Apocalypse Rebirth: Chief, Don’t Move!

Chapter 409: The base manager is an arrogant

Until the car went a long way, the two people still felt sore legs.

"Hey, they have left, hurry to close the door!" Qiang Brother standing on the top of the building did not hear the sound of closing the door and ordered severely.

After all, this is their job, and it is at night. This is a rule, and they are afraid of danger.

Did these two boys start to get confused again?

Just when he finished speaking, a trembling voice came from the walkie-talkie, "strong ... strong brother ... she ... she, fifth, or fifth-level or above. ... in that car! "

The tone behind was actually excited?

They are also first-level abilities, so they can only feel abilities down to the fourth level. If they can only feel the power of the other party, but ca n’t feel the level, is that necessary? Certainly more than four levels.

Strong Brother was promoted to the second level through these five days, and most of the people in the base were also promoted to the second level, and there were several former level 2 abilities who advanced to the third level.

Just because their base manager went out this time and came back to level 4?

Who makes this world ever-changing? They went out to hunt again. This time there are a lot of high-level zombies and mutants, especially recently I heard that there are a lot of fruits containing energy. Those fruits are different from the ones that have been mutated. Not only will they not poison after eating And will be promoted.

After many people at the base and outside know this news, they have a strong interest and greed for those strange mutations. Look everywhere.

Unfortunately, this is like a legend. Those who went out to find people haven't come back yet, he probably can't come back!

In any case, their base chief was promoted to the fourth level, so I thought I had overwhelmed these mysterious people, okay, in five days, you actually brought back a fifth-level ability?

Could it be better?

To know that their base leader never likes to lose, otherwise how can they know that after the base comes with the fourth-level ability, they are stunned to remove the fourth-level zombies or the mutant beast hunting?

Listening to the people who followed, said that the base manager could not come back.

Qiang brother wants to cry without tears, their base manager is good, just like to compare with others!

"Brother Qiang, do you want to tell the base director about this matter?" After the two people below closed the door, they swallowed a few saliva, and then said slowly.

"Don't tell him to succeed?" The base was so big. Although they left the next morning when they came, the registration level required the ability level to be filled in. The next day caused a stir at the base.

The hotel was about to burst on foot, all for the door.

In order to convict the three out of fourth-order abilities, they had to send out five guards to suppress it. Is it just a riot?

The three people who stayed have not seen them go out in the past five days. It is estimated that they did not dare to go out. It ’s not a child or an elderly person. If something happened, to be honest, the high-powered person who came back asked, they might have Unshirkable responsibility.

"People are prepared to guard the hotel tomorrow!" Qiang Brother connected Chen Jinbai's line after he said, "The base manager."

"Those few level 4 abilities are back?" The voice was steady and powerful.

"Yeah, yes, there was a baby and a fifth-level ability who came back with them!" Just said Qiang Brother's phone line was cut off!

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