Apocalypse Rebirth: Chief, Don’t Move!

Chapter 1122: Li Zhenghao and Bai Xiaoxi

Seeing Xia Ran's eyes deeper and deeper, An Ning's smile was stronger, and he sipped his wine. For the first time, how did the wine feel so mellow?

Jiaozhou has crossed a large forest to the south, and can see a large river, and then can see a dark and crippled city. In this city, from a distance, you can see a lot of things flashing quickly. After that, leaving a black shadow.

From time to time, you can hear a lot of howling like beasts, and slowly you can hear the sound of houses falling down.


A huge dust splashed, a bang, a huge three-armed face, like a crocodile-like face and a huge black stained blood came out of the neck of the zombie, a bang, the body fell Going down, the head touched the ground and rolled to the side.

A tall figure jumped up in a brace, jumped on the big body, and in a jump, accompanied by the cold light, the head was split into two petals in an instant, and a gray quail egg of the same size could be seen inside. Diamond crystal nucleus.

The wheat-colored skin does have slender hands despite the dirt, took the crystal nucleus, jumped up, and jumped up to the top of the five-story building. It turns out that many places in the city can be seen. fighting.

At this time, the tall and slender man full of sunshine and masculinity took out a whistle, put it on his mouth and blew up, and soon a sharp voice cut across the city.

When the whistle fell, you could clearly see that the place where the battle was ringing was even more powerful.

And just below these five floors, after the man left, a huge green shadow came out of the soil. The zombies on the ground were swallowed by the shadow in a blink of an eye, and the shadow disappeared as if never appeared Average.

But in about three minutes, the noise slowly slowed down, and the man slaughtered the zombies who had been close to humans, but his entire face and body were black and purple. He jumped down and quickly moved towards the outside of the city. Go through the forest of big trees.

call out--

The moment he entered the forest, he soon saw a huge shadow follow his body.

Just about a thousand meters deep in the forest, the slender man stopped and looked back sharply.

"Uncle!" A clear voice came, and the man immediately looked up and saw a person sitting on a huge branch about fifty meters above his head, and beside him was a big colorful bird, looking It seems to have a magnificent momentum.

"You are always so fast!" Li Zhenghao looked at the cute and handsome face above his head and said with a smile.

Bai Xiaoxi jumped down and landed lightly, and the big bird, who was more than two people, also flew down at this time. To be precise, it sank because of its huge size, but it did n’t need to wave at a height of 50 meters wing.

"How about your fairy?" Bai Xiaoxi seemed to be in doubt.

"Just behind you!"

As Li Zhenghao's words fell, Bai Xiaoxi hurriedly looked back, it was a huge tree, but soon he found a strange shadow in the middle of the tree, and slowly formed a flower like a fresh and tender green rose, The key petals are extremely thick, with only a flower path and leaves on both sides, and its roots can be seen even below the flower path.

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