In order to escape, those two people must spare no effort to deal with the vine.

In the distance, Bai Ling's mouth showed a treacherous smile, looking at the thorns that were constantly spawning in the vines than they just attacked her, and they were almost surrounded by the vines. Follow these vines toward that kind of heart.

"Don't, you bastard!" No one thought that when these two men and two beasts were about to break away from these vines, who could think of a huge sword gas suddenly coming from their front at this time, the two of them The beast can only retreat quickly in order to dodge it, which is good, watching the hope of life farther and farther away from himself and others.

They are now sure that this woman has just tried to test their abilities. If she really wants to deal with them, it is easy. They are clear, they underestimate their opponents, and the information given above is wrong.

I really wanted to kill her, pity their two partners and beast pets, but this woman is very cunning, motor, so many rattan siege them at the same time, where there is still time to deal with her.

Seeing her figure and their approaching the black "Dark Lady" more and more, one of them flashed a fierce look, immediately waved a spur, and went towards the "Dark Lady", about to be destroyed It, and the superposition of soil thorns are under his control, and a roll of corrosive petals swayed on her, which must make her disappear.

Who can think of her as if he knew his thoughts, and actually went along his soil thorn, and the next second, she actually kicked her soil thorn, and with a bang, pierced the yellow stamen in the center, took When she was in her hand, the soil thorn fell into the black petals, producing a nourishing sound. She dared to step on the soil thorn and jumped into the sky, and out of the black corrosive petals in the blink of an eye?

And where is that soil thorn still safe?

unwise. . . Too bad, motor, they almost forgot, the black petals are indeed very corrosive and everything, especially the meat plants and metals, will be corroded, except for the soil, it ca n’t corrode.

He just gave her a ride in co-authoring just now?

Thinking of the man here almost vomiting blood in anger.

But despite this, they are now on the side of the vine, she has already reached that side, and the vine is attacking towards her innumerably.

But fortunately, those vines are like attacking people's hair, and there are more densely than they are here. Men and others suddenly have a great joy in their hearts. Is she still not dead this time?

Who can think, at this time, hoo, hoo, the countless vines are like noodles, and they were cut off by her at once, not to mention, even if there are still vines attacking in the back, she is all solved. In the end they watched her leave.

"Motor!" The man couldn't help swearing. Obviously this woman was not able to deal with the vines, but she was unable to deal with the dark and corrosive flowers.

Deliberately, he now deeply realizes that this woman deliberately brought them here, so a treacherous villain, yuck, he was mad at him.

"We have been exploited!" Not to mention, the two brothers were still dead, thinking about the other man and even the beast pet who almost jumped.

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