Apocalypse Rebirth: Chief, Don’t Move!

Chapter 435: Children are weak

In other words, the energy in the lotus seeds is like medicine. The first time you eat it, the effect is the best. The effect at the first drop is good.

This is why Bai Ling finally gave Bai Shan all the remaining fruits.

Dilution can slow down this "drug resistance", but still achieve the effect of promotion.

Of course, this is Bai Ling's vision, if not, they can only go hunting to find the crystal nuclei suitable for them, and then dispose of this lotus seed!

"Brother Jiaming, you are a water power!"

Bai Ling took his backpack and quickly searched through it. There are still many crystal nuclei in the water system. He is now in the third level. There are four in the fourth level water system. As for the three fifth level crystal nuclei, there is also one in it. give!"

Upon seeing this, Li Jiaming lighted up, "Then I'm welcome!" Anyway, all the power he promotes will be dedicated to the entire team. Because Li Jiaming took the oath, thank you only for the spoken language, he is now an activist.

Now there are other fifth-level crystal cores left in Bai Ling's hands, one earth system and one power level, so Bai Xiaoxi and Li Zhenghao are not needed.

Needless to say, the wind crystal nucleus is difficult to encounter.

This is why Bai Ling needs to dilute the energy of the lotus seeds. Although it is a waste, it is best to be safe.

After all, it's not the time when you have to let go and get promoted.

"Come here clearly!" Wang Jieming is full of energy, and the energy he needs is like a bottomless hole. To be honest, if he can eat lotus seeds and advance to the eighth level, it is quite powerful.

It is estimated that he will be promoted in the future. First, he will do "broadcast gymnastics." Second, he will be able to collect all the crystal nuclei he needs. The workload is huge. That is to find another way to find a specific energy fruit, such as this lotus seed.

If you want to eat other low-level crystal nuclei for promotion, with the high level of strength, the crystal nuclei needed to be promoted again can not be calculated, that is, eating continuously for 365 days a year. What a waste of crystal nuclei.

"Open your mouth!" Bai Ling directly took out a lotus seed and said to Wang Jieming who walked sideways to himself.

"Bai Ling!" Seeing this scene, Li Fang was very busy, but she knew the preciousness of the lotus seed. Bai Ling actually planned to give the whole lotus seed to her son. This is absolutely not acceptable. The promotion of this thing is not so high. It doesn't help his son in vain. It is better to let Li Zhenghao promote them instead.

"Sister Li Fang, she has her consideration in doing things naturally!" Bai Xiaoxi took her by the way, and gently pulled her, "again, I agree that the child is promoted first, to be honest, if the child is weak in this team, it is only for us It's really dangerous! "

The people here are not stupid. Taking today as an example, regardless of whether the person really wants Bai Ling's eyes today, the person he shot did indeed come towards Bai Ling who has no power.

Fortunately, they are wrong. The strongest person in this team is Bai Ling except for the baby's small meat ball, so they are not in danger.

"Yeah, if someone threatens our children in the future ..." Bai Shan later touched the small meat ball's grinning face in fear, "Aren't we going to catch our hands?"

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