Apocalypse Rebirth: Chief, Don’t Move!

Chapter 422: Complete longevity recipe

She had reason to suspect that the box itself was packed in the red jade box, but it was affected by the black stone only later, not knowing what happened.

"I'll know it after a try!" Bai Ling lay directly on the bed and invaded the sea of ​​knowledge, and soon saw the villain in the sea of ​​knowledge, just. . . Bai Ling couldn't help but polished his eyes, much more. . . The little man had something more on him, a little brighter white light than it.

"What is this?" Bai Ling looked at the lights in surprise. This time she clearly saw that with the villain's "broadcast gymnastics", these little things actually slowly appeared a tiny thin line, and finally As the villain's "broadcast gymnastics" speeded up, Bai Ling clearly saw that the little dots were all connected in series like a network cable.

But after all the lines were connected in series, Bai Ling only felt that the strong light in front of him could not open his stimulus.

There was even a tremendous energy hitting her.

The next second, Bai Ling opened his eyes, sweating and sitting up panting.

Until now, one of her hearts was still trembling and unable to calm down.

But she knew that it was definitely a kind of energy against the sky, beyond her imagination.

You have to know that she has encountered many powerful opponents, and even heard of the legendary high-powered abilities. Anyway, she can imagine how powerful they are. This is still in Bai Ling ’s sea of ​​knowledge. Bai Ling swallowed a day when she could have such a great impact on her. . . Dispelling the thoughts in his head, he gritted his teeth and closed his eyes again.

The villain in the sea of ​​knowledge has recovered to what he was before, and there are still many small points in his body. At this time, he started to do it again and again, slowly doing "broadcast gymnastics"!

The villain's radio gymnastics speed is actually Bai Ling's current speed, still a snail crawl!

But when Bai Ling was doing radio gymnastics, he felt that the little dots on the villain flickered.

Bai Ling began to imagine, aligning all the spots on the little man's body with his body parts. After thinking for a while, it seemed like acupuncture points, and what did these acupuncture points pass by, wasn't it meridians?

But she knew that this must not be the meridians mentioned by traditional Chinese medicine. If you really want to say, it is probably related to the legendary martial arts meridian points!

Anyone who has seen Chinese medicine knows that there is indeed something called acupuncture, but after you have seen a patient's bleeding, do you use acupuncture to stop bleeding to reach your goal? Have you ever seen a person who points acupuncture with a needle?

It can only be said that it should be superficial acupuncture, and these are things that have never been passed down.

Because Bai Ling's time for practicing radio gymnastics increased, she could feel that the energy spread in her body seemed to gather from the muscles and bones in this point.

It feels a little itchy and weird, but very comfortable.

It may be the first time, the energy gathered is still very small, everything is difficult at the beginning, Bai Ling has been accustomed to it, not in a hurry, but also can hone her patience.

When Bai Ling came out, he was very comfortable, but when his eyes were on the alarm clock on the bedside table, he was stunned?

"Why did it take five minutes?" How often did she practice hundreds of times in it, and the speed at which the snail crawled and the turtle walked, how could it be so little?

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