Apocalypse Rebirth: Chief, Don’t Move!

Chapter 457: True transformation

It can be seen that Bai Ling just stared at them silently with his hands on his chest, and the four people's moods became tense instantly.

"I hope this matter will not happen next time!" It took a long time to hear the cold voice.

But let these four people tense down.

Speaking of which, for the first time, they saw Bai Ling's serious and cold look, his breath suffocated, and they were even able to overwhelm them.

Bai Xiaoxi looked at them with complicated eyes. Anyway, he couldn't see the appearance of many Bai Ling.

Explaining this time, Bai Ling was very disappointed in what they did.

The entire room fell silent again.

Only Li Zhenghao continued to put on the market without saying anything.

"Look, you are all tired, go to wash first, then come here to eat something!" After all, Bai Ling said, at this time her look was much softer than before.

"Hmm!" Bai Shan and others responded dumbly before leaving.

About ten minutes later, the four people entered the room again, their expressions still condensed.

At this time, Li Jiaming only felt that there was a red thing in front of him, and he took it reflectively with his hand. Is it an apple? I looked up and saw a lovely Zhengtai face.

Bai Xiaoxi cracked a big smile, "I said, you look a bit ugly now, let's say who made no mistake? Once I was trained by my sister a few times, it was tougher than you, but ah, I also received a lot of lessons Ah. And the most impressive one was that my sister did n’t want to take me with me at the time. Sister Bai Shan should know that I almost became a zombie ’s ration! "

"Your kid still has such a miserable thing?" Li Jiaming was in a bad mood. Actually, he was angry with him for this matter. He hated his weakness and his ridiculous conscience. He couldn't even do such a small thing as Bai Ling ordered .

Does Li Fang think so? He kept saying that Bailing could be helped. What happened?

Bai Shan even understood that it was because of her weakness and goodwill that she had suffered many times. She only felt that the ridiculously clear mind had forced herself not to trust anyone! So I hate this kindness.

It has been twice, and if it is the third time, she is dead and deserves it, no one can complain.

But if they are influencing others because of their low minds, it is their fault.

So Li Jiamingqiang rallied with Bai Xiaoxi as usual.

"Hello!" When Bai Shan and Li Fang looked up, they saw an apple in a plate in front of them, and the fair hand held an apple and handed it to the silent Wang Jieming who was standing like a little adult.

"Eat, I will call my grandmother, take a look at the small meat balls, and wait for a snack!" Bai Ling smiled at the two people.

At the same time he took an apple and clicked it.

Bai Shan and Li Fang stopped talking, and finally looked down at the apple in their hands. I didn't know how to see a bit of sourness in their eyes. After half a ring, they vigorously bitten the apple and ate it, but did not bite it a few times Swallowed in.

They didn't care about the apples making their throats uncomfortable.

At the same time, he coughed at the same time, and the two looked at each other with a steadfast coldness in their eyes.

Obviously, this is the real transformation.

After an hour.

"The greatest happiness in life is to be able to eat a warm abalone in the last days." Bai Xiaoxi touched himself with satisfaction, and said with a smile two small tiger teeth.

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