this spear at this time.

With a cold color, Bai Ling's eyes waved hard, and with a touch, the figure who rushed to her retreated.

Bai Ling looked up at this time and was able to see a pair of sharp and deep eyes, with strong fighting intentions in his eyes, and a huge coercion broke out again and struck her again.

"The young regiment of the Fengming mercenary regiment is so powerful!" Han Xin, who was not far away, saw this scene, and the deep eyes with a touch of appreciation, "compressed the cold into a weapon, which is higher than his level." And, with the cold on the weapon, coupled with its own strength and speed, and the ice arrows he released from time to time, hey, this little girl seems to be planted. "

The key is that this person's ability level is still so high, although the little girl's strenuous look is not seen, but from the perspective of movement and speed, it seems that it is not as flexible as before. Obviously, it used a lot of energy in the previous battle with the pomegranate. .

But at this time, the praised Feng Yang was shocked. He had dealt with this little girl before. At that time, her strength was not as strong as it is now. I dare not imagine the strength she used to fight against the reformer before. How powerful.

Nonetheless, Feng Yang must also hold up for five minutes until another reformer arrives.

I heard that the reformer is more powerful than pomegranate, and the girl will definitely die by then.

"No!" Hearing Han Xin's words, the cold-blooded and indifferent eyes explained with surprise, "She ... deliberately, it seems to be preserving strength."

"What?" Han Xin couldn't believe that this little girl was really so powerful?

"Regardless of how sensitive the five senses of the abilities are, she just heard Qian Sanqian said she could ask for a stronger helper," she must have heard. Junyu Wen Ruyu continued, and slowly put her long fingers white Gloves, with a touch of unsentiment in the look.

Han Xin no longer knew what he could say. After half a ring, he finally found his voice in general, "She really has such a big hatred with the gangster organization?"

Both Wen Ruyu and Leng Xuehan were silent at this time.

Han Xin looked at the two of them, "Why? Am I wrong?"

Wen Ruyu shook his head, the stars' eyes were even deeper, but there was an unidentified smile in the corner of his mouth. The sculpture-like three-dimensional and beautiful face contained a trace of coldness.

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