Apocalypse Rebirth: Chief, Don’t Move!

Chapter 1110: Origin of the virus

Leng Xuehan was not as optimistic as he was. After thinking that Wen Qinger had no abilities, it started to be okay. Later, after returning from a mission, the whole human nature changed greatly.

The most important thing is that he not only consumed the power, but also the vitality. . .

The reason why Leng Xuehan so desperately searched for Bai Ling is. . . For her blood.

When the God of Heavenly Sword was turned on, the blood must be better than their blood, maybe for Wen Ruyu. . . it works.

"I know what you are thinking." Wen Ruyu laughed at the corner of her mouth, and her eyes became deeper and calmer. "Useless, Yu itself is ... her!"

The cold blood cold eyes shrank, "What do you mean?"

"I also knew the shocking secrets about this world after the old guys died. How could the Wen family's Tianshen sword have the secret of longevity to hide those old guys? And it is impossible for the Wen family to take it for themselves. "No one will easily take possession of this kind of thing.

"The Wen family research room, they also participated, not only their other large families. The Wen family is just managing this matter. Don't you think 'Yu' is like her?"

Leng Xuehan's heart beat like a drum, and finally Shen Sheng said, "Clone!"

"Well, cloning, the only living person cloned from a person who can open the Tenjin Sword, code-named Feather, but unfortunately ca n’t use the Tenjin Sword, but her power is beyond ordinary, so when the laboratory ca n’t control it When she lived, she was transferred to the SSS-class cell in Yanjing City. Later, she even entered the SSS-class cell with the researcher. This is why you often do n’t see her. The zombie virus is the group of people from She was refined because they wanted to get power. Like you, the **** blood owners, became superhuman. Do n’t you get blood drawn often, the same blood is used for research! "

"Tenjin Sword is also from Yu Yu's master, that is, after Bai Ling was taken away, because they changed people, they can't get any research results from Wen Qing'er, so Tianshen Sword is no longer activated, plus all The people put their goals on studying you, so they were forgotten in the city of S and were completely owned by the Wen family. "

"Who has remembered the sealed Tenjin Sword for more than two decades? Plus it has always been secret, the younger generation has basically not seen the Tenjin Sword after being opened."

Wen Ruyu took a deep breath, "As long as the virus is contaminated and becomes a zombie or a mutant beast, she will listen to Yu's dispatch. Our power is also derived from the virus, and she can easily get it back. Not to mention that she is now ... body!"


Hearing this, Leng Xuehan took a breath.

He did not doubt that Wen Ruyu had killed her several times before, because Wen Ruyu had this mind even without this ability.

Could this be the secret of longevity?

"Because humans made her look like this, and regarded her as an experimental mouse from the beginning, all her thoughts are now killing all humans." Wen Ruyu said here, her head hurt.

"But if this is the case, why has Jincheng never been under siege from the zombies?" Leng Xuehan frowned.

"A child sees the person who studies her from birth, and sometimes even has limited movements. When he sees someone who is locked with her, the same person who is looked at with horror in the eyes, even People who can still show concern for her, you said, will there be a change in her heart? "

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