Apocalypse Rebirth: Chief, Don’t Move!

Chapter 1224: Everything is for today

This sound also completely sorrowed Bai Ling and others.

Grandma. . . Bai Ling couldn't say it at all. She didn't want to believe this fact, and she was more biased towards the explanation and sorrow that Li Zhenghao saw when she saw her grandmother with dementia.

Would rather let her live alive with dementia than see her ashes.

Today, they were supposed to wash away their grievances, and no one thought that all the people would go out one by one after gathering.

Others were also sighing, never thought that this seemingly plain family of grassroots actually had such ups and downs happening.

Where do they remember what godsword and longevity recipe? It was completely attracted by the general situation of this flip drama.

Even the lively Gentleman Jazz and Chen Weiming both looked at Li Zhenghao and others with curious look at this time.

Grandpa Lin's turbid eyes were also covered with tears, and her hands were shaking.

"Who moved the hand!" Granny Lin's old voice choked with sobs!

"Lin Ke and Lin Zhi!" Bai Qishi originally came to avenge his revenge, so he would not hide it.

The Lin family had no one other than the only child who died and was adopted by the old grandfather Lin. After the adopted child married his wife, he gave birth to two children. There are five children, and these five children are now Lin Xiao, Lin Zhi, Lin Xiu, Lin Ke and others.

Therefore, they would call Lin Feng the old man, because the teenage adopted sons who had been adopted by the old man died early, so they always called the old man grandpa.

Naturally, the older generations will have their grandmother left, that is, the wife of a seventy-year-old grandfather.

After the old lady Lin heard this, his eyes turned murderously and looked at Lin Xiao and others.

Lin Xiu was frightened by the sharp eyes of the old man, but Lin Xiao was very calm, frowning at Bai Qishi, "I don't know what I have to do with you, let me not say that I didn't know Li Zhenghao before. A family is someone the grandfather is looking for. You initially scorned Li Siqi ’s death on me, but now you ca n’t put Grandma Li Dongmei ’s death on us? Bai Qishi do n’t think you can stand here right now. If there is no evidence, I would like to say that this is what my brother did. "

Bai Qishi looked at Lin Xiao with a sneer at this time. "Boss Lin, do you think I am the kind of person who would say these things without evidence? Not only the evidence that you killed my mother-in-law." I have, you have killed my wife, and I even have evidence of oppressing them for so many years! "

Instead, Bai Qishi looked at Li Jiaming, "Remember that you were murdered injustice? It was not the Lin family who came to get it, it was me. And Li Jiaming was only because they were too close to Li Zhenghao. Also stared at! "

"Over the years, you have been observing our home?" Li Zhenghao said with some teeth.

"Yes!" Bai Qishi admitted without fear. "I saw how they oppressed you. I wanted to help you, but I didn't have that ability at all. I might even expose myself too quickly. It's all over! Everything I forbeared was originally for today, but I didn't expect you to come! "

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